Writing a List Poem based on "A Note"
Beginning with "Life is the only way," write your own list poem using "A Note" as a model. Your poem must use the same (with minor variations) number of words and structure as Szymborska's. Use what you learned this week to compose a stronger poem.
Try to find a rhythm to the words you choose (note the number of syllables as well as the number of words). Be careful to punctuate exactly the same way and be aware of how the poet has used punctuation to divide and compare ideas. Post a copy of your poem to the blog before coming to Wednesday's class.
Be prepared to do a recital of your poem (please practice ahead of time!) and speak for one to two minutes on the process you followed and any difficulties you experienced. Marks will be assigned as follows: quality of poem—50%; recital—25%; remarks on process—25%. Marks will be entered as a Unit Test, so do your best!
NOTE: Check your formatting carefully after copy and pasting your poem. You'll need to add spacing. Try to have your poem look exactly the same as the original handout if you can!
A Hiker's Note
Life is the only way
to hike far into Arches,
watch the breathtaking view,
be with family;
to see the Milky Way,
or consider my son's safety;
to count shooting stars
dance across the night sky;
to rest on rocky ground,
make a wish,
to be thankful for a special day.
An exceptional time
to remember all we have done
in our vacation
at a world famous place;
and if only once
to wonder if we are really lost,
look up at the North Star to know where we are,
give us a little hope;
and to find way back before it is too dangerous;
and to keep on hiking
somewhere important.
-English 12 Student; May 2016
A Note
Life is the only way
to pour her love of lifetime,
tender sincere to her children,
no more refunds;
to be a cook,
or prepare a tasty breakfast;
to conceal tiredness
while they enjoy the happy life;
to be alone during the daytime,
sink into chores,
to anxiously await their return home.
An exciting moment
to have a family reunion
with fat tears rolling down
her smiling wrinkled cheeks;
and if only once
to go back to her young age,
create a peaceful castle was her only goal,
lose the beauty in long years;
and to put up a great blue sky with her thin body;
or to keep on with living
something important.
A Final Note
Life is the only way
to have chances like this,
teach classes year after year,
hone my skills;
to be a guide,
or fail to find my path;
to be wise
to every little lie;
to smile at memories,
ponder the past,
to believe that students will often find their way.
A once in a lifetime moment
to write poems together
that reveal all the truths
from places far and wide;
and if only once
to burn out midway one term,
end up recycling old worksheets again;
forget my ideals once more;
and to retire at the top of my game;
and to have finished with teaching
something important.
—an even “tenth” version; June, 2016
A Traveler’s Note
Life is the only way
to be a traveler,
fly across the continent
flee from an island;
to be a foreigner,
or squeeze into local life;
to know the stories
behind the historic landmarks;
to linger down the corners,
lost in a village
to hope to come back next time.
A wonderful moment
to reminisce the glance of Paris
on Eiffel Tower
with a strong icon hold my heart;
and if only once
to struggle with buying souvenirs,
end up with taking more photos,
hesitate to finish my voyage;
and to wonder if I will be here again,
and return home with sharing
something memorable.
(106 words)
A Forty’s Note
Life is the only way
to earn a birthday cake,
hold on breathe for many candles,
make a wish;
to be a present,
or surprise its beauty;
to sing love
from everyone I have;
to forget the numbers,
hitting forty,
to feel the joy for everyday moments.
An extraordinary chance
to reminisce for her voice
we laughed together
for our young many days;
and if only once
to find the gray hair,
end up plucked out to make tears or leave it,
mislay my interest in new things;
and to catch a thrill before it’s too late;
and to keep on moving for
something important.
A note for emotional misery
Life is the only way
to drown my fears in sunset,
flush all emotion to the river,
be strong;
to be happy,
or let my mind drip with desires;
to be blind
prey for a lost love ;
to clear old thoughts,
relief the pain,
in search for heart’s remedy.
