Friday, December 9, 2011

Writing a List Poem

Beginning with "Life is the only way", write your own list poem using "A Note" as a model. Your poem must use the same number of words and structure as Szymborska's. 

Post a copy of your poem to the blog before coming to Wednesday's class. 

Be prepared to do a recital of your poem (please practice ahead of time!) and give some short remarks on the process you followed and any difficulties you experienced.


S.Alexey said...

A Note to Nobody

Life is the only way
to be buried in clouds,
put your aid in the hand,
sink in deeps;

to be a sage,
or touch his shine brain;

to have sense
from everything it's not;

to slide across the roads,
draft on maps,
to seek the least of all future dangers.

An extraordinary chance
to forget for a moment
girl’s happy smile
with a man kissed her;

and if only once
to see a lucky number,
end up exchanged by one worse or another,

mislay your trust in the mud;
and to capture a smell behind your silhouette;
and to keep on not thinking
something important.

Cornelia said...

A Note to You
Life is the only way
to smell of cold winter air,
hold your breath under the snow,
fly over mountains;

to be a seagull,
or enjoy its lovely song;

to tell solitude
but never lose hope;

to hold a lover,
savour a perfume,
to seek happiness and sadness we could share.

A solemn moment
to remember once again
a victory sound
with the hands clapping loud;

and if only once
to climb on a peak,
end up sunk in one depression or another,

drop your dream in the fog;
and to remember a hug from someone you love;
and to keep on not realizing
something important.

hyunni's place said...

A Note to Loved Ones:

Life is the only way
to be loved by someone,
held in hands on the streets,
rise on emotions;

To be a bird
or fly to its nest;

To tell love
from nothing it’s not;

to squeeze hands,
look into a heart,
to seek the least of all impossible love.

A special reminiscence
to look for a moment
a conversation held
with only looking at each others’ eyes;

and if only once
to hug someone by loved one,
end up hugging one another,

mislay your feelings in somewhere;
and to follow hearts on surface with your brain;
and to keep on not knowing
something lovable.

rosemaryrrr said...

A Simple Note

Life is the only way
to awake from shadows,
thank life for breathing,
spin in the morning thoughts;

to be a fairy,
or play the flute in the forest surrounded by nature beings;

to wait for the absent lover
it is not lasting forever;

to reach unthinkable dreams,
be messengers of peace,
to seek the least of all possible wars.

In a hollowed moment
dwell heart and mind in a heavenly scenery
to wash sins day by day
accepting others, forgiving myself;

and if only once
to fall into the tunnel,
end up looking for the light at the end,

afraid of being alone in darkness;
and to depart on a star enfolded in holy light;
and to stop the time realizing
death is redemption for life

Brad said...

A Note to Everyone

Life is the only way
to see sun on snow,
catch a glimpse of The Lions,
breathe out fog;

to be unaware,
or believe in smart lies;

to define different
as everyone who is;

to agonize over things,
stroll by yourself,
to seek the best in life every day.

An extraordinary moment
to remember a first love
and feel again
your true heart lightly dancing;

and if only once
to stumble upon new ideas,
end up convinced by some plan or another,

embrace your life here on earth;
and to follow the truth like a spark on the wind;
and to keep on believing in
something human.

—Brad Hyde; November 2011

noel p said...

A Note to Myself

Life is the only way
to get soaked in water,
hold you breath on the splash,
gasp on air;

to be a survivor,
stroke stronger than the waves;

to tell opponents
winner takes it all;

to save a friend,
hold under arm,
to post a defense in a tight circumstance.

an extraordinary scene
to taste for a minute
the first strike
of a classic swimming race;

and if only once
to crash on the sand,
only to rise again and charge head-on,

lick your wounds for a moment;
and mount your offense loaded with force and piercing eyes;
keep the pace fast and decisive
until victory.

Lois said...

Note to Myself

Life is the only way
to dance in the rain,
chase falling leaves in the wind,
smile at sunshine;

to be a knight,
or show dignity with his sword;

to tell hope
from everything it’s not;

to hug your family,
kiss on cheeks,
to seek the best consolation of all possibilities.

An extraordinary time
to remember for a moment
a solemn vow committed
with two hands held together;

and if only once
to step into the wild,
end up tore by one trap or another;

miss the birthday of your child;
and to purchase the gift in his wish with all regrets;
and to keep on not knowing
something important.

Soheil said...

