Friday, February 25, 2011

Homework (due Wednesday, March 2)

Address one of the following questions in a paragraph answer of 150 words.

Why are drop out rates so high (in secondary and postsecondary education) in your opinion?

What is more important to our future, the arts or the sciences?

Find out more about ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). What is your reaction to this information?

Post your answer here as a comment and please bring a word processed and printed copy to class on Wednesday.


Albert Ye said...

ADHD(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) reminds me of the days in my childhood. One of my classmates at the elementary school was an angry person, who tended to fight and argue with physical and verbal abuse. He could not concentrate himself on studying in the class and always failed to finish his homework. He was blamed and punished by his parents and teacher, but all these could not change anything. This is supposed to be a kind of diseases only for children and they will recover when they grow up. After I studied ADHD further more, I understand that some of these children with ADHD will have problems that “persist in to adult life.” The symptoms of ADHD for adults are “depression, irritability, antisocial behavior and attention problems.” Therefore, it should be the responsibility of the parents and all the members of society to care for these patients. The parents of the children patients should respect the children’s personalities and assess the used methods to manage the children’s behaviors instead of the simple way of blame and punishment.

(177 words)

Brad said...

With our world obsessed with the magic of new technology, with many of our citizens deeply absorbed by smartphones (their faces bathed in an eerie blue glow), with political convention voting conducted on the internet, it is easy to assume that science will be the most important factor determining our collective future. I disagree. In fact, I am deeply worried by the direction we, as a society, are taking. Science can create new things, yes, and it has done so with astonishing rapidity, particularly in the past five years. What it cannot do is teach us what to make of this change, how to behave, how, in the end, to live lives that are marked by bewildering and often alienating new technologies. I argue for the arts, where our artists and writers will, through their imaginations, help us to make new meanings. Let us hope that we still have time.

—150 words

shannon said...

As I am a high school drop out and am just returning to the education system, it seems fitting for me to choose this topic. There are many reasons why kids drop out of school. Sometimes it is for financial reasons and they have to help support the family, or they have started a family of their own and now need to work. For other students issues may include depression, bullying, racism, low self-esteem or even undiagnosed learning disabilities. Teachers have a hard job in keeping the attention of everyone, it seems an almost impossible task. I believe for the post secondary drop outs the main reason is financial. They may also be ill prepared for the change in educational style and find it harder to succeed, therefore rendering their dreams a hopeless unattainable fantasy. In my opinion the misconception is; it is easier to quit of your own accord rather than to have someone fail you. - 157 words

Natalie R said...

I have never believed that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) was actually something existent. I always thought that it was some excuse for doctors to make cash or parents didn’t discipline their kids enough. Nowadays, I see small children doing anything they feel like, while their parents witness it and do nothing about it. First of all, I do not think that is the right thing to do. Children need to know what is right and what is wrong, they should not be allowed to do everything. As I did research on ADHD, I have learned about the symptoms; they can be described as feeling restless, constant fidgeting with hands or feet, squirming or having difficulty focusing. In my opinion, I feel like that is the typical behaviour of a young child. Also, there have been many cases where children have been “misdiagnosed” of this disease. Although, I also found out that adults can be diagnosed with this as well. However, it could be a phase people go through sometimes or perhaps too much caffeine intake. There are so many possibilities of what could trigger such behaviour. Personally, I am still pretty skeptical about ADHD, perhaps, if the actual known cause was revealed, I would most likely be convinced that it truly is a disease.


Gladys said...

There is a variety of reasons why students drop out from secondary and post secondary school. Some students prefer to get a job and make money rather continue attending school. They think that they will have a better future by working than enriching their knowledge. In other cases, they do not take school seriously. They do not put enough effort to complete their education. They find the classes difficult and feel that they are not capable to deal with, making them lose interest in their studies. And for the ones that have to pay for education, the main reason for them is they can not afford tuition. Some, they have to work and study at the same time. They are not able to attend classes regularly and do their homework; consequently they quit the course. Students should be conscious that attending schools is a privilege and we should take advantage of this to get a better quality of life.
- 159 words

Eunice said...

I work with Autistic kids and more than usual they show signs of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). When I think of ADHD I would think of unruly kids, yes unruly, with uncontrollable compulsions, kids that want to be noticed and who want to break the mole of their structured environment. Although most people mistake these behavioural compulsions as problematic misbehaviour, this behaviour is a result of a neurological disorder. “At least 1 to 3 students in every classroom will have ADHD”. []. I went to elementary school with a girl who had suffered from ADHD, she was very emotional, disruptive, confrontational and most of the time misunderstood by her teachers and classmates, she was later removed and put in a “special needs” class. I had a chance meeting with her later on in my adult life and learned that she had been on many different anti-depressants since her preteen years. She still exhibited hyperactivity and has had a tough life since. All the signs of ADHD are generally offensive and looked upon as shortfalls in children and adults. These same children can become intelligent dynamic people who may or may not be successful in life.
-197 words

Olga said...

