Friday, May 10, 2013

Writing a List Poem Based on "A Note"

Beginning with "Life is the only way," write your own list poem using "A Note" as a model. Your poem must use the same (with minor variations) number of words and structure as Szymborska's. Use what you learned this week to compose a stronger poem.
Try to find a rhythm to the words you choose (note the number of syllables as well as the number of words). Be careful to punctuate exactly the same way and be aware of how the poet has used punctuation to divide and compare ideas. Post a copy of your poem to the blog before coming to Wednesday's class.
Be prepared to do a recital of your poem (please practice ahead of time!) and speak for one to two minutes on the process you followed and any difficulties you experienced.  Marks will be assigned as follows: quality of poem—50%; recital—25%; remarks on process—25%.

NOTE: Your full draft of the narrative essay is due on Friday, May 17, in class. No need to post it here.


Brad said...

Apologies everyone that I accidentally deleted our class notes on Friday.

I have figured out the pattern for my new version of "A Note" however and paste it below.

6 syllables







Brad said...

Another Note

Life is the only way
to smell lilac flowers,
plunge your hands into earth,
taste the wind;

to be a bear,
or flee down a hill;

to know her
in the depths of your heart;

to feel all the world’s pain,
question the truth,
to seek justice for all of our citizens.

An extraordinary chance
to recall one night long ago
when words came easy
from a poet’s heart;

and if only once
to lose your closest friend,
end up knowing how much it hurts to care,

mishear your student in class;
and to follow a star in the sky late one night;
and to keep on dreaming of
something beautiful.

—Brad Hyde; May 11, 2013

Unknown said...

A note to her

Life has only one way
to ruin something great,
to heal internal wounds,
without gauze or tape;

to know pain,
in an entirely different state;

to be regretful
or hide its ugly shape;

to find something new,
or hold on,
to something already amazing, and great.

A wonderful feeling
to find peace within
mend the broken heart
to love her all over again;

and if only once
to see the world without hate,
end up loving each other so great to steer fate,

to learn the art of fair play;
and never let ego stand in my way;
so to stay true to her heart
of promises made.

Brad said...

Courtesy of Trevor, our class notes:

-Tell the truth.
- A kind of exaggeration to create an effect.
- Always write from your heart; someone can relate.
- Word choice; syllables in words are important.
- Imagination; image
- A topic; a title.
- A format ' the line is a unit and so is the sentence.
- Metaphors; similes; sensory language.
- If you want to write one, read some
- Play with ideas before you begin; don't be afraid to plan it out.
- Beware of substances as an excuse for writing.
- Beware of the glittering generalities of life: beauty, freedom, peace.
- Get the draft early and then tweak.
- Avoid boredom. Be attractive.

injapark said...

Note to Myself

Life is the only way
to climb up a mountain,
drink fresh air on the top,
kiss the skies;

to be a star,
or light up all streets;

to have hope
from everything it’s not;

to love all persons,
fight through problems,
to share with them the most painful of feelings.

A remarkable memory
to remember for a minute
the smiling faces
of the poor children;

and if only once
to lose a sense of purpose,
end up failing to reach your destination,

forget the small stuff in life;
and to catch good thoughts always with a thankful heart;
and to keep on removing
something negative.

Unknown said...

A Note

Life is the only way
to scare off the birds,
break a dream in the morning,
vision my friends;

to be a cloud,
or decorate someone’s window;

to tell something
from everything it’s not;

to find a partner,
dress you up,
to dance to the best melody of your life.

An extraordinary reason
to remember for a moment
the whole family gathers
with me by Facetime;

and if only once
to encounter an end of earth,
end up a over consumption but nothing happened,

mistrust any vows in the age;
and to enjoy the questions of children with your heart;
and to keep on not feeling
something truthful.

prudent said...

A Note to the perplexed

Life is the only way
to get buried in pains,
release your grief to the wind,
escape in dreams;

to be a cloud,
or desire its cold rain;

to see victory
above domination of worlds;

to squeeze all infinity,
outside and inside,
to make what is visible disappear.

