Friday, May 14, 2010

List Poem

Put your list poem here as a comment before Wednesday's class. Remember to prepare brief remarks on how you wrote the poem.


Brad said...

A second version of my original, "Potential." 80% new.


I prefer Treme.
I prefer dogs.
I prefer the fireweed along the driveway.
I prefer Szymborska to Cohen.
I prefer myself planting a pole bean
to myself stuck at a four way stop.
I prefer keeping my humility, just in case.
I prefer the colour green.
I prefer not to imagine
that I know even a tiny fraction of the truth.
I prefer exceptions.
I prefer to arrive every time.
I prefer not talking to doctors very often.
I prefer HD TV.
I prefer the absurdity of living on earth
to the absurdity of living anywhere else.
I prefer, where love’s concerned, to be.
I prefer students
who surprise me every day.
I prefer the earth in spring.
I prefer Canadians.
I prefer not knowing
what will happen and why.
I prefer The New Yorker to The Atlantic Monthly.
I prefer snap peas from my garden
to tomatoes in plastic boxes.
I prefer dogs sleeping at my feet.
I prefer seeing clearly.
I prefer the time of lilacs
to the time of roses.
I prefer to thank my lucky stars.
I prefer keeping in mind the
potential of each person in the world.

—Brad Hyde

LINDA LIU said...


I prefer literature
I prefer architectures
I prefer having a daydream under the breeze
I prefer Da Vinci to Picasso
I prefer reading in slow pace to writing in short time
I prefer ”don’t ask don’t tell”, just in case
I prefer the color blue
I prefer not to explain
why I am who I am
I prefer free spirit
I prefer to have a reasonable doubt
I prefer somewhere, someday, be there done that
I prefer taking the world as it is
I prefer the absurdity of being at the point of no return
to the absurdity of having many choices
I prefer, where the ocean is blue, no particular reasons
that marine lives can live with carefree
I prefer spicy Chinese food
I prefer half-price ticket to my home country
I prefer Starbucks to Tim Hortons
I prefer good news to bad news
I prefer to have my own space
I prefer the result of doing to the result of saying
I prefer inner peace to inner rage
I prefer reasonable weakness to unreasonable endurance
I prefer to say what I mean
I prefer to be a grandmother of twins since I haven’t had my own twins
I prefer secret thoughts
I prefer something that I won’t mention here to something that I have listed
I prefer being nobody who has self-awareness to being somebody who gets lost at the top
I prefer the time of my life to the time of stars
I prefer now and then without asking when
I prefer keeping in my mind the possibility of the road that I did not take

Qi-Ling said...


I prefer drama.
I prefer cats.
I prefer Douglas Firs along trails.
I prefer Barbara Ras to Brad Cran.
I prefer myself reading a variety books
to myself listening to a dreary conversation.
I prefer keeping my patience intact, just in case.
I prefer the color jade.
I prefer not to pretend
that I know everything about the truth.
I prefer exceptions.
I prefer to wake on time.
I prefer talking to doctors about anything.
I prefer high-speed Internet.
I prefer the absurdity of living in the moment
to the absurdity of hoping for a better future.
I prefer, where love’s concerned, shortcomings
that can be overlooked every day
I prefer friends
who promise me nothing.
I prefer sophisticated to wild.
I prefer the earth in summertime.
I prefer Switzerland to America.
I prefer having some leftovers.
I prefer discipline to discord.
I prefer weighty epics to naive fantasies.
I prefer old fashioned tomatoes to genetic modified tomatoes.
I prefer cats with a tamed curiosity.
I prefer long legs, since mine are short.
I prefer boxes and shelves.
I prefer many people that I haven’t forgotten
to many people that haven’t met.
I prefer catalogued files
to scattered scrap paper.
I prefer the time of tulips to the time of maple syrup.
I prefer to hear the ocean pounding against the boulders.
I prefer not to ask what to see and how.
I prefer keeping in mind even the impossibilities
that everyone scorns has its own chance.

Rod said...

I prefer live performance.
I prefer farm animals.
I prefer diverse specie along the way.
I prefer Mario Puzzo to James Follet.
I prefer caring for human dignity to human productivity.
I prefer to be keen, just in case.
I prefer the colour blue.
I prefer to be silent than sorry.
I prefer flexibilty.
I prefer to be on time.
I prefer talking to trusted ones.
I prefer rustic art.
I prefer the simplicity of life than the absurdity of sophistication.
I prefer simbiotic co-existence.
I prefer people who are human.
I prefer peace on earth.
I prefer knowing the truth.
I prefer untamed nature.
I prefer discretion.
I prefer the time when we breath clean air.
I prefer to giving my best.
I prefer to be happy everyday.
I prefer to keep on walking and nurture what comes along the way.

