A Favourite Line, Idea, Image
Without naming the poet, choose a favourite line, idea or image from the list poems presented today. Write no more than 50 words (not including the excerpt chosen).
A place for English 12 students from the Pearson Adult Learning Centre in New Westminster, BC, Canada to read work in progress, critique, and ask or answer questions (of other students and of the teacher).
Without naming the poet, choose a favourite line, idea or image from the list poems presented today. Write no more than 50 words (not including the excerpt chosen).
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4/20/2011 02:21:00 PM
"I prefer keeping in mind the possibility that our existence is the mistake."
The line surprises me. It’s blunt. Even the "the" seems just right. To think “our existence” a “mistake” implies the poet speaks the truth about human behaviour in all its awful variety. It is humbling to think so. The line fits the poem and mimics Szymborska’s usually devastating ending lines.
—50 words
-A Favorite line, idea, image:
I would choose “I prefer a few good friends to three hundred on Facebook” because in my Facebook, I probably have way over than 20 people. When I heard that line, it made me realize something. And, decided that I'll have to delete some of my friends.
-49 words.
"I prefer people who are color blind."
This is my favourite line because of its double meaning. It is a choice given to the reader.It could simply mean what it says or, perhaps something deeper in that no matter our colour we all bleed red and breathe the same air. Colour is only skin deep.
Word count - 49 -
“…I am not alone that we all have problems of our own.”
This is my favourite line because of the common experience. As a table tennis player when I was young, I know that the key to win is to make use of the strength to attack the weakness of the opponent. When we grew up, we get to realize that “we all have problems of our own.” With the help of teachers of PALC, I will make great progress in English, my weakness right now.
(67 words)
“I prefer keeping in mind that nothing is so important.”
This line inspires readers to examine life from a different perspective. The poet suggests that people should not give up on their goals when they are discouraged. We should “[keep] in mind” that life is not about holding on to troubled experiences; rather, life is about exploring and living in the moment.
-52 words
“I prefer keeping faith and dignity, just in case.”
This is a great quote because it is very true and inspiring. We should always have faith in anything and also have self respect. It is important to also keep in mind having faith is not necessarily a religious thing. Faith can be anything from having confidence in yourself or simply trusting someone.
- 53 words
“I prefer the absurdity of the Conservatives
to the absurdity of the Liberals”
These lines remind readers about the coming election. The author uses “absurdity” to express her opinion about the political parties. This is a contradiction. The people’s mind is overfilled with the promises of a better life that flow from TV screens. The name of this political persecution is absurdity.
-50 words
"I prefer prayer with hunger than hunger without prayer."
I like this line because it made me think which I would prefer. I felt the word hunger could have a double meaning, not a physical hunger but maybe more a spiritual desire or passion. I thought of the word prayer as hope. It made me think you cannot start to fill a hunger without prayer or hope.
-68 words
“I prefer not to live in the past but in the moment”
I like this line, because it is reminding me that what happened in the past I won’t be able to change it. So then why should I worry about it? We should all worry and do everything right in the moment, so in the future we won’t look back and regret it.
"I prefer keeping in mind that everyday above ground is another round."
This is my favorite line because some people always live in the past, and they consequently blame their self for what they did many years ago. The poet uses buoyant metaphor to describe a day as a new round that encourages people to do their best one more time.
“I prefer chocolate for no reason.”
This line is amazing. I’m not alone. I found the soul who likes chocolate as well as I. It doesn’t matter what the weather is outside, what time is now, bad or good mood I have, chocolate always should be on my hand. I thank the Maya civilization for chocolate.
-50 words
“I prefer to know who i am.”
This line stopped me. The question I ask myself every morning. Who I am? A virtuous husband of a pretty woman, an exacting father of two sons, a conscientious worker in an office, or a little boy who woke from a nightmare, trembling with fear.
– 45 words
“I prefer keeping in my mind even the possibility that I will approach my goals one day.”
I like these lines because gives the readers a message of hope. The poet is trying to encourage the audience to be positive and believe that one day they can reach their aims. Everybody is capable to complete their expectations by working hard and conquering any obstacles that they can find on their way.
- 54 Words.
"I prefer the absurdity of anxiety
to the absurdity of feeling nothing at all."
There are so many things that make us anxious in our lives, love or health or wealth. We are eager to occupy or to get rid of. But someday, when we get what we want, we felt empty. The poet well expressed such kind of absurdity in this line .
-50 words
“ I prefer telephone to twitter.” The line reminds me to call my parents since I called them two months ago, even though we leave message online to each other sometimes. When they heard my voice through the phone, I just realized they had been waiting for me too long from their excited voice. -53 words
“I prefer light over darkness.”
There is a lot of symbolism in this line. This line can be interpreted in many situations where goodness is preferred over evil. I like it because light is symbolizing many good and positive matters while in contrast darkness is representing all types of negatives and not desired phenomena.
49 Words.
“I prefer keeping in my mind even the possibility that I will approach my goals one day.”
A favourite line, because the writer encourages his readers to be positive in achieving their dreams, whatever time it takes. I like the confidence which the writer has; a sign of faith and vision.
- 51 Words
“I prefer not to live in the past but in the moment.”
I choose this line because this is a big truth of our life. As a human being we like to remember many things such as happiness and sorrows. This line shows that we should always enjoy every moment rather than living in the past.
----56 words
“I prefer to leave when it’s time.”
This line caught my attention because the poet’s attitude is the opposite of mine. The difficult part in a special gathering like family reunion is when everyone is time to depart; it is really hard for me to say good-bye as no can tell when each other will see again. This also reminds me of the story, “Getting Closer”; this line could also pertain to the willingness of leaving this world when it’s time.
- 74 words
“I prefer the absurdity of real world to the absurdity of virtual reality.”
I like this line because it is on target. Today's technologies erase a border between reality and virtuality. In virtual world we can have friends, love, wars, money, and entertainments. However, some people forget that all these just combination of zeros and ones and take virtual reality to real world.
- 50 words
I prefer keeping in mind the possibility
that life has no meaning; I have to create mine
If you want to eat, you have to pay for what you want to buy. If you want shelter, you have to pay for your mortgage or rent. These things are the physiological needs, they do not necessarily give meaning to life. Life is meaningful when you have something to look forward to.
53 words
"I prefer the 80's clothing style."
I picked this line because i feel it relates to me. Ever since i was young i wanted live in the 80's, it been my dream!So in the list poem when someone wrote it it made me think about my dreams. It feel writing poems or anything in general should be about your dreams and what inspires you!
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