Writing a List Poem: "A Note"
Beginning with "Life is the only way," write your own list poem using "A Note" as a model. Your poem must use the same (with minor variations) number of words and structure as Szymborska's. Use what you learned this week to compose a stronger poem.
Try to find a rhythm to the words you choose (note the number of syllables as well as the number of words). Be careful to punctuate exactly the same way and be aware of how the poet has used punctuation to divide and compare ideas. Post a copy of your poem to the blog before coming to Wednesday's class.
Be prepared to do a recital of your poem (please practice ahead of time!) and speak for one to two minutes on the process you followed and any difficulties you experienced. Marks will be assigned as follows: quality of poem—50%; recital—25%; remarks on process—25%.
NOTE: Check your formatting carefully after copy and pasting poem. You'll need to add spacing. Try to have your poem look exactly the same as the original handout if you can!
"Biker Brad"; narrative essay on my ride to Halifax
NOTE: Check your formatting carefully after copy and pasting poem. You'll need to add spacing. Try to have your poem look exactly the same as the original handout if you can!
"Biker Brad"; narrative essay on my ride to Halifax
Note for a 40th Anniversary
Life is the only way
to ride far from my home,
breathe deeply on steep hills,
be alone;
to cross Canada,
or stay with my friends;
to know pain
deep in a young man’s bones;
to sleep on hard ground,
dream of the road,
to strive for at least a hundred miles a day.
An extraordinary chance
to remember a roadside bear
on an Ontario highway
with daylight fading away;
and if only once
to wonder if it’s worth the time,
fix another flat tire on the shoulder,
forget why I wanted to go;
and to feel a breeze on my cheeks as I descend;
and to keep on with going
somewhere important.
—Brad Hyde; 9th version; May, 2015 (remembering the date of my departure: May 28, 1975)
Fatemeh Faraji Karimipor
A Doctor’s Note
Life is the only way
to have a new sick Patient,
sweat in the cloths by exam,
happy to know;
to be doctor,
to give a needle;
to know illness
show it him with delight;
to go with history,
give it to up,
to hope that everything is done correctly.
a wonderful nice moment
to know the good treatment
about the sick patient
that hasn’t any bad thing;
and if only once
to have slight error,
finish the history with sadness and pain,
loose your passion as doctor;
and forget it because it happens sometimes;
and to keep on with help
something important.
A Simple Note
Life is the only way
to enjoy stories at suppertime,
play games with your love ones,
laugh harder with joy;
to be polite,
or learn to be one;
to find a solution
when everything is complicated;
to live day by day,
and became less tense,
to accept or tolerate delays without getting angry.
An extraordinary time
to remember for a second
the smile for sorry on the little face
that flush the anger of breaking things;
and if only once
adversity touch your life,
and end up losing hope between so much pain,
forgive yourself on those mistakes;
find your stretch in this tale of life;
and remember not how long it is
but how good it is to be alive.
Mladen Gavric 55721
a note
Life is the only way
to sit around a fire,
here the crackles rejoice,
far from home;
to cast a stone,
or be casted on;
to fall hard,
but get back up again;
to tell the truths,
farfetched or not,
from the list of possible realities;
An amazing opportunity
to take something with us
that not long ago
lived in a foreign mind;
and if only once
climb an impossible slope,
only to see more shade at the summit.
forget your plans that day;
And to take the path that`s more unusual;
And to try and forget
Something important.
A Note to a Mother
Life is the only way
to teach how to cook,
say what is on your mind,
rise at dawn;
To be a cat,
or play with her kittens;
To tell grief
from everything it’s not;
To help a child,
support in school,
to seek of the least of our disagreements.
An extraordinary time
to remember for a moment
an encouraging word
without any time to lose;
And if only for once
to break up a fight,
end up being unloved by one person or another,
Mislay your wallet in the car;
and to remember a special time in your life;
and to keep on with loving
someone important.
A Note
Life is the only way
to grow goodness from seeds,
draw strength from each clan,
stand on quicksand;
to be a child,
or survive against all odds;
to seek light
from every dusk it’s not;
to see ethnic fights,
misleading the rights,
to watch crimes against the human rights.
An exceptional chance
to remember for a while
the wonderful lives
fell with courage and faith;
and if only once
to raise my voice,
and scream loud to stop the villainous acts,
hope my echo will join your voice;
and to follow a starlight above the world with our eyes;
and to keep on believing in
something divine.
A Note
Life is the only way
to wipe beads on a towel,
cuddle you in my arms,
sing a lullaby;
to tote my backpack,
or seal it in dusty attic;
to find home
from everywhere I don’t belong;
to retrieve faraway memories,
espresso in hands,
to fancy possible result of alternative choice.
An extraordinary chance
to engrave on my soul
a promise made
with the Galaxy sparkling in the sky;
and if only once
to doubt what I’m doing,
end up melted in your sunny chortle,
hold your hand toddling along the beach;
and to push a stroller in which your sister’s sleeping;
and to keep on with pursuing
something important.