Raiya said...


I prefer house.
I prefer whales.
I prefer the gardens along the sea.
I prefer William Wordsworth to Leona Gom.
I prefer myself playing soccer.
to myself staying at home
I prefer keeping cash money in the pocket, just in case.
I prefer any colour.
I prefer not to promise
that I will accomplish
I prefer mothers.
I prefer to wake up late.
I prefer talking to my teachers about the adventures.
I prefer my old car.
I prefer the absurdity of translating poems
to the absurdity of memorizing music
I prefer only one explanation.
I prefer no purposing so there’s no marrying.
I prefer the teachers
who tell me something
I prefer the environment.
I prefer Burundi.
I prefer not to blame
why it happened and why.
I prefer the classifieds to the straight newspaper.
I prefer lives without eat to eat without lives.
I prefer cats with short nails.
I prefer dark eyes, since mine are brown.
I prefer computer’s desk
I prefer my friends who keep my secrets
to my friends who know nothing.
I prefer the moment of sadness to the moment of happiness.
I prefer to break the rules.
I prefer not to judge how and why.
I prefer keeping in mind even the possibility
that the power of God will exist.

WENDY CHEN said...

I prefer Chinese Opera.
I prefer dogs.
I prefer the cherry blossoms along the road.
I prefer Li-Pai to Du-Fu.
I prefer myself liking young children to myself loving adults.
I prefer keeping money in my pocket, just in case.
I prefer the color red.
I prefer not to push myself too hard to reach my goal earlier.
I prefer social workers.
I prefer to swim often.
I prefer talking to myself.
I prefer high speed express bus.
I prefer the absurdity of keeping my apartment tidy all the time.
I prefer teaching Autism children something to teaching them anything.
I prefer to send presents to my friends for no reason.
I prefer a friend who arrives with an open mind.
I prefer the green earth, always.
I prefer Taiwan.
I prefer guessing what will happen and why in the novel.

I prefer the Metro to the Twenty-Four hours.
I prefer organic vegetables from my friend’s garden to ordinary vegetables in the plastic bags.
I prefer children with cute and cunning smile.
I prefer keeping in mind to reward someone who has done some favors to me.

Kamaljeet said...

I prefer garden
I prefer bunnies
I prefer Ravinder to Amrit
I prefer working in the kitchen to myself cooking nothing
I prefer keeping an umbrella in the bag, just in case
I prefer the color white
I prefer not to think that time will solve all difficulties
I prefer children
I prefer leavening to time
I prefer talking to my mother about my problems
I prefer my old bicycle
I prefer meaningful to conversation to nonmeningful one
I prefer, where relations are mixed up pure love that becomes truer everyday
I prefer teacher who never gives homework
I prefer a roof my head
I prefer customers who arrive with closed mouths
I prefer smart minds with smart faces
I prefer save money for no reason
I prefer flowers always
I prefer a sweet home
I prefer to know what will be on the exam and why
I prefer PEOPLE to the WEEKLY
I prefer money from my husband pocket to money from his account
I prefer cat with mischievous way
I prefer to see with heart
I prefer green eyes since mine are brown
I prefer sitting in the garden
I prefer the touch of flowers to touch of butterfly
I prefer keeping in mind the possibilities that life can change any time

tasia said...
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Douaa said...

I prefer

I prefer home.
I prefer plants.
I prefer askers along the sidewalk.
I prefer Sushi to soup.
I prefer myself facing problems.
to myself keeping silent.
I prefer having a pen in my purse, just in case.
I prefer the colour white.
I prefer not to hesitate
that life is full of surprises.
I prefer winter.
I prefer to sleep often.
I prefer singing to my husband about our country.
I prefer my old jacket.
I prefer few clothes in my closet.
to clothes I will not touch.
I prefer where the neatness is dominate,where charm is in each corner.
I prefer feminine
who makes the beauty.
I prefer having knowledge to have nothing.
I prefer the prostration under the sky.
I prefer privacy to transparent life.
I prefer having turtle.
I prefer the food I made to that I bought.
I prefer the substance by Temple Grandin to Avatar.
I prefer eat in my hands to eat in fork and knife.
I prefer closed curtains in a foggy afternoon.
I prefer my flat shoes to the one with heel.
I prefer wrinkles,when my descendants will visit me.
I prefer to have limits.
I prefer not to see things from my side
that I couldn't see well.

Ivana said...
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Ivana said...

