Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Something New; Something Memorable

Write two paragraphs, one for each topic, one for "something new" and one for "something memorable." You may mention multiple examples or expand on one example. Your paragraphs should be a minimum of 150 words and maximum of 200 words for each topic.

Be specific and detailed in your writing. Use your best sentences and proofread carefully. Work is due before class time on Wednesday, June 10. Post here and bring a copy, properly formatted, to class to hand in that day. Thank you everyone.

My comments will follow yours and will be posted before the end of next week.


Unknown said...

Something Memorable

In Brad’s English 12 class, there were lots of things that were memorable to me:

TED talks, RSAnimates, narrative essays, and presentations. The thing that would will

stay with me the most are the silent films. I had a great time watching them and found a

new hobby for the weekends. “Sunrise” was a great movie and even though there is no

dialogue the depth in which the actors portray what’s happening is incredible. “The

Kid,” a Charlie Chaplin film, was a surprisingly hilarious movie. I never thought a silent

film could be so funny. Chaplin has a great way with his comedy and uses his actions to

portray a scene perfectly. I had a lot of fun with the poetry as well, a subject I never

thought I would enjoy. I found that reading some of the poetry on the website was

extremely fun and the messages behind some of the poetry have great pieces of advice

for us to use in life. I also feel like writing poetry is a great way to express yourself

and unwind after a stressful day. There were many, many more memorable things, but

these were my favourite.

-195 words
Something New

Brad’s English 12 class was a great experience. To some up all the things that are

new in just 200 words would be impossible, but I’ve chosen some great events

that I think I’ll always remember. The thing that was the newest would have to be

making presentations in class. This is not something I’m use to and the experience I’ve

gained from it will help me throughout life. Standing up in front of 30 people and

presenting something I prepared on my own is terrifying, but if I had to do it again I

wouldn’t change a thing. I’ve definitely gained confidence and I think if I had to do it

again I would only get better at it. All the group discussions in class were another set of

new events. Having to get into our groups for a discussion every class was not only

helpful in our assignments but also very fun. The discussions we had would range from

being really deep and personal to being extremely goofy and lots of fun. I had a blast in

Brad’s class and will be sad seeing it end!

-188 words

Irina said...

Something new

There was a lot of new in Brad’s class. One of the something new for me in our English 12 class was to write a poem and present it in front of the class. I never had opportunity before to present poems in English, yet I was happy to have a chance to overcome my fear of public speaking. Moreover, I found that writing a poem is challenging but possible task. Brad’s class helped me to gain the confidence in speaking by discussing topics in our small groups. Another “new” was for me to share my works in the blog with other students. I found it interesting and new to compare my feelings to other students’ writing. This way I could organize my thoughts way ahead I put them on white piece of paper. Movies we were watching were new for me too. It was new to be persuaded by animated lecture and to sympathize silent movie's characters. All this together with Brad’s new teaching techniques made his classes interesting and unpredictable.


Something memorable

Most memorable in Brad’s class for me was to hear and then read his narrative essay in the blog about his bike ride to Halifax across Canada. It stuck to my mind because I imagined right away how hard it was to accomplish that long trip alone without all our modern gadgets: cellphones, Internet, and GPS. Besides, in 70’s there were no thin, lightweight and, the same time, waterproof tents and clothes that we can all easily buy now in well-known Mountain Equipment co-op store. While I was reading his essay, I could vividly see the trucks passing him along the road and pushing dangerous wall of air, creating strong wind. I was impressed how the young fellow Brad “had stuck it out and got there, one way or another.” Thank you Brad for sharing with us your unforgettable experience! It was interesting for me to read and then think about.


Unknown said...

Fatemeh Faraji Karimipour

“Something New”

In English 12 class by Mr. Hyde were lots of things “ New”. The first thing that was “New” was
writing my first( and second) poems. I have never wrote a poem in Highschool or school. We had some
poetry lessons, but not writing a poem about a subject. Mr. Hyde made it possible for us. The second
thing that were“New” was groupdiscussions. An interesting groupdiscussion was about “Katania”. One
of the student found the story funny , and he said: “It isn’t real”. Another student said “It is between
reality and imagination”. I like groupdiscussions because I learned everytime from them. The talking in
groupdiscussions brought us a lot of confidence. Also presentations were with a lot of courage and
bravely. Students with different nationalities and heritages have different opinions. And something
“New” was silent film “Sunrise”. It was about one couple who come together at middle of the film
eventhough the man cheated her with another woman, and wants to kill his wife. I cannot admire this
moment of the film.I like Mr. Hyde’s class and how he presented things with so much patience , and
tolerate every student.
189 words

“something Memorable”

Something Memorable in English 12 class were my best character Rezak, RSAnimation, and A
Memorable assignment. My best charcter is “Rezak” in the short story “ A Spoiled Man”. I like him
because he is honest and, and has a good manner. He marries a feebleminded girl, but she disappeares
at the end. Eventhough he is a pleasant man, he has a bad destiny, and isn’t lucky and fortunate.
He dies at the end of the story, and the story shows that some people are not lucky eventhough they
work hard. They make a life for themselves, but God take it from them. The RSAnimation about “
Changing Education Paradigms” was persuasive and interesting. Something that you cann’t forget. It was
interesting in the way that some students cann’t concentrate because of i- phone, computer, and many
T.V-channels. The doctors put them on dangerous drugs. I like this RSAnimation because in some
countries , you can get a job without going to school. It is good for distracted children. They don’t need
to take drugs that bring bad experiences. And finally I liked as A Memorable Assignment: William
Zinsser’s talking to students of Journalism who graduated. I like it because William Zinsser likes simple
words like see, sky, earth, words that are in our bones. He likes active verbs instead of passive verbs, and
he says that long latin sentences are our enemy.
227 words

Unknown said...