-- 110 words
An Accountant’s Note
Life is the only way
to debit things you get,
credit something you have owed,
balance the figures;
to be a debtor
or become a trade creditor;
to show profits
from the financial statements;
to make double entries,
post the transactions,
to lodge the monthly GST PST reports quickly.
An extraordinary meeting
to analyze the economic crisis
in front of directors
with all management reports ready;
and if only once
to struggle balancing reconciliations,
end up only one cent different in an entry,
mistake to forecast the budget figures;
and to follow up the amendment of the budget;
and to keep on searching for
something unpredictable.
- 106 words
A Life Note
Life is the only way
to enjoy yourself,
as a wonderful gift,
given by god;
to be humorous,
or laugh at other’s jokes;
to find happiness
from everything it’s not;
to dream about the future,
and what it holds,
to wonder if dreams ever come true.
An extraordinary chance
to remember the good times
we shared together
from the beginning of time;
and if only once
to stumble upon a fork,
end up making a wise or poor decision,
forgetting the bad times;
and to ask yourself about tomorrow;
and to forget the past
something memorable.
96 words
Devinder Sandhu 64553
A Rider's Note
Life is the only way
to jump inside the train,
catch your breath for making it on time,
race with people;
to go to work
or stay home alone;
to feel pain
from going up and down;
to squeeze inside the train,
hoping to find a seat,
to check my messages on my Android phone.
An extraordinary chance
to remember for a second
a talk with a stranger
asking money for gas;
and if only once
to escape the long delay,
end up coming to work thirty minutes early,
hold on tight during the ride
and to witness the bright light throughout the night;
and to keep on wandering
something stunning.
A Note
Life is the only way
to hear my baby's giggling,
sip mocha on the beach,
fly on clouds;
to be a lily,
or revel in its sweetness;
to forget
all the betrayal and hurt;
to kiss your lover,
go for a trip,
to figure out what is the most meaningful thing.
An extraordinary chance
to remember for a moment
my lovely boy says mommy
showing his little front teeth;
and if only once
to be bit by a snake,
end up feeling scared of even though a rope,
fail the driving test once again;
and to try to climb the peak of Grouse Mountain;
and to keep on not thinking
something important.
--110 words
Camping Note
Life is only way
to meet close friends,
put tents beside campfires,
free your soul;
to sing a song,
or fall in to dreams;
to climb a cliff
hold my breath from looking down;
to wonder at a lake,
forget the bears,
to splash a water's silver mirror.
An exceptional time
to feel unity with nature
count stars in the sky
tired from the city jungle;
and if only once
to fight chilly nights,
end up enveloped together in a blanket,
mislay your light in the grass;
and be surprised with coffee on a chirping morning;
and to keep on dissolving
somewhere in the clouds.
A Note
Life is the only way
to keep learning new things,
support myself all the time,
cheer up Debbie;
to be a baby,
or take a first step;
to feel growth
from everything it’s not;
to embrace solitude,
broaden my views,
to seek decent friends in this new place.
An extraordinary chance
to remember for a moment
mingling with little kids
who have care-free minds;
and if only once
to bring me down badly,
end up surrendering faith and hope in me,
get up again after falling;
and to realize a great comfort from innocent eyes;
and to keep on thinking of
something playful
A Man’s Note
Life is the only way
to find where you belong,
deal with all the curve balls,
rise on strength;
to be a bud,
or a falling leave;
to tell right
from others that are wrong;
to explore the unknown,
fight for your faith,
to work hard for a better world tomorrow.
An extraordinary time
to reflect on the memories
with a smile on the face
celebrating our life;
and if only once
to lose sight of who you are,
end up broken down by the demon within you,
mistake the place where you stand;
and to follow the direction on the compass;
and to keep on searching
something important.
A Health's Note
Life is the only way
to remind us all,
that health is wealth,
live with joy;
to gain fame,
or risk it all;
to have powers
desired by all;
to keep on going,
without knowing,
to brace yourself consequences are waiting.
An extraordinary chance
to remember for a moment
the Universe's screaming
wanted us to live and breathe;
and if only once
to know that when illness occurs,
finish sure health is the greatest of all,
too much, too little, too late;
and you will forever regret;
and to remind ourselves that our health is
something that should be on top of the list.
Life is the only way
to make it very real,
catch me with your spirit,
come with me;
to start again,
we took a dark leap;
to blow out
the dark clouds from us;
to clear out our mistakes,
think about me,
to feel how the shadows have turned into light.
An amazing time to enjoy
to spend for a moment with you
an illusion that stays
with us all the night;
our souls are waiting
maybe a bit too much,
end it up right now and come to me on this day,
follow your instinct and think;
who is to say that we always have to agree;
in flames I went to bed
nothing else can be.
A Note
Life is the only way
to listen to music at the quiet nights,
feel the rhythms and the beats,
catch the lyrics;
to be a guitar,
or strum its nylon strings;
to tell melody
from everything it’s not;
to make tunes for my heart,
find new strengths,
to continue enjoying the sounds of life.
