Link for Friday February 5 Homework
Something New; Something Interesting; Something Puzzling (for homework)
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A place for English 12 students from the Pearson Adult Learning Centre in New Westminster, BC, Canada to read work in progress, critique, and ask or answer questions (of other students and of the teacher).
Something New; Something Interesting; Something Puzzling (for homework)
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2/02/2010 08:20:00 PM
“Having a concrete opinion about certain issues takes hard thinking, and this new curriculum has the potential to teach students how to think for themselves and have a clear understanding of the issue.” (Jonathan)
I like how Jonathan makes a reference to the “hard thinking” required in having an opinion that is worth sharing. Requiring students to “think for themselves” is something I strive to do; it’s nice to know that Jonathan appreciated my efforts towards this difficult goal.
“Writing what happened to me is really very powerful, it allowed me to tell my own story and inspire people to learn something special within it.” (Eve)
Although Eve has used a run-on sentence here, she transmits something essential about English study. That telling “my own story” is an inspiration to others is an important thing to realize, one that allows us to better understand ourselves and others.
“They are completely different from what a young adult like me could think of, and I even feel amazed by certain ideas sometimes.” (Michael)
Michael touches on an important part of why these classes are fun and interesting. Because of the diversity found inside our classroom, Michael (and others under 20) can experience the ideas of mature adults who may, sometimes, be old enough to be their parents!
”The time flies, but my memories dwell on the beginning of this semester-the new classmates and curriculum. I prefer to learn the newness rather than chew away on the oldness.” (Qin)
I like Qin’s opinion, “I prefer to learn the newness” as I always look forward to starting something new: meeting new people, making new connections, and discovering new things. Nevertheless, I always like to remember old things.
“From Africa to India, Mexico, Afghanistan and China, every class has been an incredible encounter with different parts of the world. In addition to that, they inspire me. To see them so eager to learn, despite of their priorities—work, family—have proved to me that nothing can stop us from learning.” (Marc)
I like the way Marc says about his multicultural classmates, and their inspiration about learning, “nothing can stop us from learning” Being graduated from University in Russia, it was disappointing to go to school in Canada all over again, but I met people from all around the world at Adult Learning Centre eager to learn. Some were aged for learning, and those inspired me to go ahead. Now “nothing can stop [me] from learning.”
“Wow! Are we really half way through this course? Time does fly!” (Maryann)
“Time does fly!” It really does. Here we are- the English- 12 students. Wow! I like the way Maryann expresses her joy. I am looking forward to enjoy this term as well.
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