Something New
When I first started English 12 at Pearson, I didn’t think it would end up like this. I first started determined to take an A+. I thought this class would be like all of my other classes. But I was wrong! This class is totally different. Although I didn’t get the marks I expected, I learned a lot of new things in this class. Brad (the teacher) has a lot of interesting techniques that makes the students involved in the class. The blog was one of the new things for me. I had never used it in my entire life. All the group discussions were really interesting but I still remember the poem “Here I am” that I did first time for the class. I could never imagine how discussing with other students about the homework would be any good, but after a few weeks I realized that I was getting good feedback, and that helped me to improve my writing. This class was full of exciting activities. I hope all the other students enjoyed the class as much as I did.
Word Count: 180

Something Memorable:
When I remember Brad’s English 12 class, there are a lot of memorable moments that I would never forget. I can still remember how I felt when I got my first homework back since It was a very long time that I did my homework and I scored 6 marks. It motivated me to work hard to achieve my goals Earlier I thought the class would be easy for me. It took me a few more classes to get used to Brad’s teaching style. One of the most memorable classes was the class when we watched the movie “Sunrise.” This movie was very inspiring as it gave us the true meaning of love and loyalty. It was my first time watching a silent movie. Moreover, I would never forget the day I presented my poem. I never thought that I would be able to do it but after reading my poem to the class, I was surprised that everyone liked it. This class was full of memories that I wouldn’t forget in my life.

Word Count: 170

Unknown said...

Something New

Most of us have the passion to learn something new and we all learn a little differently.
Mr. Hyde's unique way of teaching was the most beneficial in this course. I believe that trying out alternate methods of teaching to students was the best way to keep students interested in learning. Group discussions, presentations, blogging, TED talks were just few of the essential techniques to gain knowledge and experience in this course. I cried and laughed to the two silent movies that we participated in class; "Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans" and the Charlie Chaplin's "The Kid." I wish I knew before hand what was coming so I could have brought a box of tissues, a bag of popcorn and a drink while watching! I wrote two poems (not to mention reciting them in class) and a short narrative story in Mr. Hyde's class - now that was something NEW to me! If someone were to ask me if I would do it over again, yes, I would. I hope Mr. Hyde wouldn't change a thing, it's perfect the way it is.

184 words

Something Memorable

Our class was a diverse classroom. We learned from one another despite our differences in cultures and values. Each and everyone's uniqueness made a fun and exciting learning environment not only to us but to Mr. Hyde as well. We all faced challenges in learning but the acceptance, willingness and determination all made it possible for us to be ONE. We were here to learn and to gain knowledge and with the help of Mr. Hyde we were able to leave behind something memorable. I, myself will never forget, and something that I must be proud of; my narrative essay (short story) that I wrote in this class. I have always thought that my unconditional love for my brother would make a great story but I did not know where to start. Mr. Hyde and my classmates' feedbacks, opinions and the materials that were given to class made it all possible for me to fulfill a long time dream of writing my story about my brother. I have it now in paper and ready to share to the world. Thank you, everyone for all the wonderful memories.

187 words.

Serena K. said...

Something New

Writing a narrative essay is a new challenge this term. It was ironic that I couldn’t think of anyone to describe while there were a number of interesting people around. When I read “Her Smile” and “A Mother of Her Class,” I had a person in mind, a memorable teacher, in recent years. After I chose a person, I spent time to write down a list of events regarding the person. Surprisingly, there were so many things to write about, then—before making a list, I worried about what to write. Homework from the English class came with pressure all the time; it looked a heavy burden some times. This term, I saw writing in another view, however. Observing Brad’s different versions in same subjects, I tried to put myself in writing. Then, poems in same structure can’t be same, and there’s plenty things to write for a narrative essay as I can’t be same any moment—I grow and change every moment in another words. Writing a narrative essay, I found my desire to write more often like a diary: just a sentence (a theme of a day), or a paragraph, or a poem. (197 words)

Something Memorable

The most memorable was images of classmates with encouragement. Not very long after beginning this term, I wanted to withdraw the course again because of sudden increase of work hours. I told some classmates about my concern, and they shared their stories which gave me encouragement. Debbie takes Law 12 and Eng. 12 together this term. She’s working also. Jovana D. shared her job experience, and I got a hint how to talk to my boss what I want. Also, I saw Mr. Yao brought his child to the class because he had to take care of his young one. Paul put his vocational life in his poem, ‘An Accountant’s Note.’ Maya’s expecting her baby any moment. Everyone in the class carries their duties whether it’s intense or not. I’ve got one more day-off a week on regular basis from work after a discussion with my boss, so I could catch up a big test (a five-paragraph essay.) Interactions among different people in a class brought inspiration to me to write better; at the same time, I felt encouragement through them, so I had my confidence back to finish this term. (193 words)

Unknown said...

