Here I Am
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2/04/2011 11:27:00 AM
Here I Am
Love listening to the ocean waves crash against the rocks, the smell of pavement after a summer rain, tasting a cigar with a glass of Merlot, squishing sand between my toes (whenever the opportunity arises), gold and pink sunsets, the feeling you get when helping someone else.
Loved my cat K.C., but she got caught in my grandfathers power chair and used up her ninth life. Loved my grandmothers and their wisdom, but they have both gone to glory.
Look at life as an open road; know that someday we will all come across an exit sign.
-100 words
Here I Am
Love listening to “Sweet Thing” over and over again, smelling fresh scones baking in the oven, plunging my hands into warm spring earth, cleaning the kitchen with my wireless headphones on (tuned to CKUA), the feeling you get when a son graduates from university.
Loved riding my ultra light racing bicycle, but now I need one that’s more comfortable. Loved going to loud rock concerts, but now I have a hard time hearing my students.
Look at life as warm bread from the oven; best if it’s fresh and gone far too soon.
93 words (February, 2011)
Here's the first version from September 2009:
Here I am:
Love eating a cherry tomato still hot from an August sun, walking through coastal forests full of leaning hemlocks, floating in a lake (while talking to a good friend beside me), chatting with my daughter over sushi, the feeling you get when everyone stands as one at a concert.
Loved my bicycle but never ride it anymore. Loved my dog, but she died in mid-summer.
Look at life through a different lens now I’ve passed 50; see it now with both eyes wide open.
—88 words (September, 2009)
Here I am:
Love walking around the deer lake, smelling forest after rain, watching the birds flying above the lake, sitting by the water at sunset, enjoying the red landscape dyed by the sunset.
Loved my small motorcycle, but never ride it anymore. Loved painting, but I never have enough time to do it right now.
Look at life as a lake; realize that the lake can hold a lot no matter it is large or small.
-77 words
Here I Am
Love singing for my son before he sleeps, admiring my beautiful wife when cooking, listening to music on a weekend, calling my friends back home (with a glass of wine beside me ), having a family evening prayer , the feeling you get after all God has done for you.
Loved spending money with friends for fun, but stopped when I got married. Loved going out for a movie with my wife, but not anymore as our son needs much attention.
Look at life as a football match; enjoyable when your team is leading.
94 words
Here I A m :
Love hiking in the mountain high , watching downtown after sunset , resting at a bench in the gym , smelling my breath after a workout ( with my iPod on ) , listing to songs , the feeling you get when you won the championship .
Loved my father , but he died in the war . Loved parting like there is no tomorrow but never do that anymore .loved my mother land, but had to flee for my life without saying goodbye .
Look at life as a garden; realized that you can only reep what you sow .
Here I Am:
Love to wake-up with my loved one beside me, listening to a chirping bird sitting in an Evergreen tree, singing a song to inspire my soul (while preparing breakfast for the whole family), teaching my children with good moral values, the feeling you get when you reap the fruit of your hard work.
Loved to sail in the ocean, but it stopped when I left my hometown. Loved to see the sun all year round, but now I see it once in a while.
Look at life as wheels of a car; sometimes up and sometimes down.
-100 words
Here I Am
Love listening to classic music, reading a book before to go to bed, walking on the beach under the sunshine, sharing stories with my friends in our camping site (while roasting marshmallows), chatting with someone who has a positive mind, the feeling you get after a good complement.
Loved swimming in the ocean, but I stopped when my friend got stung by a stingray. Loved spending Christmas with my family, never do it anymore since I moved to another country.
Look at life as a hiking trial; push yourself hard to arrive to your destination.
- 95 words
Here's the first version from September 2010
Here I Am
Love cooking Peruvian food because it reminds me of home, dancing because it helps me to get rid of my stress, drinking coffee in a coffee shop during cold weather, biking around Stanley Park to enjoy the fresh air and the beautiful view.
Loved playing volleyball, but I do not play now because I could not find a team. Loved chatting outside with my neighbors, but in New Westminster I do not know who lives around me.
Look at life as series of opportunities; take the chance, opportunities do not come twice.
- 92 words
Here I am
Love competing in the beautiful game of soccer, listening to Joyce Cooling’s smooth jazz, enjoying a cup of fresh blended smoothie, imagining of running into the girl of my dream (while shuffling along the empty streets), debating with my friends over a sleepover, the feeling you get when you are embraced by peaceful silence when sitting on the edge of an abandoned rusty train track and staring into the blue sky.
Loved playing my Chinese violin, but I forgot how to play it. Loved fast food, but now I won’t get fooled.
Look at life as the Mount Everest, the harder you work, the sooner you reach the top of the world.