What is more important to our future, the arts or the sciences? For me, this question seems odd. Like to read, now I use a player to listen to my favorite books. And I am not alone; almost everybody listens to the music, reads books, and watches movies using advanced technology. In this case, we join the arts and the sciences together. Moreover, developing a new car or cellphone, an engineer thinks about fashion design in order to make the model more attractive for buyers. The sciences and arts are together again. I am surprised how many people listen to classical music in the Orpheum Theater or rock in the Rogers Arena. In the other hand, nonetheless, people attend exhibitions of new technologies. In our routine life, we more often discuss movies, books, or concerts than nanotechnology or a collider. For my surrounding, a person, who knows Dostoevsky or Chopin, is more interesting than a person who talks about smartphones.

- 160 words

S.Alexey said...

The same question is - Who is stronger an elephant or a whale? No answer. Why? Because there is not a system of coordinates for this comparison. In ancient times, people did not divide the sciences from the arts. Leonardo da Vinci is a great painter and also a famous engineer; Sir Isaac Newton not only formulated his three physical laws, but also he wrote theological books. The arts and the sciences have moved hand in hand whole human history. They stimulate and accelerate each other. The invention of an alphabet led to the creation of literature. The Greek myth about Icarus had forced thousands of people make futile attempts to fly until they invented a Montgolfier, a plane, and a rocket. Being products of the human mind and imagination, the arts and the sciences don’t have any borders between themselves. Therefore, they will be inextricably intertwined in our future.

– 150 words

hyunni's place said...

-respond to drop outs:

To tell you the truth, I didn’t know why people were dropping out of schools, especially post-secondary schools—institutes, universities, and colleges. I didn’t know I was a privileged child until I had to pay a tuition fee for myself for going to a post-secondary school. I was lucky enough to pay my own at that time because I saved some money for the rainy days. But, few of my friends from high school had to pay off a financial aid with an interest and if they didn’t pay, then they’re going to be an incredulous person. Whenever I heard the news, I felt sad for them. If I want to go to a college later, I’d better save my money right now to pay a tuition fees. No wonder students are gathering around at the Vancouver Art Museum for to lower the tuition fees rally every year!

-150 words.

Sheila said...

As far as medical field is concerned, Science is important; rapid advancement in technology like medical imaging makes diagnoses easier and accurate. Also serious illnesses are prevented and therefore, life expectancy increases. But despite of the success (which I am one of the recipient) in medical practices, more parents like me will disagree in the technology being introduced today to young generations; it reminds me of what I read in the newspaper, whereas a mother is concerned about her children’s behaviour towards this technology; she then conducted an experiment by which all the gadgets of her children are surrendered to her and internet as well is disconnected. Few months later, all of the children gain back their interest and love for arts; I remember one of the children plays again his favourite instrument. Therefore, abandonment of these “modern technology” makes sense in winning back everyone’s passion for arts; though I don’t know how but we had given wisdom to discern things that will benefits our lives.

Somayeh said...

What is more important science or art? The combination of these two elements, art and science create beautiful elevated buildings, fast automatic cars, and amazing Smartphone. Science and art should not separate if we want to live in a modern elegant society. A safe well-designed building creates when engineers and designers work together. Every day we perceive new version of TV, phones, laptop or other products that is not only enhanced with new technology, but also it designed more attractive than old one. 3D TV and cameras create amazing scenes that we enjoy more of watching these movies. Although the mixture of these two form perfect products, in some cases science or art is doing more significant job than other. Medicine bases on science only, but painting or writing just need a creative artist and a few instruments. But overall science and art work to gather strongly to make our lives easier and more interesting.

Vitaly said...

Since ancient times the arts have been the sources of spirituality and inspiration for humans; however, the life of an average individual in the 21st century mostly consists of irreplaceable technologies which were created by brilliant scientists. Therefore, our future mainly depends on the development of the sciences. It is almost impossible to imagine today’s life without such useful inventions as a cell phone, the Internet, cable television and a personal computer. Moreover, a growing number of rescued lives due to the new methods of treatment and enhanced medications proves that the sciences play one of the most important roles in our future. In addition, our world has the deficiency of nonrenewable resources, and the new ways of oil consumption help humans to save more supplies for the next generations. Thus, humanity should focus on the growth of the sciences and adopt more helpful technologies to improve our lives. - 145 words

Tsering Lama said...