Something New
In English 12, Group discussion with a large class of students was something new that I enjoyed as a student. I learn a lot from my peers in each discussion and the most important was that I started new friendships and become confident with myself. Each time was different because we got different partner so I had the opportunity of met a new friend. I am glad that Brad (teacher of English 12 class) encourages participation to listen different opinions. Promote participation was the key for this class and it was a good resource of learning from each other. Personally, I think it was helpful to get confident from each other. It was funny sometimes we go off topic and started talking about personal experience or just making jokes. Knowing that group discussions is difficult sometimes we all participate with respect and I love it because help me to break my barrier of being shy for years.
157 words

Something Memorable
English 12 class has a lot of memorable moments that I would never forget. One of them was present a poem in front of a large class. I was terrified like a mouse in a cat house. My previous experience (as a student of English 11) helped me to manage my nervousness better this time. I performed more calmly and keep eye contact with the class. Furthermore, share a memorable essay assignment with the class was something special for me, because I am not the kind of person who shares personal life with others. I am too shy for it; however, I felt great to share my experience from my childhood. English 12 is an extraordinary class that pushes me to the limits and helps me to discover new ways of learning. I wouldn’t ever forget this class because I squeeze my brain like lemon any time I have an assignment and I always discover something new with Brad (teacher of English 12). This class give me the power of believe in myself and get more confident.
177 words

Unknown said...

Something New
For a student, every semester is a new start; however, this semester is totally different for me. From the kindergarten to the university, all my classmates are at same age, with similar background, speaking same language and sharing same values. Prior to coming into the classroom for the first class of English 12, I couldn’t imagine how diversified a class would be. When I found that I have more than twenty classmates at different ages (from teen to sixty), coming from different countries and cultures, with different races and beliefs, I doubted if I can get along well with them. But soon, I find my worry is ridiculous. When I talk with my classmates in group discussion, we can share our specific opinions from different perspectives with respect to each other, and I can always collect sparkling ideas; when I listen to my classmates reciting their poems, I am inspired by their exceptional experience and resonate with their sentimental verses, feeling warmth streaming in my heart; when we watch silent films, “Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans” and “The Kid,” we feel joyful or upset along with the plot, no matter how old we are and where we are from. Every student is unique and talented, and I learn more from the diversity.
-- 219 words

Something Memorable
There are many things impressive in this semester, but the most memorable one is watching my classmates’ presentation to recite the poems they write. It is my second time to join the poem presentation; however, this time, I feel more excited as I have more than twenty classmates with much diversity. I cannot forget the clap I get when I walk to front of the classroom from my seat, which is full of encouragement and expectation, making me feel vigorous. I cannot forget their gaze when I raise my head from the paper after reciting a verse, something gleaming in their eyes, thus I know my poem resonates with them. Moreover, I cannot forget every poem my classmates write --joyful or sad, motivating or sentimental, flowery or plain -- because I know how carefully they are to draft and refine every word, and I understand there is a unique and beautiful story behind every poem. Finally, I cannot forget Brad’s reaction to every presentation--delighted and considerate, even though not every presenter deliver a good performance. Thanks to this practice, I get back my interest in poetry--which I lost decades years ago. I believe this memorable moment will stay in my mind for quite a long time.
-- 209 words

Unknown said...

Something New

In this term I found a few new things while learning. I had the opportunity to experience a completely different style of the English 12 class, giving me a new feeling of English. The first thing is our blog. The blog created a web communication that everyone could participate and share his or her opinion. This is a very convenient form of teaching where I could see Brad’s sample comments, read my classmates’ writing, and posted my homework. It also helped me to improve my text editing and typing skills. Another new experience for me was writing the poems. I had never done it in English before. At the beginning I thought this task was impossible to complete and the thought of the upcoming presentation led me to despair. After the group work in the class I realized that I needed to work on my poem harder and I appreciate my classmates for the help. Meanwhile, I was involved in the writing process and it is becoming more interesting and exciting. After all I am happy with the result and I like my poem “Life is the only one way.”
-190 words

Something Memorable

The most memorable for me was reading an article “Writing Good English” by William Zinsser. It was truly a revelation for me and I looked at the English language from a different angle. I had an absolutely contrary opinion about “good writing.” This material encourages foreign students to use the simple but correct words to make the content more comprehensive. I am still under the impression of this article. And when my hand goes to write a long sentence in a few lines I always recall a rule from William Zinsser: “Simple is good, short is always better than long.” Another unforgettable moment was the watching a silent movie “Sunrise: A song of Two Humans.” It was amazing that I could enjoy the movie without a dialogue. It's a brilliant imagery and the ground-breaking techniques that make it such a timeless accomplishment. The other memorable thing from this class was a group discussion. I am very grateful to all my classmates who have tried to understand me. I’m looking forward to learn and do more new things tomorrow.
-178 words

Unknown said...