A wonderful moment
to remember untold secrets
about our love
that shattered beyond repair;
And if only once
to be enslaved by love ,
end up breaking the chains,
give up hope in shared dreams;
and to follow the urge to get myself back once again;
or to keep seeking for
something important
Notes Of Life
Life is the only way
to be happy and alive,
laugh out loud to the top,
truth will rise;
to be a clown,
or let go the tears and fears;
to hide heartfelt
from painful past;
to keep inside the heart,
regrets in life,
to find the answers for all the questions.
A wonderful life
to embrace while still young
a life to the fullest
with hopes and dreams;
and we only live once
to look upon a star,
a life to live with full of mysteries,
sun will rise in the sky;
and the darkness will fade away and show you the light;
and to keep on smiling
something important.
A Fitness Note
Life is the only way
to sweat while working out in the gym,
feel the rush in your system,
catch your breath;
to be a bike,
or step on its pedal;
to be strong
and far from any pain;
to make a choice for yourself,
give quality time,
to enhance your physical well-being.
An invigorating time
to remember for a while
the warm and moist skin
that makes you glow and shine;
and if only once
to run on the treadmill so fast,
end up losing your balance and fall down,
lose your drive in weight training;
and to feel lazy even for stretching;
or to keep on with the routine
something inspiring.
A Note
Life is the only way
to bang on the drum on a summer day
feel the beats on the ground,
loud sanity;
to be free,
or get lost in the rhythm;
to skip a beat
interludes a pattern;
to wonder what future brings,
build confidence,
to anticipate the fear of the unknown.
A wonderful moment
to remember the notes
the music evokes
nostalgic memories of my youth;
and if only once
to drop the sticks,
end up breaking the credence inside you,
lose precious time with tempo;
and to seek revenge of the past failures;
or to keep on striving for
something important.
Nature's Note
Life is the only way,
to walk through downtown seawall,
feel the air as the oceans moves,
smell the trees;
To be a bird
or to fly among angels
To know tranquility
as the sunlight shines
To wonder through the forest
the path of nature
to lead to nowhere but calmness
A beautiful moment
to remember till next year
the flowers blooming
and the smell of fresh air
And if only once
the weathers starts to change
end up white as all thing fade away
Covered in blanket of snow;
and to feel the coldness of mother nature;
and to keep on searching for
something beautiful.
A Finder's Note
Life is the only way
to find the unknown destiny,
stamp the thorns on the path,
feel the pain;
to be a traveler,
or sleep all day and night;
to search the truth
which surprises all of us;
to fight the confusion,
diffuse in the air,
to win the battle of life time fear.
A victorious celebration
to memorize the savior
I just met
on a narrow path;
and if only once
to embrace that moment,
end up satisfied whatever the rest,
dance around the thorns;
and to chase an illusion in front of my feet;
or to keep on with my savior for
something important.
Note for My Journey- My Choice
Life is the only way
to make dreams come true,
work hard to reach the goal,
be determined;
to come to school,
or work for low-pay;
to know success
is not easy to get;
to stay until midnight,
finish assignments,
to hope tomorrow will be a better day.
A delightful moment
to receive the compliments
from teacher or boss
saying that I am doing well;
and if only once
to run away after failing,
end up frustrated and confused in myself,
lose hope and confidence;
but to believe that I can succeed one day;
so to keep on with trying
something important.
-By Michelle
A reminder note
life is the only way
to feel the warmth of a midday sun,
hear the chirps of the birds,
drown in the skies;
to be a sparrow,
or fondling its feathers;
to feel content
when you are lonely;
to love the people you share life with,
endeavour to succeed,
to keep on trying to put a smile on others face.
A boundless instant
to fancy the paradise
a peaceful stroll
in the green fields or sandy shores;
and if only once
lose your passion midway;
and to recall the bitter experiences in the past;
and to keep on living for
something significant.
A Note
Life is the only way
to get moist in the mist,
freeze hands on the tripod,
wait for bliss;
to be a lens,
or zoom its wide angle;
to filter flaws
from everything it’s not;
to slide between photos,
recall the past,
to find every instance near and dear to my heart.
