The "Stubborn" Husband
Post your brief "showing" example here. Rules: no more than 75 words. One exchange of dialogue. The other character is the man's wife. Not allowed to use the word "stubborn."
A place for English 12 students from the Pearson Adult Learning Centre in New Westminster, BC, Canada to read work in progress, critique, and ask or answer questions (of other students and of the teacher).
Post your brief "showing" example here. Rules: no more than 75 words. One exchange of dialogue. The other character is the man's wife. Not allowed to use the word "stubborn."
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4/30/2008 10:38:00 AM
Set in Stone
"Honey, I think we should try something new for dinner tonight."
"What? Isn't tonight steak night? We always have steak on Saturdays," Fred said, glaring over the top of his daily newspaper.
"But you said you wanted to try something new once in a while."
"Maybe so, but I like having my steak on Saturday. We always do. Why change now?
“Oh, allright. Steak it is,” she said, as she disappeared into the kitchen.
74 words; first draft writing
Camping packing
“Pack your warm sweater! It’ll be cold at night.”
“It’s TWENTY FIVE DEGREES!” - the same argument every time.
“You need a sweater. Period” she replied.
“If I listen to you I’ll have to travel with a whole closet on my back! How about a tie? Do I need a tie to go camping?”
He needed a tie afterwards to hang himself to relieve his struggle with cold for he didn’t pack the sweater.
74 words
“Dear, you look like you are preparing to go golfing, aren’t you?”
“Yes, honey, I’m thinking of going this Saturday.”
“But the weather forecast says that it would be raining.”
“Just 60% chance, for all we know, it might very well not rain at all!”
“Look sweetie, its raining! Looks like it’s gonna stay all day.”
“Not a problem!”
“You’re still going?”
“I’ve got my handy dandy waterproof coat!”
“Okay, okay, if you must.”
(75 words)
Title:Not a Problem
A Big Deal
“I told you to clean your hiking boots before you are getting inside of the car”
“Why are you always making a big deal for nothing?”
“It is just dirt”
“Fine, I will walk home” Tom exclaimed
The rain came down without any sign from him. She starts to feel depressed.
But,her mind insists “go and look for him” “What are you waiting for?”
68 words
On the Way Home
“Oh, not again! John, the elevator is out of order!” She turns back to her husband, holding full bag fresh produce and bakery.
“Don’t we have feet? We walk.” John replies, carrying a 20KG bag of rice, and goes directly to the stairs.
“But our apartment is on sixth floor, and is your back strained a couple days ago?”
“My back is fine. But my stomach is not. I am starving.”
“Ok, ok.” She sighs.
(75 words)
Thanks everyone for doing a great job here. Remember to work hard for Renuka! You've come a long way in your writing the past two weeks. Good for you!
No Problem
John was sitting in front of the computer and communicating on the Internet.
“Are you sure that you installed good defense software? I think it’s weak to block the virus, especially in communication. Recently the computer virus is strong.” His wife said.
“No problem. This one is enough.” John replied and continued communicating.
“You’d better to install another one.”
“Don’t worry. Everything is ok.”
Suddenly, the computer’s screen turned blue. It couldn’t start again.
(75 words)
A Treat
Honey, can we go out tonight to a Greek Restaurant in downtown with my friend. Tonight they celebrated their anniversary. Which one? He asked
Amy! You don't remember their wedding was last year?
Oh! Unfortunately, tonight I am busy and I have to stay in the office late.
I promised her both of us will be there at 8:00 p.m.
Why you asking me after you already promised her that we would both be there?(74 words)
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