Something New

Mr. Brad’s class was an excellent experience where I get introduced to a new teaching style that promotes learning new concepts in each unit and gains new friends through group work. In fact, Mr. Brad provided an outstanding style of teaching via presentations, movies, RSA animate, short stories and group work. First, the handouts were well organized and the blog assignment smoothed my due homework. It’s easy to follow the guidelines of each class and accomplish the individual or group work. Second, the content of the materiel--handed or seen--is unique and has meaningful thought. In particular, I learned to do not repel writing anymore “Simple is good, short is better than long.” Last, the group work was a new way to learn from my peers by sharing our points of view while making new friends. Moreover, discussing each topic with the group allowed me to correct and review my writing (especially on the poem “A Note”). These new method of teaching provides concrete solutions and good learning environment for English 12 students. Thank you, Mr. Brad Hyde for your enthusiastic way of teaching.

(186 words)

Something Memorable

During this English 12 class we shared many memorable moments and the best ones are our presentations of “Here I Am”, the silent films and the group work. Indeed, speaking in front of a large class was a challenging task and unforgettable moment. Even though, I learned a few tips for an excellent speech, I couldn’t control my anxiety nor defeat my fear of performing “my poem” in front of our class. Meanwhile, it was an interesting experience where we shared our metaphors—of describing life--and touched the multicultural background of the students. Surely, both silent films “Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans” and “The Kid” are the most impressive ones due to the importance of their themes and the amazing work behind each scene. It was wonderful moments watching these films in class and discussing their settings and characters. At last, the group work was indelible moments to me. This special time, of brainstorming and sharing opinions, intends to encourage our work. In brief, this English 12 class come to the end and the most valuable thing we carry-out with us are the memorable moments that we share it together. Thank you, all students for your cooperation and sincere work.

(200 words)

Jovie Via said...

Something New

English 12 class is a fun and exciting class and I am glad to be a part of it. Writing poems, watching films and conducting presentations in front of the class are experiences not new to me however, what's new is the feeling of excitement and happiness that I feel whenever I get together and work with a group of students. “Something New” to me is being within a large group of people (over 30 students) and getting to know each of them. It is a wonderful feeling to learn something new and to share my ideas with others. Each group discussions has helped me grow and develop my communication skills. I remember the RSAnimation we discussed, we learned about persuasion and how difficult it was to pursue the viewers or students, indeed that was a one the “New” techniques that Mr. Brad taught us. Learning “Something New” is definitely something I'm proud to be a part of.

--158 words

Something Memorable

What makes things memorable is that they are meaningful. Each time I come to class is a new experience that I would keep in mind and remember for the rest of my life. For example, presenting our poem was a nerve racking experience, but It was fun and I consider it as an accomplishment exercise. It was memorable although most of us struggle, we are determine from the process to making it happen and deliver our own poem in front of the class with confidence. Another unforgettable example was the silent film “Sunrise:A Two Humans” and “The Kid”; we learn moral and life lesson experiences—I even cry and laugh like crazy-- and I would for sure watch more silent movies in the future. Most memorable of all was that we learn to respect, to listen, and to share our opinions whenever we are in a group discussion. Last but not least, something memorable to me was making friends outside the class unexpectedly.

---164 words

Unknown said...

Something New
Since Brad’s English 12 class started, I’ve learnt many new lessons and tried my best to improve the way of putting my ideas into the writing. His teaching style was totally different than other teachers and it was hard for me to follow, because I was not familiar with his instruction. I’m not used to post any paragraph or pitch of narrative essay before. Therefore, participating Brad’s blog assignment was new to me. Also, presenting my personal poem in front of the classmates was new to me. I have never shared my poem with others, because in the high school system students don't usually share their poems or personal stories to each other (most of time only teacher check ours.) However, I finally accomplished my work in surprisingly enjoyable way. Although my first poem 'Here I Am' seems not perfect, I was proud of myself that I tried my best. Even though I had a hard time to understand the assignments, it was a unique experience.

170 words.

Something Memorable
The most memorable aspect in Brad’s English 12 class was about the students themselves. Sharing their ideas on the blog, presenting personal experiences in front of classmates, and discussing in group have allowed the classmates to understand the assignment well and finish with better quality. Brad randomly picked four or five classmates and put them into the small groups to discuss certain topics, and those activities always helped me to organize my thoughts and correct errors that I didn’t notice. Writing a narrative essay was another memorable experience; it allowed me to look back in my life and examine my experience; and that reminded me the promises that I made a long time ago. During the conversation with my group, the most valuable thing to me was when I gained a confidence which I have lost long time ago. For this particular reason, I will always remember this experience.

150 words.

Unknown said...