An unforgettable second
to seize for a moment
an intimate glimpse
with the flash reflected;
and if only once
to shake upon a snap,
end up blurred in one regret or another,
misplace your focus in the field;
and to capture all views in the background of the frame;
and to keep on not learning
something important.
Life is the only way
to sit beside the beach,
watch long waves one by one,
fresh air breeze;
to be a tree,
or give shadow wee;
to think deep
about the bygone sweetheart;
to sit inside kayak,
start by paddle,
to see a goldfish under crystal water.
A delightful moment
to remember last year sunny day
we enjoyed together
fishing along the river;
and if only once
to break-up after falling in love,
end up missing unforgettable moments,
forget my target in life;
and to feel lonely in the middle of the ocean;
and to keep waiting for him
someone important.
A Student’s Note
Life is the only way
to talk to the moon,
become one with the universe,
open your third eye;
to be a grasshopper,
or only move forward;
to show forgiveness,
even if not sought;
to walk the path of life,
spread your wings,
to jump puddles and cross oceans each day.
An amazing opportunity
to remember for a moment
to prepare for the worst
yet to hope for the best;
and if only once
to get lost in dark moments,
end up struggling to see the light,
lose yourself in the chaos;
and to lose that beautiful smile of a thousand suns;
or to keep on reaching for
something important.
A Housewife’s Note
Life is the only way
to handle the chores everyday,
work hard in my home,
feel tired;
to be a servant,
or devote all my life;
to know plain
from daily life it’s true;
to raise three sons,
watch every progress,
to picture their wonderful future.
An extraordinary happiness
to reminder the responsibility
in a housewife’s heart
with never ending up passion.
and if only once
to abandon all housework,
own at least five minutes free time,
forget how many clothes I need to wash;
and to finish my high school homework in the last minute;
and to keep on with fulfilling
something important.
Life is the only way
to move from country to country,
seek for peace and freedom
to know myself;
to be a bird
or land in a new world
to tell life
from everything it’s not;
to find happiness
make choices,
to be successful.
An unbelievable chance
to live a life of freedom
remember what I had,
but facing discrimination;
and if only once
accept our differences
end up knowing the value of equality
getting lost in my journey
not knowing where to go
keep on searching for
something important.
An Enjoyer’s Note
Life is the only way
to enjoy every moment,
feel raindrops on your face,
see the sky;
to be an eagle,
or fly with spreading wings;
to feel free
from everything it’s not;
to throw away the stress,
shake my body,
to get into the fast rhythm.
An extraordinary chance
to remember for a moment
focused on me
in the bright sunshine or in the darkness;
and if only once
to be confronted with difficulty,
end up being frustrated about me,
lost my mind for overcoming;
and to spend the day in the helplessness;
or to keep on searching for
something enjoyable.
A note of Hope
Life is the only way
to wander around a green forest,
relieve all the stress and sorrow,
feel the beauty of nature;
to be a dove,
or spread the wings;
to know joy
expressed on my face;
to forget all past failure,
find a new purpose,
to hope to do better in life.
A wonderful moment
to reminisce for the once again
the short walks
that make me feel real meaning of the life.
and if only once
walk out from the silent forest,
end up the tranquility around me,
leave all darkness behind;
and to find the light hidden at the end of the tunnel;
and to keep on with searching for
something meaningful.
Love Note
Life is the only way
to find love in this world,
prepare for happiness and sadness,
be ready;
to be hurt,
or loved by right person;
to be light
from my darkness night;
to complete my happiness,
find the one,
to help to be better person.
A wonderful moment
to remember all the things
we did together
in the place of wilderness;
and if only once
to make a mistake,
end up defeated by the pride inside you.
lose hope in fixing a relationship;
and to explain each side before it’s too late;
and to keep on with hoping
something forever.
A Note for Dream Life
Life is the only way
to read your favourite novel,
enjoy a glass of wine,
start to travel;
to read with eyes,
or feel with your soul;
to live a life
that is not yours;
to make a story of your own,
dream of a secret love,
to try to keep these feelings and never be alone.