Here I am
Love Horseback riding on Sunday afternoons, the smell of freshly cut grass, hiking in the backcountry until your knees ache. Love the taste of freshly baked cookies, the feel of ocean spray on your skin and the trees swaying in the breeze.
Loved going to my grandma’s house for tea, singing soft melodies in the morning and swimming on weekday afternoons. Loved the lake near my backyard while growing up, the sound of osprey whistling, and biking the trails around my house.
Look to the future, at the near horizon, the waves of the songs on the wind
Here I Am
Love a new day after several bad days, walking through a wet forest, dew on leaves and ground, listening to a song that gives me an escape from the now, searching for answers, reading a bible passage inspiring and comforting, conversing with a friend, sharing a moment.
Loved my first apartment, but was sad when I had to move on. Loved making a piece of jewelry (metal or clay), but now the days are passing with no time to create with my hands.
Look at life as a path, markers that guide the way, always moving forward.
-101 words
Here I am:
Love the site of the sun going to sleep, listening to my IPod while going to Brad's class, when the City comes alive at night (that's when all creatures come out to play), staying at home on a slow night watching TMZ, the feeling you get after nursing a bad hangover.
Loved playing soccer on a wet and cloudy day, but gave up cause I didn't want to get wet anymore. Loved going to the gym with my two best mates, but sadly I had to move to the other side of the world.
Look at life as a never ending party; it's either you want to enjoy it or watch others have fun.
-114 words
Love looking after my sons runing on the trail in the park( with hullabaloo around the forest ), touching the sunlight through the thick leaves, feeling the seasons iteration, reading the wisemen's books, perceiving their wisdom and humour, the feeling you get when making a friend on the road.
Loved backpacking without a schedule or destination, but need pay more time on my sons now. Loved drinking with my old friends, but we are now far away from each other.
Look at life as a cup of wine; make you red also can make you blue.
Here I am:
Love listening to my favourite song when I am upset, walking by Fraser river with my lovely husband at rainy night but no umbrella, smelling hot mocha after a long day studying(while I am watching Food channel),reading something new about technology and science ,the feeling you get when coming back home after a trip.
Loved my childhood dream that was full of color but now my dream is just black and white. Loved to wake up with my mom’s hand caressing my hair but it never happen again.
Look at life as high-speed train, we can take it or not.
Here I am:
Love keeping the glamorous minutes in the wooden frames forever ,looking at blinking stars at midnight until going to sleep ,listening to pacific ocean waves(while sun shows off her beams),speeding in a racing car, the feeling you get when touching a baby’s hands.
Loved to play violin for my amorous mom on mother‘s day but i never do it anymore. Would love to repeat my teens but it‘s impossible.
Look at life as a beautiful garden at the beginning of spring, but where are the flowers at the end of autumn? Enjoy your spring time.
Here I am
Love serving customers in the store where I work, and seeing their smiling faces, walking on the beach in the sunset (while holding hands with my husband), fishing for crab on a calm day; and being reunited with my parents in a sweet dream, the feeling you get after all your hard work pays off.
Loved hanging out with girls who I can share my secret with, but only being able to meet them online now. Loved working in the office and talking with clients over the phone, but never do that anymore.
Look at life as a kaleidoscope with unforeseen variety, excitement, colors, and adventure; regardless of what color our life holds, we should make the best out of it.
- 121 words
Here I am
Love watching late night movies, going to the gym, Riding the bus to work and school (day dreaming about life), or reading, listening to music, Love riding my bike in sunny days, hanging out with friends, it’s the feeling you get when you never alone.
Loved the years of my high school, but it ended too soon, loved my best friend but i had to move from that contry.
Look at life like a game of chess, when you don’t know how to play everyone wants to teach you, but when you’re good at it every one tries to beat you.
Love sitting in the armchair and reading an exciting book at midnight (when whole my family sleeping), getting a trout from beneath lake ice, visiting a new country, drinking a glass of smooth red dry wine, the feeling you get when sons ask your advice.
Loved arguing with my wife, but stopped when understood that it destroyed our family. Loved drinking a lot of beer, but my liver said to me, ‘Give it up!’
Look at life as an eternal road; nobody knows the beginning, and nobody knows the end.
Love ambling along the streets looking at shop windows, drinking coffee with cheesecake (even though it does not make my body looks perfect), gossiping with my friends, especially about somebody who is absent, thumbing through glossy magazine admiring the beautiful models, reading the romance novels and crying over the main heroine who was abandoned by her lover, the felling you get after wonderful shopping.
Loved spending the weekend in my favorite spa salon, but stopped when my husband made me immigrate. Loved ate milk chocolate, but nowadays prefer nuts and fruits.
Look at life as succession of pleasures; each day would bring something new and unexplored.