Something New

I experienced many new things in Brad's English 12 classes. He is the first teacher who uses a blog to share students' assignments I have ever met. I am an idiot about any electronic technology—including computer or internet. I was very anxious about it, even though just applying for a Gmail account. Since I got used to do it, logging in my account, posting my assignment on the blog, I found out the benefits from it. I could share my ideas with my classmates, and I got help from them as well when I was stuck on some topic. Brad was always the first one to post his work, which became a very important model to me. Brad asked us to print our assignments most of time. I thought it was very inconvenient at beginning because I didn't have a printer at home, but when I saw all of my works printing neatly and being bound together like a book, I felt so proud of myself. I had a lot of fun in Brad's classes, and I will keep them in my heart forever. It's a fantastic experience.

--188 words

Something Memorable

There are many memorable things in Brad's English 12 classes. Brad never used test books in his classes. He wrote down all the procedure and details we were going to do on a sheet every class. We had a lot of group discussions. Brad put us in different groups each time, so we had more chances to talk to different classmates and made more friends. Brad made a comment on our each assignment, and he always used our name in it ( like “ well done, Yan!”), just like he was talking to you in person. Reading his comment was very joyful. In Brad's class, I experienced my first narrative essay writing which contained one thousand words. It was the longest work I have ever written in a second language. It was like a mission impossible. Brad gave us time to make the first and second drafts, and then the final copy. Finally, I finished my first narrative essay in my life ( I believe it will be the longest one I will ever write in my entire life.) I will miss Brad and his English 12 classes so much.

--192 words

Unknown said...

Something New

There were many new things for me during this class, like “sharing your writing ideas”, writing poems, learning from your own mistakes and organizing ideas. The blog is a very helpful tool that allows you to have a better understanding about how things need to get done. You can read your classmates work and they can read yours. It helps a lot when you ran out of ideas or you can’t find inspiration. It was the first time for me participating in a blog. I never did it before and it was a good experience to share with others. Something new for me was watching silent films. My favorite film was the last one!” The Kid” a Charles Chaplin film from 1921. I never watch any of his movies before. And this film was unexpected and unforgettable. For sure I will be watching more of those films full of creativity and sense of humor combined with dramatic moments. I totally love it.

154-- Words

Something Memorable

Writing a poem was the most memorable assignment for me. I never wrote a poem before and I’m not a fan of them. But I must admit that it was very enjoyable. The result was very regarding and satisfactory. I never expected to get so into it. I had to work on three different poems to reach my final result. Once I started I couldn’t put it down. It was a very addictive writing. After listening Leonard Cohen, with his recited version “A Thousand Kisses Deep”. He has become something memorable to me. I don’t know too much about poetry, but Leonard took me deep into my emotions with his performance. I didn’t see before such a passion and strength in a poetry performance. His poem was very enjoyable to hear. I highly recommended. You can perceive the emotions just by the look on his face and the expression on his eyes.

154 --Words

Unknown said...

Something New
English 12 made me read, listen, watch, speak, write, and “think” in English. (I used to learn English in Korean.) That is simply something new to me. During those activities, I explored (rather than learned) a new world through English. I have been to many new places: the Soviet Union through “Katania,” Pakistan through “A Spoiled Man,” and a town somewhere near a lake through “Sunrise.” Besides, I met new people: Glenn Greenwald and Andrew Stanton through TED talks of “Why Privacy Matters” and “The Clues to a Great Story.” With full of English, I have two new things that I started to do personally. One is to reply to my realtor’s e-mails (not my husband’s job anymore). They are simple letters (not even close to 200 words), but I couldn’t do it without English 12. The other one is to say “thank you” to bus drivers when I get off. I know it sounds silly, but it was difficult for me to speak out (perhaps, a lack of confidence). Now, it is time to get off from a journey of English 12, and to travel to a newer world all by myself. Thank you “Biker Brad!” Thank you my comrades!
--201 words

Something Memorable
Among all work from the very first one (one picture of the cartoon) to the last one (the narrative essay) in English 12, the most memorable thing to me is getting feedback of each assignment from Brad. When Brad said, “Nicely done, Debbie” or “I like your approach, Debbie,” those made my day—it worked (more than two mint candies)! Also, when he said, “a bit off here, Debbie,” then, I realized that there was something wrong. His positive feedback and correction on my work was valuable and exclusive because he was speaking to me personally and sincerely. In fact, his advice and comments were my fuel to achieve my goal here with full of fulfillment. As Brad warned me at the beginning, English 12 demanded an ongoing commitment of time and energy. (Yes, it is very true.) However, it was fun challenge; he didn’t teach me anything, but he made me think. I feel privileged and a sense of pride at this point because no one can’t take away what I have gained in English 12 from me. No one!
--180 words

Unknown said...

