Student marks for in-class work are recorded based on your work handed in at the end of class. These marks will not be changed and apply towards your 25% score for in-class evaluation.
Rewrites of in-class work are given a mark as out-of-class work and will count towards the 20% given for out-of-class evaluation. You may improve your score by doing a good job on your rewrites; however, the best idea is to do a better job in class.
If an in-class assignment is missed, the student will be given an out-of-class score on that assignment when handed in. Be sure to attend class regularly to avoid this situation! Many missed classes will lower your overall mark.
If you must miss a test or in-class essay, notify me in advance of the test day. Students may not write on the same topics as other students in the class if a test is missed. Missed tests and essays are made up in the lab as time permits.