Here I am(new version):
Love everything I have, staring at the loved ones without nothing to say (it’s a great thing when you don’t have anything to say),talking with the people I love, taking photos of the people I love, the feeling you get when someone hugs you unexpectedly.
Loved spending my time with dolls, but I don’t do it anymore. Loved collecting stuffed animals, but I’d lost them when I moved here.
Look at life as a big luggage; know I will put something memorable in my luggage someday.
-92 words.
Here I am (old version):
Love surrounding myself with the people I love, sleeping (it’s great when you don’t have anything to do), talking with my “I-though-I-lost-you” kind of friends,the feeling you get when your friend get a surprise present on my birthday.
Loved my time in senior years at high school, but if I had a time machine, I probably don’t want to go back. Loved learning ASL (American Sign Language), but I forgot most of them.
Look back life as a jigsaw puzzle; know that my entire life is incomplete.
-95 words.
Here I am:
Love enjoying rare sunny days during the Vancouver’s rainy winter, drinking aromatic black tea from the biggest cup in my house, gaining invaluable knowledge attending English classes, working out efficiently in the empty gym, listening to my favourite music while driving a car, the feeling you get after a perfectly done assignment.
Loved talking with my swimming coach, but now she lives in the other end of the world. Loved playing with enormous snowdrifts, but I moved to Vancouver.
Look at life as the busiest freeway; always stay calm and never miss your exit.
- 94 words
Here I Am:
Love listening to calm music when I’m in a really bad mood, playing the singing bowl, drinking hot soup on a cold weather, the smell of incense in a tiny room, the feeling you get after sleeping for more than 12 hours.
Loved using myspace but stopped after facebook was created. Loved mangoes but stopped eating them when I found out they weren’t good for your skin.
Look at life as a rollercoaster; you go up and down, realize there’s going to be good times as up and bad times as down.
- 95 words
Love reading history of nations rising and declining, watching the vivid anecdotes like a movie, amazing the achievements of famous figures to unite a nation or to defeat an invasion, sighing to see the collapse of Qin Dynasty, wondering the speed of substitution of the dynasties (changing swiftly as Vancouver’s weather), the feeling of enjoy the wine of hundreds years of old.
Loved playing basketball just for fun, but to make it a living it become a burthen; Loved classical music’s beautiful melody, but it become an extravagant pastime to afford to.
Look as life as a drop of water in a river, didn’t know where you have come either where you will go.
- 114 words
Love watching romantic movies, reading books late at night, driving fast (really fast), talking with my family, being there for each other, the feeling you get when your family is there for you when you need them.
Loved spending time with my uncle, but we are both busy in our lives. Loved singing all day long, but I never sing anymore.
Look at all these changes that came with life; I know that life is forever in progression
Here I Am:
Love eating chocolate chip muffins, but they must be freshly baked, learning how to skate at the ice rank, falling down again and again (hard to keep my balance), holding my husband and brother-in-law tightly, the feeling you get when a child starts to crawl for the very first time.
Loved to hang out with my co-workers, but now we are busy in our lives. Loved my jack (pet dog), but he died four years ago.
Look at my life through a crystal ball; difficult to predict what the future holds.
----94 words (New Version)
Here I Am:
Love eating chocolate chip cookies, while still longing for one, walking on the white magic sand beach, jumping into the waves (while holding my husband tightly), chatting with my sister over the phone, the feeling you get when Christmas bells ringing.
Loved my kinetic scooter, but never ride it anymore. Loved my white molly and orange platy (fishes), but they died last year.
Look at my life through a series of mirrors; reflect upon the good times and forget the bad ones.
---85 words (Old Version)
Here I Am:
Love eating a dark chocolate while still longing for it, walking through vivid fields full of blossoms, flying in the air (with my large wings), having a heart to heart with my life partner over the fullness of time, the feeling you get when everybody participates in prayer.
Loved to hang out with my childhood friends in India, but now we are miles apart from each other. Loved my rabbit, but he died a long time ago.
Look at my life optimistically now I passed 25; embrace my future with open arms.
-----95 words(English 11 Version)
Here I Am
Love listening to classic music, walking around the lake across the street, doing sports to maintain the body healthy, reading an interesting book on the couch (beside the fireplace on the cold weather), the feeling you get when the son is enjoying the dishes cooked by you.
Loved playing Guzhen, but ceased since I floated to Canada. Loved hanging out often, but never do more for the tight schedule.
Look at life as a show stage; believe one can be the best performer only if you insist on your dream.
-90 words
Here I Am:
Love walking barefoot while feeling warm and wet ground under my feet, watching the sky finding out silhouettes, getting lost (surely, when I'm not in a hurry), listening to music with my eyes closed and paying attention to each instrumental part, the felling you get when developing film awaiting for great pictures.