I prefer

I prefer running.
I prefer horses.
I prefer the wines that grow on houses.
I prefer Sophie Kinsella to Stephen King.
I prefer living a healthy life
I prefer keeping a bottle of water, just in case.
I prefer the color pink.
I prefer not to challenge.
I prefer to sleep in.
I prefer blue and green eyes, since mine are brown.
I prefer to be punctual.
I prefer talking to my parents about certain issues rather than my friends.
I prefer internet research over text book research.
I prefer the absurdity of drinking alcohol over the use of illegal drugs to have a good time.
I prefer that Valentines Day should be celebrated every day rather than one day.
I prefer genuine people over those who cannot be trusted.
I prefer enthusiasm over passive behavior.
I prefer going green to help save the earth.
I prefer Europe.
I prefer having some mystery.
I prefer my cousins over my friends.
I prefer sitting out doors that sitting indoors.
I prefer to be open minded
I prefer little dogs over big dogs.
I prefer Range Rovers over smart cars.
I prefer hearing chirping grasshoppers to buzzing bees.
I prefer giving back rather than taking.

Sophie said...


I prefer mountains.
I prefer oceans.
I prefer all creatures in the universe.
I prefer Courtillot to Darwin.
I prefer myself working on something
to myself dreaming of something.
I prefer keeping my normal pace, just in case.
I prefer the color green.
I prefer not to explain
that everything on earth deserves my understanding.
I prefer rules.
I prefer to plan everything.
I prefer talking to friends about life transmigration.
I prefer the traditional virtues.
I prefer the absurdity of believing something
to the absurdity of believing nothing.
I prefer, where life’s concerned, all creatures on earth lead a happy existence.
I prefer scientists
who reveal natural principles.
I prefer conscientious preciseness to opinionated conjectures.
I prefer the earth in peace.
I prefer harmonious to overcrowded places.
I prefer having some powers.
I prefer the ability of changing to the ability of keeping.
I prefer Laozi’s Taoism doctrine to Kongzi’s Confucianism doctrine.
I prefer the plants with fruits to plants without fruits.
I prefer birds with fluttering wings.
I prefer colorful imaginations, since mine are colorless.
I prefer traveling.
I prefer many things that I haven’t seen to many things I’ve already seen.
I prefer origins of the nature to those developed after destruction.
I prefer the world of microorganisms to the world of ETs.
I prefer to listen to the sound from heaven.
I prefer not to ask when the nature came into existence.
I prefer keeping in mind the truth that every creature has its own reason for being.

Wazhma said...

I prefer comedy
I prefer cats
I prefer oceans
I prefer Pushkin to Dostoevsky
I prefer myself working hard to myself doing nothing
I prefer keeping cell-phone on hands, just in case
I prefer the colour blue
I prefer not to argue if there is no reason
I prefer holidays
I prefer to be on time
I prefer talking to my elders about their life experience
I prefer Google
I prefer the absurdity of being with someone to the absurdity of being alone
I prefer celebrate every little happiness
I prefer exports, who can’t tell anything
I prefer nature in the earth
I prefer civilized countries
I prefer having some dreams
I prefer journals than internet web pages
I prefer flowers in a garden to flowers in my apartment
I prefer cats playing with themselves
I prefer to have eyes on everything around me
I prefer comfortable clothes
I prefer to have many friends to have many enemies
I prefer the time of summer to the time of winter
I prefer not to ask personal questions
I prefer keeping in mind that life is full of surprises, and be ready for unexpected things to happen

somayeh said...
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somayeh said...

I Prefer
I prefer lakes.
I prefer song birds.
I prefer Palm trees along a beach.
I prefer Hafez to Parvin.
I prefer myself helping people to myself just liking them.
I prefer keeping an umbrella and sunglasses on hand, just in case.
I prefer the colors white and turquoise.
I prefer honesty to insincerity.
I prefer perfections.
I prefer asking questions to unknowing.
I prefer talking to my mom about something joyful.
I prefer ancient cities.
I prefer the exhilaration of astronomy
to the absurdity of unknown galaxies.
I prefer kids who are happy for no reason.
I prefer my smart and optimistic friends.
I prefer the earth in rainbows.
I prefer Egypt pyramids to Eiffel tower.
I prefer have hoard of vocabulary in my brain.
I prefer candle light to florescent light.
I prefer scientific news to politic news.
I prefer giant mountains to elevated towers.
I prefer birds with colourful wings.
I prefer blue-greyish eyes since mine are brown.
I prefer book shelves.
I prefer fresh herbs from my small garden.
I prefer no solution.
I prefer zeroes to nothing.
I prefer the time of sun to the time of wind.
I prefer not to ask what time and where.
I prefer keeping that life is a golden time for improving humanity.