Something Memorable
One of the most memorable moments in English 12 class was the “A Note” presentations from each of students. I really enjoyed listening to my classmates’ sharing about the process of writing the poem; from the sharing and the recital of the poem its self, I could know more about their hobbies, backgrounds, cultures, and unique experiences in lives. Jonathan, a father of two little kids, shared how his life has changed after moving to Canada (he came from China). He used to been very busy at work, but now he can spend more time with his children, “cuddle [them] in my arms/sing a lullaby,” he stated. Before Yovana recited her poem, she mentioned about her feelings lives far from her families in Peru. I also could not forget how Gemma, who struggles with her broken hip after an accident, with whole-heartedly reminded us to treasure health. Suddenly, after knowing the backgrounds of the poems, I felt not only more connected with them, but also very thankful could learn a lot about life from their experiences. For me, the presentations were one of the most remarkable moments in this class.
-190 words

Something New
From English 12 class, I got a new feeling and confidence about writing. For almost 30 years, writing was a nightmare for me. I used to not like writing (especially the poem). That was why although I finished my bachelor’s and master’s theses, I have never seen the importance of writing. However, started from English 11 class (last year) and then from English 12 class (just now), I have got a lot of advice about good writing from Brad, the teacher. Besides his own knowledge and experiences in teaching, he also provided some very valuable and practical articles about writing to boost the student to write well. One of the articles that is still echoing in mind is “Writing Good English,” by Zinsser. This article has convinced me the need of simplicity in writing. So, since two months ago, after having a lot of practice, surprisingly, I have started loving writing. At this moment, I would like to extend my gratitude to Brad, who has successfully opened my eyes to see the beauty of writing and to taste its great delight.
-181 words

Paul Chen said...

Something New

I thought it wouldn’t have had “something” new in this semester because this was my second time to take Brad’s English 12 class. The fact was I was wrong. At the first day I stepped into the class and saw my “new” classmates who were energetic and creative, I knew my life in this class would be diverse and challenging. Compared to the last semester, the atmosphere in the class was very distinct – lively discussion with a cheerful and relaxing mind. Another new thing was “Painting pictures with words” that inspired me a lot in my narrative essay writing. I never thought of this idea and have had problems to descript things or people in writing. Watching silence movies were another new try in my life and, through the movies, I could understand the messages the movie makers wanted to show their concern about the social problem. I have a good experience in the class this semester.

- 157 words

Something Memorable

It is a sad moment that we are reaching the end of the term. Although there were a lot of memorable events happened in the class, all of you have made great contributions to make the class lovely and fun. Because of your participation in class activities and group discussion, the atmosphere of study in the class was wonderful and fascinating. Not only did you create amusing study environment for all, but you also made Brad has more energy and enthusiasm in his teaching. This is a mutual effect – a good teacher needs good students and good students need a good teacher to guide them. I like Gemma’s concept of “One”. Yes, we (teacher and students) are “One” and we make the learning environment unique and special. This is the “One” I treasure most. Thank you all for giving me an unforgivable learning experience.

- 144 words

Unknown said...

Something Memorable

From the first time I walked into the classroom and have an understanding that we might have an assignment (same as all Brad’s previous class) base on something memorable, I know one thing I really want to write down. Brad is so good with people’s name! During the four month period, I have not heard Brad mistaken anyone’s name in the classroom. I found it every remarkable because I have had teacher who do not remember my name after spending five days a week for a month. One other thing that I remember and feel most impressed by Brad is his story of crossing Canada by bike. Everyone in the class can tell how passionate Brad is about bike riding (to the point I almost though riding his bike is the only thing Brad do when he is not teaching), which inspired me to also find and pursue my passion. I also feel a little shame because Brad started his journey at my age and while Brad is already pursuing his, I am still looking for mine. I think after this semester I will remember my teacher, Brad, the most because he is really inspiring with his experience in life.

200 words

Something New

Out of all the new I experienced during this semester, I really have to say watching a silent film is something I was not expected before the class. Prior to this class I had no idea what silent film is like. How can a movie work without anyone talking? This is the question I kept asking myself after finding out Brad is showing us a silent film. Surprisingly, the film shows tremendous depth on the development of the characters. The way that the relationship between characters can be shown by a single eye contact is incredible. In my generation, we are usually spoiled by all the special effects and animation appeared in the modern movie. Normally I cannot even stand a black and white movie not to mention a film without dialogues. However, “Sunrise: A Song of Two Human” is really a delight to watch and an excellent example of how people before the time of technology can accomplished such a well directed film.

164 words

Unknown said...

Something New in Class paragraph

While taking Brad’s English 12 class this year, large class sizes and group work were new for me. When taking Brad’s grade 11 class in the past I was in a much smaller class with about eight to ten students. Working in this new environment was much more overwhelming for me. When working with my classmates it was sometimes difficult to participate; this was caused by being a shy person in the beginning. Once I got to work with my classmates more often I was less worried and was able to partake in activities. I was able to become more confidant in my work and was able to get people’s opinions on how good my work was or how I had to improve. I truly enjoyed working with my classmates and must say it was an enjoyable experience. Working in Brad’s English class with larger class sizes was a recent experience for me.

153 words

Something Memorable in Class paragraph

Writing poetry, watching a silent film and working with RSA videos were all memorable experiences for me in Brad’s grade 12 English class this year. When we were given the assignment to write poetry my favorite one to work on was “A Note.” Following a structure was easier than free writing. When doing this all the words flowed naturally for me and I was able to write it. I also felt that I had found a talent in writing poetry. I enjoyed watching two types of videos in class, one was a silent film. It was called “Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans” this was enjoyable because the storyline of a love triangle and the characters were a joy to watch. I even liked working on the assignment that went along with it. This was my second time watching the film. I also liked watching RSA videos in class and for exam. My favorite one was “How Cooking Can Change Your Life.” I enjoyed this video because I am very into healthy eating habits. Poetry and watching special films were very eventful in Brad’s class.