Life is the only way
to get adventure in journey,
catch your courage on the seas,
rise on waves;

to be a sailor,
or sail its solid sailboat;

to tell story
from someone who is not;

to keep quiet emotion,
contemplate in alienation,
to seek the least of the best expression.

an extraordinary mind
to remember for an instant
a respiration held
with the fear of death;

and if only once
to slide upon a wave,
end up entrapped in one whirlpool or another,

mislay your goal in the rain;
and to see a light on the sky with your eyes;
and to keep on not disappointing
something important.

Niloufar said...

A Note For Ever

Life is the only way
to smell the freshness of the lawn,
follow your heartbeat in silence,
walk on fog;

to be a human,
or kill for his empty benefits;

to tell everybody
the secret that they knew already;

to feel a warm breath,
under the rain or dearth,
to seek the least of all possible affection.

A particular time
to learn by heart for a moment
the first sentence of love you exchanged
with the one you adore;

and if only once
to fall into a dim delusion,
end up soaked in a confusing dream,

mislay your goal in the end;
and to witness your mistake;
and to keep on not comprehending
something significant.

Ensieh said...

Life is the only way
to breathe in freedom,
listen to your heart beat,
and trust yourself;

to be a dove,
or be a symbol of freedom;

to tell someone
advice that he or she never minds;

to accept the life,
the way it is,
to seek the best and happiness every minute.

An extraordinary opportunity
to remember once again the old
memories it doesn’t
matter bad one or good one;

and if only once
To fall into trouble,
end up with a solution or a big smile,

lose the destination of your life;
and to remember a kiss from your loved one;
and to continue on not realizing
any disappointment.

Faiz Samadi said...

A note to myself

Life is happening only once
Let it coming as a bounce
Catch your breath and fly
It happens only once

To be a man
The way you have to be;

To have everyone
The way they suppose to be;

To squeeze inside all hearts
All devils out
To get the best of all possible arts

No mistakes given a chance
To dream for a moment
A perfection held
With the hearts opened up

And if only once
These all were true
Ended up soaked in a haven or another,

Mislay all your cries
And to follow a shooting star with your sparkling eyes
And to get perfectly knowing
If these all were bestowing

Anonymous said...

A Note of Life

Life is the only way
to explore full moon nights,
open your hands toward the sun,
rise on waves;

to be a chameleon,
or adore its diverse colors;

to tell betrayal
from everything it’s not;

to hug a friend,
chat about anything,
to seek the least of all our disagreements.

An extraordinary reason
to remember for a moment
the first kiss
from someone special to you;

and if only once
to fall from a swing,
end up wounded by one tumble or another,

mislay your photos in the attic;
and to remember tender words whispered to your ear;
and to keep on not feeling
something irresistible.

Unknown said...

A Note

Life is the only way
to get buried in snow,
seize your breath on the grass,
breakthrough the ice;

to be a bird,
or caress its smooth feathers;

to see light
from the blundering darkness;

to cherish simple moments.
observe the scene,
to minimize the most of all conceivable errors;

a unique chance
to recall for a minute
an experience shared
with the lights switched off;

and if only once
to trip upon a root,
end up falling from one step after another,

throw your map to the wind;
and to follow your instinct you feel within with a conviction,
and to keep being unfamiliar to
every event.

Ru said...

Life is the only way
To sing in the shower
Wake up to the sound of birds singing.
Escape into the sea,
to be silent in a crowd.
Or stand alone on cold feet.
To tell a story that has a sweet ending.
Drinking lemonade while soaking in the sun,
To let go of your misery and fearful thoughts:
An extraordinary way to be told that life is not about the precious gifts, and only once to be struck by lightening
Lay your head onto field of hay
Watch the stars sparkle next to the moon
And to follow a narrow tunnel
Not knowing where it will take you.

kathira said...

Life is the only way
To see yourself through others,
To help you through hard times,
Knowing lights ahead;

To be a daughter,
Or a mother’s gender partner;

To tell a lover
Those three sweet words;

To be true friend,
Without any secret,
To say only what you mean and mean what you say.

An extraordinary achievement
To recall in a flash
The first kiss
You had under the bleachers;

And if only once
To settle for less,
End up losing sight of your goal one way or another,

Lose control of your life;
And to dwell on the past, while living the present;
And to keep complaining instead of making
Things better.

SelamH said...

“Life is the only way.”
Life is the only way
to learn though hard times,
can’t undo any poor choices back,
show love perfection;

to be a king,
or man challenge your believes;

to speak dream
from universe is not;

to fall in love
express ideas freely,
to explore deep to find a sparks.

A memorable moment
to treasure glow of diamond
path of creatures
with beauty of your own;

and if only once
to proceed hesitation in life,
end up new step head or another,

mislay your thoughts to unforgettable notebook;
and to see sunshine thru hard life of a mother nature;
and to maintain on not knowing
the overcome.