An extraordinary chance
to choose for eternity
a relationship made
without the expectations hoped for;

and if only once
to waken upon a shore,
end up called to one adventure or another,

lose yourself in the theatre
and to allow a rule seen with the eye into your heart;
and to hold on not silently
to something loving.

Hongxin Guo said...

A Note -Life is like a Journey
Life is the only way
to get covered in light,
catch your breath on the sight,
rise on wings;

to be a knight,
or wonder the streets;

to tell pain
from suffering it’s not;

to think over inside,
ponder in views,
to seek the least of all possible errors.

An extraordinary chance
to remember for a while
a conversation held
with friends heart to heart;

and if only once
to stumble upon a vine,
end up soaked in a deep pond or a marshland,

embrace your life here on earth;
and to follow the guide of the North Star at night;
and to keep on understanding
something elegant.

Unknown said...

A note of Marriage
Life is the only way
to meet someone you love,
catch the feeling that you touched,
rise in the breeze;

to be believed,
as love is endless;

to trust each other
with faithful love in between;

To thank for your giving,
Since the first day we meet,
To appreciate everything that I received.

An extraordinary time
To reminisce once again
About the sweetest moment
Embedded deeply that we have never left behind

And if only once
To treasure with heart
End up 16 years marriage we have never give up

Embrace your love forever
And to follow shine light of a fixed star
And to keep on our promise
Something important.

Unknown said...

A Complicated Note

Life is the only way
to get smothered by past,
drop your tears on the bed
shout with silence;

to be an angel,
or open its warm arms;

to tell love
from everything it’s not;

to feel every moment,
treasure with heart
to seek the least of all possible chances.

An extraordinary move
to remember for a lifetime
a forgettable kiss
of two loves hugged in;

and if only once
to diverge within a trip,
end up drove to a desert or another

mislay your phone in the class;
and to follow the sound on the wind with your ears;
and to keep on not ruing
something important.

Kelly said...

A Note

Life is the only way
to snorkel around coral reef,
breathe deeply in the sea air,
fly a kite;

to be a beauty,
or the beast with her;

to be thankful
for help I got;

to escape from crowd,
wander by yourself,
to enjoy the quiet moment in your life.

An extraordinary chance
to meet an old friend
and find that
young days are so wonderful;

and if only once
to start a new life,
end up frustrated that I am less flexible,

ignore the signal of age;
and to kiss my son’s cheeks at night before bed time;
and to keep on thinking
something difficult.

Evelyn said...

A Note To Self

Life is the only way
to treasure existence,
admire and accept trials,
right or wrong;

to be a leader,
or critical thinker;

to comply
with life’s rules if needed;

to permit differences,
and be truthful,
to live life to its fullest and glorify.

An extraordinary chance
to reflect on this precious time
savour the moments
with the one’s we love;

if only once
to live life to my liking
end people’s sufferings and free of worries,

misguided lives quite a few;
and to mend and nurture them is never too late;
to keep loving and learning
something unending.

Unknown said...

A Mother’s Note

Life is the only way
to wander in the park,
read fairy tales until dark,
every day;

to be gentle,
or strict as a tiger;

to hug kids
feel true love in between;

to guide the children,
like a tutor,
to encourage them to try their best.

An unforgettable moment
to remember once again
receiving presents
on each mother’s day;

and if only once
to struggle with a problem,
always sure that better parenting was not easy,

lose patience to retell;
and to wonder when if it is time to finish;
and to regret when they grow
something valuable.

Unknown said...

A Note to Mother's Day

Life is the only way
to be around beauty,
greet the neb by the waft,
dance on bloom;

to be a horse,
or toss its long mane;

to tell proud
from everything it’s not;

to stretch every morning,
breath in slowly,
to seek every possible chance to provide.

An wonderful experience
to remember for a life long
a kangaroo hide
in the belly roll around;

and if only once
to wander in the desert,
end up jumped in oasis or another,

snuggle baby on the bed;
and to follow fairy into dream on the wing;
and to keep on collecting
everything blissful.

Unknown said...