185 words

Unknown said...

Some thing new

My perspective of an English 12 class was all about writing essay every class, but it was different in Mr. Brad’s class as I learned many new technic. Throughout the course we watched silent movie called “Sunrise”, Ted talks videos, we present poem and my favourite out of all class activities was group discussions. First of all watching a movie and a Ted video was totally unexpected to me. I have never thought that watching a silent movie would be so pleasant and understandable, so I found a new hobby for my spare time. Presenting poem in front of a class helped me to find out my passion in reading poem. Although presenting in front of class was stressful for me, by second (last assignment) I had self -confidence, and did not get nervous. Group work was my favourite part of the class where I got introduced to many people with different culture and age. Mr. Brad give me the chance to practice talking as well as hearing others point of view on my written assignment. All of the new experience I gained from this class will be help me for my future academic and personal life.


Something memorable

There were many memorable moment that we shared in our English 12 class, and one of the best one was reading previous students’ narratives. Mr. Brad shared his previous students’ works with us to motivate and help us to write a best story. I wrote my first challenging narrative in Mr. Brad’s class. Thankfully he gave us enough time to create our final copy, otherwise I would not be able to finish it. The other memorable moment that we all shared was reading poem in front of class. We had to listen to individual students while they shared their life story through a poem. Some of the students- including me were nervous ,but it was a rewarding experience for most of us. Brad thought us, not only with different method, but also with love and passion. He shared some of his personal story such as, biking all over Canada, and being a good cook. Finally our class is ending, but the great memories that we have created will always stay with us.


Unknown said...

Something New

This semester has been something else. There have been many “new” things that I’ve learned in class throughout the semester, but a few stood out to me as the most exciting and memorable. I learned a lot from Brad about standard paragraph/essay structure and techniques, as well as what it takes to write good English. It has been a very fun experience. I love that Brad would make groups for the classmates to always meet and discuss our work – I believe it definitely helps each student improve their communication skills, and everyone has become more comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. Moreover, it allows us to brainstorm and gather ideas from the other students, and it has proven to be very powerful and helpful for more broad ideas when working individually (a good exercise for the brain). This was the first time I had this much quality group work in a class – new students are up for a good surprise. I will take this knowledge passed on by Brad to fulfill my dream and career. Wish me luck! - 180 words.

Something Memorable

There’s “Something Memorable” about Brad’s class that I will gladly share with you. Actually, there have been many memorable moments that I can recall; however, I will only share a few with you today. A memorable assignment was writing the first poem called “Here I Am.” I loved the model that Brad provided for us to follow to write our own version of the poem. We wrote about anything that came to mind. Poem writing was a very memorable experience. Moreover, writing poems while following a published poem model is a great way to get creative and it provides a good introduction to poetry. It was special that we all got to share the poems with the class; meanwhile, we were getting to know one another and all the unfamiliar faces. I have seen many of us become more open-minded and more comfortable around each other. I believe that anyone who takes Brad’s English 12 class is in for a fun time and many new memorable experiences. Good luck! - 171 words.

Unknown said...

Something New

Brad’s class, English 12, was different, yet it was full of surprise. Group discussion was a vital necessity for attracting students to experience new things. It was helpful and inspiring. It was an innovation rather than a difference. Brad brought a change in the teaching method—instead of long lectures, he let us listen to each other—which I think it was quite useful. This innovative method made us put our heads together to get a better result. At the beginning, it was a bit hard to interact with the other classmates, but, gradually, we get to know each other, and group discussions were all fun (from the beginning till the end). Silent films were another surprise. They were interesting; however, they were silent. This silence led us to the world of unsaid words. Although I have never seen silent films before, I was astonished by the quality of those films. We had a big assignment on one of the two films, and I really enjoyed experiencing something new. Writing and presenting our own poem created a sense of surprise in us. It was a great opportunity to find our weaknesses and conquer the stage fright. I enjoyed every moment of Brad’s class, and, simultaneously, I experienced many handy and beneficial things. –212 words

Something Memorable

Every minute, even every second, of my English 12 class was memorable, but the most memorable part for me was the group discussions. Every day Brad came up with a new topic to make us circle around a table and share our thoughts. At the beginning, it seemed to be difficult to talk to someone that you have never seen before and share your opinion. But, gradually, it became easier and easier—we get to know each other. Mutual respect was shaped, and this phenomenon led us to a world of humor and inspiration. Group discussions were not only friendly but also enlightening. In one of the group discussions on the Zinssar’s rules of effective writing, Gemma said, “Write to express, not to impress.” And this simple sentence changed the way I write. Group discussion helped us a lot with everything—assignments, homework, class work. Brad exactly knew what to do because every time other students and I gathered around a table, we came up with incredibly new and sophisticated ideas. Group discussions were amusing, and they always ended up putting a smile on every one’s face. I will always miss this class for everything especially those warm and friendly group discussions that we had. –205 words

Sarah_Kudia said...