I think both science and arts are important to our future because it is somehow always linked together, but if I had to choose one then I would probably go with science because science has brought about a huge improvement in our present and it will definitely change our future as well. I mean sure inventing new technologies does kill the natural things in life which is heart breaking but at the same time, it introduces us to a whole new level of advanced technologies that makes our lifestyle better and easier and not only that, but it also leads us to find cures for illness and invent medicines that vanishes the diseases from our body. The Sciences are an important part of our daily lives and so are the arts. Without science in our future, there won’t be any progress. - 141 words

Wenxing said...

Sciences have brought tremendous changes to our planet and to our life. We can fly into the deep outer space; We can change the gene of some species for our benefit. Sciences provided unlimited possibilities to enrich our life, and we highly esteem it without aware of “How many errors, a thousand times more dangerous than the truth is useful, does one not have to get past to reach the truth?”[Rousseau: ‘Discourse on the Arts and Sciences’]. We can easily find such kind of ‘errors’, nuclear weapon killing and scaring us; gene technology confusing our ethics. People may think that the arts can help to correct the human being’s moral degeneration, regularize our behavior and reduce the harzard caused by the sciences. but, I am quite doubtful of this, because “We do not know - neither the sophists, nor the orators, nor the artists, nor I – what the True, the Good, and the Beautiful are” as stated by Scorates.

Dasha said...

To answer the question I first asked myself: “what is science for?” and “what is art for?” After thinking, I got the answers: The purpose of science is to cognize the world. The purpose of art is to cognize the world. If they serve the same purpose, maybe one can replace another one? However, this is impossible. Science helps us to understand the world all around us, whereas with art we can learn the world inside us. The cognition of ourselves and all around us has two aspects: logic and intuition. Science is a logical construction, but it could not exist without intuition (most of the scientific inventions are due to intuition and imagination). On the other hand, the main thing in art is intuition. Art is not always logical, moreover, it tries to convince of something, what can't be proof logically. Therefore, science and art supplement each other and integrate into the way of learning the world, what’ll never be finished, even in future.
- 165

Bernard said...

What is more important to our future, the arts or the sciences? According to Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) in his essay “What is Art?”, published in 1896 said that “Art is a human activity consisting in this, that one man consciously, by means of certain external signs, hands on to others feelings he has lived through, and that other people are infected by these feelings and also experience them.” And by definition from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: “Science is an enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the world.” Therefore, I can easily answer this question by saying that for our future we need both. The sciences will be important in building and organizing knowledge, while the arts will come from external signs and feelings trough which the world will be infected. One good example is the smartphones, which are arts and sciences.

-150 Words

Chandni Mansaray said...

Education is Power
Dropout rate in secondary and post-secondary school education is increasing every day. Students get distracted due to pressure and society. It costs a lot of money to go school and the cost of living is too high. Most students need to work while they are going to school; it takes away the time from their studies. Also, the curriculum that most schools follow is tough. Furthermore, to get into a program and to do well in school, students need to meet requirements all the time. Most families push their children to go to school for what they want them to do. Not everyone needs to become a doctor! It always seems easy to work and earn money, instead of going to school. Students do not realize the value of education. Parents and teachers should encourage children to stay in school and finish their education because education is power!

Ryan Jiang said...

There is a correlation between the dropout rate and the socio-economic status of the students. According to USA’s National data, students from low-income families are 10.5 times more likely than students from high-income families to drop out of school. Many dropouts come from low income families with troubled domestic lives. Many of them struggle to deal with life at home while trying to concentrate on their studies. They experience low self esteem when labeled as bad students by their teachers and have higher chances of getting involved in fights, experiencing drugs and participating in criminal activities. Many dropouts fail to find high paying jobs later in life because the Canadian labour market favors those with higher education. Therefore, the majority of the dropouts have limited opportunities to increase their social-economic status and continue to live with a low ascribed status that was once “assigned” to their parents. -147 words

Na W said...

Reflect on the past and look forward to the future. Arts and sciences are like two wheels of the car or two wings of the bird. They are mutually dependant on each other. We are still exploring and pursuing the profound mystery of nature, universe and human beings. Science has its roots in arts and its end in logical thoughts. For example, atomic energy can be used to generate electric power for our benefit, but it also can be used to destroy the world. Drugs can be used to treat illness but some drugs can be harmful. Therefore, what kind of effect science has on our society, reflects social values. Science is created by humans, and utilized by humans. How to utilize technology depends on what kind of social ethic it leads to. We should become the host not the slave of technology. - 143 words

Anonymous said...