A Note

Life is the only way
to get immersed in colors,
splash water on others in pool,
high on mood;

to be a day dreamer,
or make it happen;

to feel different
from every other being;

to widen your smile,
change your attitude,
to leave the worries of life way behind.

An extraordinary feeling
to remember a moment
leaving behind the motherland
with the friends shedding tears;

and if only once
to stumble upon your steps,
after having an extra shot,

remember to keep your promise;
and to follow the goal set in your eyes;
and to keep on not forgetting
something achievable.

Unknown said...

A note to my country

Life is the only way
to survive a painful event,
keep your hope in god,
free yourself;

to hold the rifle,
or get shot from the back;

to call help,
but no one will come;

to think of a solution
to stop the blood
to look for an answer for what is happening.

An extraordinary feeling
to remember for a moment
the smiling face
of friends you lost;

and if only once
we have an extra minute
to thank them for sacrificing their life's for ours;

misunderstand the truth of life;
and to follow your enemy and fight your friends:
and to keep on not knowing
the real enemy.

zahra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nadezhda said...

A Note

Life is the only way
to get warm from the sun,
catch the wind on the bike,
swim on waves;

to be a judge,
or play with his rules;

to strain truth
from everything it's not;

to rise above events,
change your future,
to fight for the rights of all possible ways.

An extraordinary chance
to remember for a moment
the pensive faces
of old weak parents;

and if only once
to lost in the jungle
end up found by one path or another,

to forget your sellphone home;
and listen to the trees on the wind with your ears;
and to keep on not hearing
something important.

Ismael said...


Life is the only way
to get covered in blood,
groan in pain on the ground,
rest in peace;

to be a predator,
or a helpless pray;

to make joy
from other people's misery;

to vanish into silence,
leaving no track,
to look for solutions for all the misteries.

An extraordinary chance
to remember for a moment
a cry of hope
when a new life is born;

and if only once
to stick your neck out,
end up slaughtered in one way or another,

mislay your morals in the battle
and to follow the path of your ancestors with your feet;
and to keep on not seeing
the rationale of war.

zahra said...

A Note

Life is the only way
to come many dreams true,
step beyond the thought,
touch a bloom;

to be a rat,
or soar as a bird;

to find truth
from somewhere faraway;

to confuse between beliefs,
flee of judgement,
to look for a beautiful mind with no bias.

An extraordinary chance
to remember a sweet sense
when the hearts were warm
and eyes talked together;

and if only once,
to struggle for sleep at night,
end up stare to the stars or another,

miss your passion for living;
and to repeat the story everyday of your life;
and to keep on not trying
something different.

Unknown said...

A Note to Thanks

Life is the only way
to experience losing and treasuring,
drown your feeling under the ocean,
live all again;

to be a daughter,
or obey every word they say;

to appreciate your enemy,
go against you,
to realize who needs love and care.

An extraordinary chance
to remember for a moment
the words you announced,
forgiven others to make ourselves life livened;

and if only once
to share my secrets,
end up embarrassing myself even more,

mistaken your thoughts and ways in life;
and to turn around in that forest;
and to keep on appreciating
someone important.

-97 words

Unknown said...

Poem- A simple note.

Life is the only way
to lie on a green field,
listen to the bird’s chirp,
free the soul;

to be an eagle,
or to soar on its wings;

to embrace life
with the guidance of God;

to believe in rebirth,
follow your heart,
to seek for happiness in a limited time.

An extraordinary chance
to experience human’s life
about frustrations
what makes you to be thankful;

and if only once
to learn from the lesson,
end up knowing the truth of the depression,

misjudge your depth on a stream;
and to remember the misconception behind;
and to remember in future
something valuable.

— by Trevor Teh

Unknown said...

A Daughters Note

Life is the only way
to receive acceptance,
upon every mistake,
feeling loved;

to get lectures,
or grounded for life;

to her smile
from all my successes;

to sneak out at night,
and getting caught,
to those eyes glaring at me through the doorway.

An extraordinary feeling
to remember for a moment
a single mother
i call my hero;

and if only once
to give the thanks we owe
end up with a son or daughter of our own,

misplace family photos;
and to follow all the memories created;
and to keep on believing in
something very special.