Group Two (Yi, Rosemary, Gloria, Cynthia K) Answers on Poetry
Put your answers as comments to this post. Please complete before class begins on Friday.
A place for English 12 students from the Pearson Adult Learning Centre in New Westminster, BC, Canada to read work in progress, critique, and ask or answer questions (of other students and of the teacher).
Put your answers as comments to this post. Please complete before class begins on Friday.
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5/23/2007 11:09:00 AM
Poetic techniques:
similarity sound between words in one line or in ending words.
I scream, you scream,
We all scream for ice cream.
sentences or lines have a strong, regular repeated pattern of sound.
Way up high in a banana tree
One yellow banana was looking down at me
animals or objects which have human characteristics.
A nodding flower in the breeze.
The definition of "poetry": Poetry begins orally and is the oldest form of literature with refined language that uses a lot of literary features to express strong feelings and ideas, and it is normally short.
The purpose of writing poetry: Poetry is written to memorize remarkable moments, to express strong feelings and hidden opinions, to reveal dangerous truth, to compare things with others, or just for fun. It is also written for readers to get ideas from it and apply them into daily lives.
Re-use of poetical elements. Often refrain. Any of the poetic sound effects may be repeated.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the King's horses and all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again
One thing is said, and another, often the opposite, is implied.
Water, water, every where,
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water, every where,
Nor any drop to drink.
Name the special techniques that poets use:
A person, place, thing or action has meaning in itself, but also stands for something larger. The symbol may stand for a quality, a belief, or a value. A flag, for example, could be a symbol for love of one’s country; a rose could be a symbol for love; a stairway could be a symbol for a climb through life.
Hyperbole (Exaggeration)
It may be used due to strong feelings or is used to create a strong impression and is not meant to be taken literally. It gives greater emphasis.
For example:
"I will die if no one asks me to dance."
"He is as big as an elephant!"
It is used to express or indicate indirectly and suggest or imply in addition to literal meaning.
For example:
“An argument is a building.” It implies that we’ve got the framework for a solid argument. If we don’t support our argument with solid facts, the whole thing will collapse. Within the groundwork we’ve got, we can construct a pretty strong argument.
More elements
Allusion: It is a reference of well-known name, an incident from history, a painting, a musical piece, or another piece of literature.
E.g. Cupid is related with love, Bacchus with wine and drinking, Jesus with kindness, or Jacob with patience.
Metaphor: It is a comparison between people, objects, or ideas that not use like or as.
E.g. She is my sun. Bankers are sharks. Love is blind.
Simile: It is a comparison between people, objects, or ideas that use like or as.
E.g. Her body is like a feather. She is busy as a bee. He is fierce like a lion.
- Definition of Poetry -
Poetry is a type of literature in which concise expressions, rich feelings, and diverse forms are used to reflect personal observations, emotions, and interpretations of the world.
- Purpose of Poetry -
* expression of personal feelings
* creativity
* inspiration and motivation
* free-form yet conciseness
- Techniques/Features and Examples-
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Honey is sweet
And so are you.
The wind is roaring and slashing at her knees.
The trees are howling and shaking in response.
I just moved on Wednesday;
Been tired since yesterday.
Guru, guru, guru, guru
Guru, guru, guru, guru
My toilet is leaking.
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