Sarah Kudia
June 10, 2015

Something New

In English 12, something new is being in the same classroom with grown adult who have more experience in life has me. I was expecting it to be different then I thought it would be. Some of them gave me good advice in life when it came to parenting and going to school. The group discussions were always amazing because I learned a lot about them and the stuff they will shared with me. I’m surprise and happy that I have adult friends because I was always thinking that they wouldn’t want to be friends with us young people because we are immature. I was glad that I took Brad’s English 12 course because we were all there learning about the same subject, that’s something we all had in common. At the beginning I wanted to take English self-pace so that I don’t interact with people but now I don’t regret it.

- 159 words
Something Memorable

Something Memorable was the “A Note” poems. It was really amazing listening to how they talked about themselves in poetic words. Another memorable moment is when we watch “Sunrise”, I have watched a silent movie before but this one was one of my favourite because we didn’t need them to talk for us to know the emotions they were feeling and knowing the situation. Another memorable was reading and writing about the article about “Poison Apple”. I had lots of fun writing about that because I thought I was the only one who knew about the NSA spying on us. And last memorable was being friends with Debbie.
- 130 words

Zahra said...

Something New
English 12 was something new and it was a great experience for me to learn new skills and make new friends. “Writing Good English” by William Zinsser was the most beneficial article that I have read in my English 12. Mr. Zinsser opened my eyes to the world of “Writing Good English.” Before I thought people who use plain language in their writings are not professional writers. Actually, I was worried about my writing because I am a simple writer. Mr. Zinsser made me realize, “Simple is good,” as he stated in his article. In fact, Mr. Zinsser made me feel confident about my writing. Moreover, I also made friends in my English 12 that was the best thing that had ever happened to me in this semester. Thanks to Mr. Hyde (my teacher) for giving me this opportunity to learn new skills and find new friends in his class.-154 words

Something Memorable
There are several memorable scenes that I remember. These included our group discussions and the silent film “Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans. Our group discussions always occurred in a friendly environment which made us very comfortable. These discussions were absolutely interesting because there were different people from different cultures, believes and ideas. We all contributed comments and received comments about our assignments, but with lots of respect towards each other’s point of views. Moreover, I found the “Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans” by F.W. Murnau very engaging. It truly astonished me by its incredible plot. The “Sunrise” film is about a married farmer who falls for a city woman and tries to drown his wife for his mistress. I am glad Mr. Hyde showed us the “Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans.” I will always remember this entire experience. -144 words

Henry Young said...

Something Memorable
Henry Young

The most memorable thing was the silent films, “Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans”, and “The Kid”. First, I had never thought that I would be watching an old film, let alone black and white. Secondly, I never dreamed that a silent film would be anywhere close to a good film. Turned out I was completely wrong about everything I mentioned above - both films were awesome and in my opinion better than most other films out there right now. They portray the good nature of human by giving good endings that are extremely clear and that there will be nothing to regret from doing good deeds. The happy endings are still my favorite even though I am turning into adulthood, but who cares? Both “Sunrise” and “The Kid” were the most memorable things in Brad’s class because I enjoyed them so much.

-143 words

Something New
Henry Young

Having the chance to be with all age group and different background people in a class was totally new to me. When there were group discussions where we had a chance to share our ideas, I noticed that some students from Europe (I forgot it was either Russia or German) did think a bit different than the rest of us, and it was really interesting. Since I already knew the overall response of a topic for most of the students, observing what those who had various answers that were not considered usual had become of my hobby, which I later found out to be a little weird too. Nevertheless, while we were exchanging opinions, I learned to think a question in multiple possible ways - compare to the past there would be only one even if I tried the hardest because of the limited variation of ideas in my society. Communicate with people with different backgrounds and experiences really helped me opened up my eyes.

-162 words

Brad said...

Something New

It’s something new to realize that the two English classes I taught this year are among my last. I want everyone to know that leaving my teaching position soon does not mean that I wish to spend all my time in a rocking chair! It’s just that I’m restless and aware that time is more limited in my life (notwithstanding my long-lived family members). There are things I want to do and places I wish to go that are hard to fit in to a regular teaching position. You may know that I love my work, my students and, most importantly, this school—the PALC. Certainly, I can apply what I have learned over the past 33 years since receiving my teaching certificate in other places and in other ways. It has been such a pleasure to be here with all of you this term, to experience your joys and frustrations and to know, also, that it is almost time to move on. —163 words

Something Memorable

Observing my students in groups is a constant source of good memories, especially when you share in the whole class sessions after having a good discussion together. I could sense this term when things were going well, especially after we had reached the middle of the semester and were, finally, comfortable with each other. At that point, it becomes easier, and the work we study can be more complex and interesting. I need to remember this because each semester I have to convince a whole new set of students of the efficacy of this approach. Remember my story of the college professors who tried group versus traditional lecture in their teaching? The power of a collective is always greater than the sum of its parts. I hope you can now agree. But this depends on your willingness to engage with each other. I will always remember the groups (and how putting them together was a logistical nightmare of matching personalities, strengths, origins and more) and the individuals rising to an occasion with a hard won tidbit to share. —180 words