Why are the drop rates so high in the secondary and post secondary education? Nobody wants to drop their school unless they have big reasons. In my opinion, every student has different reasons to drop out school. There are different types of reasons: financial matter, need to help their parents, don’t like to do study, afraid to learn new things, bullying, racism, need to work to pay the tuition fee, and also pressure from parents ( you should become a engineer, doctor, scientist or a dentist) even though a student have an a different interest in other fields. Every one knows that getting education from high school is easier than colleges, institution, and universities. In addition, it is not easy to fulfill the requirements for the post secondary school. Students have to face many difficulties to get into the universities, If the requirements and tuition fee will become affordable than may be drop out rate would decrease.

----153 words.

Lisa W said...

It is indubitable that science is playing a vital role in modern life. I view science as water to our life while arts as flowers. Water is essential. We need medicine to save us from disease suffering. We need transportation to keep the world running. We need communication devices to link the society together. World will not go on without science. Flowers are additional. They can beautify our world, but we do not need them all the time. Furthermore, water can provide flowers nutrients to develop their beauty. We all know that in the soon future, various intelligentized robots will release mankind from time consuming low-skilled jobs. By that time, people will obtain more leisure time spending with family or developing personal interests like arts creation. Science development will promote the arts prosperity. Thus, I conclude that science will be more important than arts in the future.

---148 word

breanna said...

Breanna Holt

Education like other things means less now then it ever has. With having higher drop out rates, what is education anymore? In my opinion secondary and post secondary schools are having higher drop out rates because of lots. Peer pressure, teachers, family and school work. High school has a lot of stress on the students nowadays; higher expectations have aroused to get into college. Families pressuring their kids into being something they don’t want to be; not letting them reach their dreams. Students have given up on trying to please everyone else because, they feel there not going to school for their satisfaction anymore. From experience, you feel less motivated to try and feel why bother with something you’ll never achieve at. You loose the power to thrive and excel the intellectual needs of oneself. That’s why feel secondary and post secondary schools are having a higher drop out rates
-153 words

Samira said...

The drops out rate in secondary and post secondary educations are so high for different reasons. Nowadays, when teenagers turn into young adult, they prefer to live separate from their parents. This means they got to work in order to pay for their rent and other necessities. As a result, many young adults don’t have financial support to pay for their education. One of my classmate from my previous adult school, said that education doesn’t pay your bills. It can be argued whether this opinion is true or not, because it may not pay bills now but it definitely helps in the future. in conclusion, I believe student dropping out further educations because of financial reosons.
116 words

Faiz Samadi said...

One of the most disturbing points in regarding diagnosing young children with ADHD and then treating them for this condition is the concern to overreact to this problem. Nothing can be more disturbing as to easily brand a otherwise normal child with this condition and then load them with tones of chemicals directly affecting their mind and body.

To my understanding, and to my biggest concern, treating ADHD suffering children with chemicals is more beneficial only to their environment as to the child itself. Because by medicating these children the underlying and existing problem is not altered or solved but only the child is somehow seduced using strong chemicals just to make her or him more suitable to fit and benefit her/his environment.

That is the reason that I believe using cognitive and disciplinary measures are more helpful to these children as to load them with tons of drug that mostly benefit less these children but more just their environments.

163 words.

Johnny Choudhury said...

Drop Out Rates So High

As I’ve pondered deep on that question, I think about my five ex-closest friends during my adolescent years, and remember- you are who you associate with. I find the drop out rates have elevated so high in recent years for a multitude of rationalizations. On a first basis, I believe students undoubtedley become infatuated and influenced by their peers. Although you may not want to admit, it is a constant dilemma we go through in everyday society (probaly leading back from the stone ages).Many students and people as a whole, may be eager to take the easy route. However, I feel students forget how to persevere and endure lifes endless challenges in school-post secondary.They forget with the abilty too work hard and strive for something worth fighting for, life may be better: yet they settle for what they can get. Ultimately, I believe students get stuck in the battle between needs vs. wants. For instance, education vs. cash.

~160 words~

Rahel said...

There are so many reasons why students drop out from secondary and post-secondary. While
everyone has other duties to complete, education is another factor to accomplish. In order to achieve academic success; you need to be able to juggle everything all at once. That may be
challenging for some students, who certainly can’t handle such a demanding schedule, loads of
assignments, and difficult courses. The plenty of challenging tasks that come along with school,
turns students from the desire to continue with their studies. Personal or family issues can become a major problem at times. A family member or a student might develop an unfortunate illness, and may have to spend some time away from school. At this point, an unfortunate happening can occur to a family member or the student, which can cause for a drop out. Whether the student has been diagnosed with a disease or is just simply sick, that may alsocause an individual to become stressed out. The amount of workload may cause some distress for a student, and therefore may drop out of school. In order to achieve success,
it takes a lot of dedication and commitment from an individual. The reasons I have mentioned, are the ones that I believe are generally known. They can appear at any moment within anybody’s life, and stop one from accomplishing their academic dreams by dropping out from school.

-155 words