Learning to See: Responding to the Film, "Temple Grandin"
Write a personal response to the film. Include a
comment on one scene you liked (for example, an interesting scene early in the
film shows Temple’s mother trying to help her learn to read; other important
scenes include Temple’s college graduation speech, buying a truck, the door at
the market, visiting her professor etc.) Write 150 to 200 words in a paragraph,
word process and bring to class. Be sure
to mention specifically something we see (an image) and not only what happens.
If you missed class or wish to watch scenes again, here is a link to an online stream for the film, Temple Grandin. Be patient as the stream is slow. Pause the playback for a time to avoid buffering.
If you missed class or wish to watch scenes again, here is a link to an online stream for the film, Temple Grandin. Be patient as the stream is slow. Pause the playback for a time to avoid buffering.