Group One (Russ, Cynthia S, Yang, Zarmina) Answers on Poetry
Put your answers as comments to this post. Please complete before class begins on Friday.
A place for English 12 students from the Pearson Adult Learning Centre in New Westminster, BC, Canada to read work in progress, critique, and ask or answer questions (of other students and of the teacher).
Put your answers as comments to this post. Please complete before class begins on Friday.
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5/23/2007 11:08:00 AM
Q1 Write a short definition of "poety".
A: Poetry is a special style of literature to express emotion in a few words.
Question 2. Why is poetry is written? What is its purpose?
The reason why people write poetry is to express their emotions and opinions strongly. The purpose of poetry is to be easy to remember and spread, to put more meaning into shorter words, to inspire people to think, and to have fun.
Question 3
The special qualities of poetry is that it can tell language in a more compact, imaginative and musical way.
There are some special techniques that poets use, these are:
1. The elements of poetry about sound are rhythm, rhyme and alliteration.
A. Rhythm: is the sound pattern of a line of poetry like the beat of music. For example, thirty days has September, April, June and November all the rest have 31 except February alone which has 28 days clear and 29 in each leap year.
B. Rhyme: is the similarity of sound between two words. For example, “wild-child” or “night-light.”
C. Alliteration: repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. For example, “sings a solitary sound.”
2. The elements of poetry about imagery are simile, metaphor and personification.
A. Simile: two unlike things are compared using “like” or “as.” For example, “The man paced like a hungry lion” and “This house is as cold as an igloo.”
B. Metaphor: two unlike things are directly compared without using “like” or “as”. For example, “My love is a red, red rose.”
C. Personification: giving human qualities to things are animals or ideas. For example, “The flowers danced in the breeze”, “Death lays his icy hands on kings.”
Question 3 - different techniques to writting poetry.
a)Haiku - is a form of poetry that comes from the Japenese culture. A A Haiku is made up of three lines. The first line is made up of 5 syllables, the second line is made up of 7 syllables and the third line is made up 5 syllables for a total of 17 syllables.
An example of this would be:
Sun is bright above
Casting shadows on the street
Ghostly Images.
b)Repetition is made of a pattern known as abab,cdcd, efef. An example of this could be:
Humty dumty sat on a wall
Humty dumty had a great fall
c) Allusion is a technique of poetry, meaning "reference". example of this is (biblical) Judas betrays Jesus. Therefore Judas is known as someone who will betray another person.
d) Oxymoron is a technique found in poetry meaning figure of speech.
Example of this could be:
So foul and fair a day I have not seen. (Macbeth, Act I Scene III)
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