An extraordinary chance
to have for a moment
the romance you dreamed of
when you weren't the one chosen;
and if only once
to lose your direction,
end up wondering what is real and what is not,
forget your dreams;
and to give up feeling the thrill again;
or to keep on dreaming
something important.
New Beginning Note
Life is the only way
to be happy and free,
feel the rhythm and dance,
live every moment;
to be young,
or become an adventurer;
to tell love
from everything it's not;
to live a simple life,
start a new journey,
to find the secret meaning of happiness.
A exceptional moment
to remember for a second
reminisce on past
hope not waste gift call future;
and if only once
to give up finding one's soulmate,
end up missing out on life's greatest gift,
lose faith in your married life;
and to stick through it all with a purpose;
and to keep on with trying
something important.
A Note on the book
-Steve Park-
Life is the only way
to write down your story,
put pictures on book,
share about you;
to be a pen,
or draw with its colour;
to show you
from everything it's not;
to face sudden conflicts,
make good choice,
to keep a promise for better future,
A wondrous moment
to remember for the event
unsuspected truth
with your waving eyes;
and if only once
to lose your own way,
end up suffering in despair or disease,
utter irreversible words;
and to find for chance to be reconciled
and to keep on waiting for
something important.
A Note
Life is the only way
to wonder about life and nature
as a kid in the beach
holds a seashell on his ear;
to walk in the forest in green,
or watch the sunset in red;
to grow plants in the garden,
with my painful wrist;
to feel the warmth of sunbeam,
expose myself to the bright,
to anticipate sound sleep at night.
A moment of wonder
to amaze with the sparkling stars
the surreal entity
that put me in silent awe ;
and if only once
to look away from nature,
end up feeling empty in the milieu of busyness,
make myself weak and tired;
and to feel alone in the big city
and to keep on looking up
something transcendent.
A journey
Rachelle Peirano
Life is the only way
to hear sounds of the ocean,
get goosebumps on your skin,
soar with the wind;
to be honest,
even if it hurts;
to feel the sun,
even out of sight;
to follow your heart,
each step important,
to take you to your destination.
A humbling moment
to reminisce of the past
the battles fought
that grew strength within;
and if only once
to take a wrong turn,
end up somewhere you had never imagined,
lose hope to fulfill your dreams,
and to be able to start over,
or to find a new path towards
someplace meaningful.
A Travellers Note
Life is the only way
to go on a trip,
have daydreams of places,
warm or starlit;
to be a plane,
or ride in it’s belly;
to not go,
and feel a bit lacking;
to discover new wonders,
soak in cultures,
to squeeze all you can out of each day.
A curious chance
to lose yourself on a whim
down an unknown street
to find untold gems;
and if only once
to wrestle with leaving,
long for the ease and straightforwardness of home,
buy a priceless trinket;
feel hard cobblestones bite into the soles of your feet;
and to keep on moving
somewhere important.
Andrea Kirk
A Mother’s Note
Life is the only way
To become a mother,
Feel heartbeat on my skin,
Catch my breath;
to be a caregiver,
or play all day long;
to know pain
deep in a woman’s body;
to sleep on my side,
dream of a baby,
to hope to see your face every day.
A wonderful moment
To remember a happiness pain
In a delivery room
with blood and tears;
and if only once
to struggle with breastfeeding,
make sure of drinking a lot of water,
lose your patience for parenting;
and to wonder if it’s time to take a break;
or keep on with more patience
for someone important.
Sarjeevan kaur
A reminder note
Life is the only way
to be silly and smiley,
watch the sunrise and sunset,
on clam beach;
to be a bird,
and explore the unknown;
to make it,
worth wild with every mile;
to fall in love,
from everything that,
warm the heart and keep it happy.
A wonder moment
to remember the faces over the years
some too painful to picture
other can’t be forgotten;
and if only once
to take a chance,
and up doing the unthinkable;
being lost in the dark;
and do worry about tomorrow;
and to know it would for
something important.
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