George said...
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Anonymous said...

I prefer movies.
I prefer puppies.
I prefer the lily’s around my dads garden.
I prefer bergamont to chamomile.
I prefer keeping Kleenex in my purse, just in case.
I prefer the colour pink.
I prefer to stay calm, then at a better time confront.
I prefer to wake up early.
I prefer to have goals for the future yet I still like to live in the present.
I prefer talking to my family about anything.
I prefer to raise my hand when questions are asked.
I prefer the absurdity of having company to the absurdity of being on my own.
I prefer to express love and support everyday.
I prefer Canada’s diversity in culture.
I prefer to wear my glasses than to have none.
I prefer expressing my feelings in letters or in my journal.
I prefer cooking to working in a kitchen.
I prefer fine pens to medium pens.
I prefer clean and organized surroundings.
I prefer tea to coffee.
I prefer the outdoors to the indoors.
I prefer to love all, trust few and do wrong to no one.
I prefer to learn everyday than to learn nothing.

Kevin said...

I Prefer

I prefer prairies.
I prefer eagles.
I prefer the cedars in the central park.
I prefer Li-Bai(Li Po) to Stephen King.
I prefer myself watching the sea through the window
to myself surfing the internet.
I prefer keeping a cup of tea on hand, just in case.
I prefer the colour carbon black.
I prefer not to understand
that the world has changed a lot.
I prefer twilight.
I prefer to get up late.
I prefer talking to a strange now and then
I prefer my MP3 player.
I prefer the absurdity of living in Vancouver
to the absurdity of living anywhere else.
I prefer, where love's concerned, my daughters
who can be happy every day.
I prefer mom
who misses me very keen.
I prefer traveling the world to never stopping.
I prefer Chinese-Canadians.
I prefer 24 Hours to Canadian City Post.
I prefer reading novels
which can be read lifetime.
I prefer walking.
I prefer sleeping.
I prefer not thinking anymore.
I prefer Renaissance in Europe
to the Reform and Opening in China
I prefer having beliefs.
I prefer flying my mind.
I prefer keeping the hope
that life will struggle its way.

Abbie257 said...


I prefer RnB.
I prefer puppies.
I prefer the red-orange maple leaf along the sidewalks.
I prefer Bishop to Baudelaire.
I prefer myself loving what I'm doing to being fake to do a work.
I prefer keeping myself as I am, just in case.
I prefer to like all colours.
I prefer not to believe that everything is impossible.
I prefer differences.
I prefer to meet the deadlines.
I prefer talking to dieticians about healthy diet.
I prefer DSLR.
I prefer the absurdity of working so hard to the absurdity of doing nothing.
I prefer, where my craziness's concerned, that every day is my birthday.
I prefer friends who judge the true me.
I prefer controlled action to exaggeration.
I prefer the earth the largest planet.
I prefer to laugh with laughing people.
I prefer keeping my privacy.
I prefer to eat at all-you-can-eat restaurants.
I prefer to be with my loved ones to the strangers.
I prefer playing the organ to piano.
I prefer introversion than extroversion.
I prefer fiction books to non-fiction books.
I prefer sofa bed.
I prefer not to list all I wanted to save the blog's space.
I prefer to act than to speak.
I prefer to be poor first, then be rich.
I prefer encountering failures than always succeeding.
I prefer to learn my mistakes to not knowing them.
I prefer keeping in mind that chances are to be taken, not left behind.

tasia said...

I prefer orchids.
I prefer pink dolphins.
I prefer a clean, organized house
I prefer Justin Lukach to Scott Wilson.
I prefer random adventures and exploring the great unknown.
I prefer to have bug spray with me, just in case.
I prefer the color forest green.
I prefer not to miss out
on the experiences life has to offer.
I prefer the truth.
I prefer sleeping with silk sheets.
I prefer not waking up with regret.
I prefer peace and quiet.
I prefer the absurdity of swimming in the raining
to the absurdity of swimming in dangerous waters.
I prefer, when fear sets in, to overcome it.
I prefer friends
who are supportive and genuine.
I prefer sun-rays beaming on my back.
I prefer Love.
I prefer not knowing the future
and living in the moment,
I prefer Departures on OLN to any other TV show
I prefer the taste of fresh basil
to the dry flakes you buy in a grocery store.
I prefer curling up next to my cat at night time.
I prefer raw natural beauty.
I prefer the time I spend with loved ones
to the time spend I alone.
I prefer to be grateful of all things I achieved.
I prefer keeping in mind, that I have the power to make my dreams come true.