A wonderful moment
to remember all the songs
we raised together
in the sunny days or gloomy nights;
and if only once
to play the wrong chords,
end up missing the tempo and perfect pitch,
lost my voices on the stage;
and to feel embarrassed in front of the guests;
or to keep on with singing
something meaningful.
A Note
Life is the only way
to get lost in a novel
journey to different world
wings spread high;
to be save,
or become a hero
to feel pain
from being emotionless;
to listen to music
waves turn to lyrics
to calm a broken soul as light fights darkness.
An extraordinary chance
to remember a chain heart
with scars has been unlock
to heal and embrace;
and if only once
to escape the madness,
end up coming a role model,
Forget all the wrong people;
and to follow the right path with ears wide alert;
and to keep going until
something important.
A Note
Life is the only way
to sit with you side by side,
bask in the sun with eyes closed,
enjoy the day;
to peek at a watch,
or throw it away;
to keep a balance
on shaky ground;
to lead a child by the hand,
delay this moment,
to realize kids grow up too fast.
An extraordinary chance
to remember for a moment
a long road trip
with the sunroof opened;
and if only once
to refuse a difficult task,
shut the book and put it out of my sight,
lay aside some important work;
and visit some forgotten person to mend the broken bridge;
and to keep on with feeling
something important.
A Note
Life is the only way
to follow your dreams,
inhale - catch a deep breath,
rise on wings;
to live in the moment,
or take things for granted;
to distinguish perfection
from everything it's not;
to never lose faith,
to feel loved,
to be thankful for your blessings.
An extraordinary chance
to remember for a moment
the closure with the past
and its' selfish moments
and if only once
to surrender while falling,
believe in yourself for you will conquer it,
even if you feel as if there is no way out
there really is light after darkness,
and to keep on searching in life
for the beauty yet to be discovered.
A Student’s Note
Life is the only way
to learn new things,
follow brightness in the darkness,
search with joy;
to be an ant,
or learn from its hard work;
to be patient
when homework challenges you;
to squeeze your head,
sink in thoughts,
to remember everything in the test.
An extraordinary chance
to change the world for better
through your knowledge
with the empty hands;
and if only once
to fail an important exam,
end up giving yourself an incentive,
fail while forgetting an answer;
and to promise yourself not to give up learning;
and to keep on searching for
something important.
A Note
Life is the only way
to see the rising sun,
hold your breath in the water,
sing on stage;
to feed squirrels,
or pack nuts mouth full;
to tell a joke
from something it’s not beneath;
to think over and over,
focus on the moment,
to figure out duties assigned regardless my will.
A turning point
to remember for a moment
an unexpected attitude
with apologies from the heart;
and if only once
to stumble on what you believe,
end up ignored when you need a cheer,
store something important carelessly;
and to spend all day to find it with faded memory;
and to keep bragging about
your strength which isn’t. (111 words)
Amy's note
Life is the only way
to color the empty spot,
smooth and gentle brush stroke,
clear and neat;
to be perfect,
or bottom to the top;
to find new
fom everything it's not;
to forget the stress,
relax at home,
to look your favorite in second drawer.
An exceptional chance
to remember for a while
the wonderful hue
without any negative;
and if only once
to ruin your domain,
end up erase in one cover up or another,
hope mine matches to yours;
and to ask your like one;
and to fill it again
something special.
97 words
Nature’s Gifts
Life is the only way
to sail around the ocean,
enjoy the scent of pine trees,
experience nature;
to be a fish,
or dance under soft water;
to find the truth
from everything it’s not,
to find your happiness,
follow your dreams,
to remember to have wishes.
An extraordinary chance
to reminisce for a moment
a thought about God
that makes my heart smile;
and if only once
to encounter a barrier,
make sure to dissect the causes,
wonder about the beauty of nature;
and keep reminding ourselves He loves his creatures;
and to keep knowing
someone important.
Okay, so very sorry for the late post. I did not have access to my desktop which stored my files for the past few days due to some bugs I've encountered. Finally today I was able to fix the problem.
A Note
Henry Young
Life is the only way
to read the inks on paper,
dig your head in the books,
see the words;
to be a quill,
or hold on its stem;
to record
what everything you see;
to fix what was broken,
learn it along,
to search for more that is about to be yours.
An astonishing event
to realize for a second
an encounter before
and if only once
to witness certain people,
end up shutting your own eyes and turn around,
deliberately close up the door;
and to scramble towards the treasury mountain;
and to keep on not knowing
something important.
The Note
Life is the only way
to bike along the seashore,
enjoy sun and blue sky
pedal with joy;
to day dream ,
or plan the future;
to tell the truth
be friend with a stranger;
to buy a coffee with your new buddy ,
share some jokes,
to meet someone new and create memories.
An extraordinary time
to remember once again
all the good friends
had an impact in your life;
and If only once
coincidence brought disloyalty ,
end up feeling remorse to choose a wrong person,
to be left alone in a huge house;
and begin walking in a cold night without a warm jacket;
and to keep going to do
something important .
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