Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Valentina's Group

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1 comment:

Valentina said...

Question # 4

Mallory’s great-grandfather lives in a tough time where the poverty and strife for survival reigns around the farmers. The war time forces him to see the meaning of life differently from other people. He becomes a determined brave person who has learned to value every moment of his life. Even Mallory feels it. “He had been in the war – think of that.” He doesn’t make his life miserable; he is not afraid of death. In spite of his disability, sick heart, summer heat, and his dutiful grandson’s ban, Pendleton takes his life-threatening journey to the country fair. He tries not to look old and weak.He says, “If she gits tired, I’ll carry her myself.” ( he means horse, Peggy) His participation in the race-track reveals his adventurous and risky nature. He enjoys every minute of the day: he rides on the merry-go-round and spends all his savings. His attitude towards life shows to Mallory that life can be a pleasure no matter what.

-159 words