George said...

I prefer sea.
I prefer dogs.
I prefer plums in the winter.
I prefer Plato to Aristotle.
I prefer myself keeping studying to myself chatting with stranger.
I prefer keeping a dictionary and a novel on hand, just in case.
I prefer the color red.
I prefer not to have an excuse is to improve nothing.
I prefer midnight.
I prefer to sleep at noon.
I prefer talking to priest about anything else.
I prefer the fictional stories and old legends.
I prefer the absurdity of forgetting the anniversary to the absurdity of not celebrating anniversary.
I prefer to give flowers for nonspecific purpose.
I prefer friends who give an advice heartily.
I prefer beautiful heart to beautiful stuff.
I prefer the earth in home country.
I prefer ignored to ignoring problems.
I prefer having some secrets.
I prefer the evil of spreading to the evil of winning.
I prefer the legends of the great to the headlines of TV.
I prefer beauty without beautiful flowers to beautiful flowers without beauty.
I prefer birds with unrestricted wings.
I prefer black hair, since mine is grey.
I prefer bench in park.
I prefer saying that I haven’t remembered to saying that I’ve never read.
I prefer poems that I haven’t known to poems that I’ve misunderstood.
I prefer walking alone.
I prefer not to care how long and how much.
I prefer keeping in mind to feedback the kindness that anyone has ever given.

Fatima said...

I prefer music.
I prefer lions.
I prefer Vancouver to Edmonton.
I prefer myself watching movie
to myself reading a book.
I prefer keeping cash, just in case.
I prefer the colour green.
I prefer not to hurt others that no one hurts me back.
I prefer nights.
I prefer to imagine often.
I prefer talking to my best friend about anything.
I prefer my old cell phone.
I prefer the absurdity of a clown
to the absurdity of a nerd.
I prefer to buy roses for no reason.
I prefer guests
Who arrive on time.
I prefer the nature, always.
I prefer Lebanon.
I prefer not judging
Others until I see with my eyes.
I prefer The Globe and Mail to The Vancouver Sun.
I prefer strawberry from my country
to the strawberry imported from USA.
I prefer horses with brown color.
I prefer to work with both hands.
I prefer the time of happiness to the time of sadness.
I prefer not to knock.
I prefer understanding others and help them in anything.

Owen said...


I prefer Musicals.
I prefer hamsters.
I prefer the firework along the beach.
I prefer John Steinbeck to Emily Dickinson.
I prefer myself writing an essay to myself writing a poem.
I prefer keeping my dignity, just in case. 

I prefer the colour orange.
I prefer not to assume that the teacher knows everything.
I prefer certainty.
I prefer to finish last minute.
I prefer not attending to schools very often.
I prefer talking to my dentist with closed mouth.
I prefer cell phone.
I prefer the absurdity of the true to the absurdity of the science.
I prefer, where food’s concerned, every child in the world has enough to live on.
I prefer someone who delights me every day.
I prefer the earth, green forever.
I prefer Canadian without hyphen.
I prefer the justice to be done.
I prefer understanding everything.
I prefer CBC to CNN.
I prefer cats sleeping on my chest.
I prefer seeing with closed eyes.
I prefer the time of Wikipedia to the time of Encyclopedia Britannica.
I prefer “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”
I prefer keeping in mind that everybody has potential to succeed.

Rachael said...

I prefer the country
I prefer the quiet
I prefer dogs
I prefer the simple things in life
I prefer adventure
I prefer discovery
I prefer true friends
I prefer meaning
I prefer answers
I prefer asking why
I prefer days of sun with rain
I prefer acceptance
I prefer abnormality
I prefer bright colours
I prefer writing, not typing
I prefer time with my dog, even thought he’s a brat
I prefer dreams to remember instead of ones I wish I could forget
I prefer watching time go by
I prefer encouragement
I prefer understanding
I prefer my blanket fresh from the dryer
I prefer people who truly know me
I prefer not being looked at, though I am hard to avoid
I prefer the night, rather than the morning
I prefer information
I prefer laughing
I prefer amazement
I prefer learning
I prefer pushing for the best
I prefer amusing culture
I prefer things that make me say “wow”
I prefer daydreaming, over my reality
I prefer being a free spirit, even though some people can’t accept that
I prefer seeking truth even though it seems farfetched
I prefer living for the future, though the past is hard to let go of
I prefer the wonder this planet has to offer
I prefer so many things this list could go on forever