Suzy said...

A Kind Note

Life is the only way
to get wrapped in knowledge,
catch your dreams in your hands,
rise on top;

to be a nurse,
or care for the sick;

to tell truth
behind all it's lies;

to run with intuition,
hopeful in decisions,
to seek an answer and save a life.

An extraordinary experience
to remember a good deed
a hand held
with worries frozen in time;

and if only once
to stumble upon a needle,
end up awoken by one patient or another,

mislay your pain in the past;
and to follow a light given by the angels in sight;
and to keep always faithful in
something cherished.

Darija said...

Life is the only way
to have throbs in heart,
hug dear person in silence,
response with honest smile;

to be a bird,
or fly far away;

to tell someone
secret you never told before;

to kiss a child,
hear a funny stories,
to seek the most innocent voice ever;

An extraordinary time
to remember again
the warm house
full of joy and love;

and if only once
to see some sign,
end up followed by one step or another,

mislay your pain in the sea of waves;
and follow the Milky Way along;
and to keep on seeking
something impossible.

Maryam K said...

A note to the future..

Life is the only way
To be a brave person
To love the person you marry
Enjoy the journey

To maintain your similarities
And to respect the differences

To be strong
Even when everything’s wrong

To keep them close
Even miles away
To seek the pleasure of being two as one

In bad times
To remember their first smile
One gentle look
You’ve been given, which you loved

Even through tough times
When mistakes were made
End up learning that marriage comes not only in one shade

Mislay the doubts in your mind
And to learn how to be a true beloved friend.
And to find their true self
Something treasured.

JohnWarren said...

A Note to Myself

Life is the only way
of getting one’s hand on memories,
wishing to go back there again and,
change what happened;

to be a survivor,
when the victim gets tired;

to look around
as water finds its level;

to saunter through puddles,
despite being tardy,
delaying the inevitable discipline from up from above.

An extraordinary sight
the top of your head,
as you escape
from your rouge tinted cocoon;

and if only once
to hold one’s breath forever,
to dream with the fish or fly like a Tern.

lose your spot in the line-up,
looking around in disbelief at your misfortune,
never forgetting that forever we are,
waiting to expire.

Tsering Lama said...

A Note to Life

Life is the only way
to dive off a cliff,
hold your breath under the water,
exhale with reprieve;

to be a rose,
or its thorn that pricks;

to walk away
than put up with drama;

to share a moment,
laugh out loud,
to seek the good in every one.

An extraordinary opening
to reminisce the helpless days
a broken promise
perhaps never to be fulfilled;

and if only once
to go back in time,
and undo mistakes that led friends to strangers,

lose doubt but keep the faith;
and to try succeeding rather than simply giving up;
and to keep on not admitting
our selfishness.

- Tsering Lama

Steven said...

A Note to The Cup

Life is the only way
to get embraced by hands,
chant your team in the rink,
raised by cheers;

to be a fan,
or proud of one’s collections;

to shout victory
from everyone who’s not;

to flip through records,
argue with friends,
to wish the best for more aggressive gangs.

An extraordinary chance
to remember for a moment
a ceremony held
with the trophy not touched;

and if only once
to tumble into a shrub,
end up scarred by one bear or another,

mislay your tickets in the drawer;
and to follow a shot on the screen with your finger;
and to keep on not harming
something important.

Pierre jeremiah yesaya keddy said...

A Note About Existence

Life is the only way
To lie on the grass,
Look at the Milky Way,
With captivated eyes,

To be a child,
fall into the greatest despair;

To still rise
beautiful from your ashes;

To cherish the smile
of a child,
To exist entirely in his big eyes.

A Mystery indeed
to puzzle the mind
of any man
With a beating heart;

And if nothing ever
to share the deepest love,
feel connected to the world,

lose yourself in a kiss;
And to know you belong to the infinite;
And yet ask yourself “what is
To be alive?”

Jade said...

A Note to Myself
Life is the only way
to get wet in the puddle,
cry your grasshoppers in fall,
ride on a rainbow;

to be a candy,
or savour its sweet juice;

to tell winter
from every time it’s not;

to hover in a dilemma,
puzzle about answers,
to search the least of all possible misplay.

An extraordinary time
to remember for a moment
a sick night held
with a bowl of pomegranate seeds pressed one by one by your daughter;

and if only once
to stumble upon a bridge,
end up saturated in one stream or another

Lost your desire in the reality;
and to follow a sound of waves with your ears;
and to keep on thinking
something never happens.