Loved writing down all my night dreams, but I stopped because I am always in a hurry in the morning. Loved sleeping under the stars in my garden, but now I am too far away from this place.
Look at life as a canvas; I am an artist and I can color it whatever I want.
-107 words
My Here i am from last semester!
love swimming in the lake on a hot day, jumping off the dock into the cold water, laying in the grass soaking up the sun, coming home and eating a home cooked meal, the feeling you I get when im full.
Loved playing with my cat Gucci, until recently she ran away and we haven't seen her since. Loved playing with my brothers, but don't do that anymore because i don't live with my family.
Look at life and what is soon to come; just be ready for what is going to happen.
New Here i am :
Love waking up to the sun in my window, smelling bacon and eggs from the kitchen, seeing the waves rush up on the sand, watching the kids make sand castles, the feeling you get when you see the sun setting over the horizon.
Loved taking my dog rosie for walks, until she past away of old age two months ago. Loved spending time with my grandmother, but don't see her anymore because she lives to far.
Look at life as a roller coaster; there's lots of bumby rides, but in the end we enjoy them.
Here I Am:
Love waking up in the sunny morning, drinking creamy coffee, going for a walk to feel the brand new day, relaxing in my room while listening to inspirational music, doing my sister's long hair in a different styles, watching a historical films whenever I have free time, the delicious homemade food for dinner with my family.
Loved holding my adorable nephew in my arms, but now he's far away in the arms of his father. Loved being teenager, but I am an adult now and time to grow up.
Look at life as a challenge; although it has many obstacle on it's path, it is the reason to be brave and move forward.
116 words
Here I Am (prt 1) 2010
Love the satisfaction of working towards a dream, then accomplishing it knowing a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, waking up in mid-summer then meeting my boo for lunch then ending the night with a movie, making fresh hot cocoa.
Loved seeing my family happy together, having family dinners, but now it seems like we’re in different places! Loved copping a pair of fresh kicks every week, don’t do that anymore seeing my money can be used for greater things.
Look at life like a video game; you win some, you lose some, but sooner of later the game’s all over.
~102 words~
Here I Am
Love smelling the fresh morning in an open field, picking berries at my own pace (while humming to my favorite song), philosophizing with a role model, drinking chai on a summers day, the feeling when a crowd applauses you after an accomplishment.
Loved play the piano, but stopped when my teacher passed. Loved partying countless nights dusk till dawn, but stopped knowing I have responsibilities that would last dusk till dawn.
Look at life as a mattress; you’ve got to change it up once in a while.
~86 words~
Here I Am
Love baking fresh peanut butter cookies, sitting down as a family and eating a home made mean, the thrill of watching horror movies, the adrenaline rush from quading and how the wind whips past my helmet. Love curling up on a rainy day and reading a book.
Loved shopping with my best friend but now to busy with our own lives, how when i was younger had no care in the world , just cared about who was going to get to the monkey bars first.
Look at my life as a storm, once the storm is over everything tends to get better and fall into place.
- 109 words
Here I Am:
Love listening to music that motivates me, hearing other peoples perspectives and keeping an opened mind, watching the Lakers game (while hoping they will win against the Celtics), the vanilla or mint fragrances often found during the holidays, the feeling you get when you place a bet and win.
Loved dance class, but stopped going when I tore my ACL. Loved staying up until 4am playing my PS3, but stopped because I’ll have school in the morning.
Look at life as a novel; it is amazing yet unpredictable.
- 96 Words
Here I Am
Love hearing the birds chirping; while waking up to fresh brewing coffee. The pleasant aroma of coffee, and breezy cold air awakens me to start my day. Love listening to music; on my Ipod.
The feeling you get when returning home, after a long day of work.
Loved dancing my feet away to the sound of music. Loved playing volleyball with my teammates; hearing the crowd cheering us on loudly. I didn't have the energy to play anymore, the moment I landed myself a job in Retail.
I miss long chats with my best friend. Once I moved to New Westminster, and with our on-going busy lives; our chatting time on the phone became limited.
Look at life as a set of stairs, steps that will lead you into a new journey to explore and enhance your life.
-97 words
from Faiz
Here I Am
Love listening to the crunches of the golden leaves under my shoes while walking on the shores of a gently roaring river, enjoying the sparkling rays of fall sun shining through the branches of trees warming my forehead, listening the chanting and laughing of my sweet daughter chatting with my lovely wife walking behind me, the feeling as the life has no more worries.
Loved playing soccer, but have not done it for long. Loved going fishing with my dad, but he is long gone to heaven.
Think as life as a mirror; no matter how, if you smile at it you will see only smiles back.
Word count: 110
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