Friday, September 26, 2008

Opinions on Plagiary (Using Quotes and Paraphrase)

Using the original article from the New York Times and one other source on this issue, give your opinions about Internet plagiarism.

You might like to address the question of whether students who plagiarize should be punished, whether students who plagiarize are aware of what they are doing or any other important idea. Reference the articles using quotation and paraphrase to respect your sources!

Write about 200 to 300 words in paragraphs. It is not necessary to write in full essay form. Complete your writing by 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday so that others may read your opinions before next week's class.


Brad said...

Who would have thought “Ian McEwan, whose best-selling novel “Atonement” has recently been discovered to [contain] passages from a World War II memoir by Lucilla Andrews,” a plagiarist? Not me, at least, but in an article published in the New York Times in January of 2007, Charles McGrath goes on to say, “there is sometimes a moral component to plagiarism — as when a student cheats by turning in a term paper not his own.” It is different he argues, in the world of literature, where “it more often seems like an aesthetic offense, a crime against taste.” So, for some, plagiary is allowed. It turns out that McEwan only borrowed a couple of hundred words. A minor offense but I would argue he should have acknowledged his borrowings. It would have been more gracious of him!

Perhaps less excusable is the plagiary in Sara Rimer’s article that McCabe describes as a result of the “intense competition to get into graduate school.” We like to imagine that the world is a level playing field, with every person given an equal chance. But some are smarter than others and some are willing to go further than others doing whatever it takes to get ahead. While I looked for articles on Google News I came across instructions from a student on how to look for habits in a teacher in order to better cheat on an in-class exam. That certainly gave me pause!

—236 words

Articles quoted: “A Campus Fad That's Being Copied: Internet Plagiarism” by Sara Rimer and “Plagiarism: Everybody Into the Pool” by Charles McGrath both from the New York Times.

hyunni's place said...

Wow,very powerful writing... can i imitate some of ur writing style?? i'm not trying to 'plagiarize' ur writing, but i'm trying to imitate ur writing style...^^* so can i,plz?? thank u...^^;;;

Brad said...

I expect all students to emulate the structure of my sample, Esther. So, starting with a rhetorical question might be something others would like to try, for example.

hyunni's place said...

Thank u,brad...^*^
This is my version of 'plagiary,' i hope u like it...^^*
Student’s Name: Esther Park.
Instructor’s Name: Brad Hyde.
Date: September 27th/2008.
Title: Plagiary, Is This Moral?
Who would have thought that “Martin Luther King Jr., whose speech was famous for ‘I Have A Dream,’ and so many other doctrines has been recently discovered that [he] plagiarized the thesis of a student who shared king’s academic adviser,” a plagiarist? I was shocked and surprised, including an article an issue on Maclean’s Magazine, on March 20, 2006, by Katherine Macklem, says on the case of Martin Luther King’s plagiarism, “That’s a hot potato, so hot; in fact, the American press sat on it for more than a year. Academics were distraught about how to handle it,’ and ‘it’s one of those uncomfortable cases.” Also, he continues to say, “Even the greatest of men remain mere mortals, subject to weaknesses which are a birthright of humanity.” It turns out that the King’s speech was “contained verbatim thefts,” and I think plagiary is immoral things to do, even if the person is the greatest, and renowned to the world.

However in these days, the help of Internet, “with its cut-copy-paste culture,” of course, the plagiarism is growing every day, and easy to use among the students according to David Callahan. And perhaps it’s true that the undergraduates are tense with the competitions and “land the top jobs.” Also, the high school students are the in the same reason as well as other high school students: “just to get into a university.”

*Articles quotes: “A Campus Fad That’s Being Copied: Internet plagiarism” by Sara Rimer from the New York Times Company, 2004 and “Their Cheating Hearts: A Journal Finds Plagiarism, and fraud, in high places,” by Katherine Maclem from Maclean’s Magazine, March 20, 2006

Words: 283.

AYAKO said...

“Can you answer this question: is plagiarism a moral or a legal issue? What’s the difference?” To answer this question, refer Christopher Ricks’s advice “The definition of plagiarism is not in question- that it is only the truth of an accusation of plagiarism that can be questioned.” Then, what is the definition of plagiarism? He says “using another’s words with an intent to deceive”

According to the survey, organized by Donald L. McCabe, plagiarism is not worth to consider for many students, moreover, twenty-two percent of undergraduates rely on cheating; copying from another’s tests, using unauthorized notes, etc. Surprisingly they don’t feel guilt for cheating, getting into college or passing exams are only goals for them. In point of fact, this is a serious consequence. Kathleen Deignan, Princeton’s dean of undergraduate students says “sometimes students and parents do not understand why it is wrong to ‘borrow’ sections of text for a paper without providing attribution.”
In my opinion, if downloading movies from computer is against copy rights, “cut-and-paste” plagiarism and paraphrasing are also against educational morality. And I think that is the answer of the question, too.

Christopher Ricks says for certain “plagiarism is both obvious and morally reprehensible.” However, McCabe says “It never stops.” and Deignan says “This is not negotiable”

212 words

Article quoted: “Plagiary and Moralism” by Christopher Kelty, and “A Campus Fad That’s Being Copied: Internet Plagiarism” by Sara Rimer

hyunni's place said...

hello, ayako~~very powerful introduction...^^*

Spencer said...


Harvard Law School professor Charles Ogletree was caught plagiarizing material from associate professor Jack M Balkin. Ogletree unrightfully claimed six paragraphs as his own. “Harvard’s investigation asserted that the errors in fact were made by two separate research assistants, one of whom inserted the material without a closing quotation mark, and another who inadvertently dropped Balkin’s attribution; Ogletree, however, failed to recognize that he did not write the material, and therefore is held responsible.” His punishment from the university was unmentioned, as reported by

Plagiarism has been dramatically rising in recent years. Donald L McCabe of Rutgers University conducted a survey which shows out of 18,000 students approximately 31 percent of students admitted they have plagiarized in the past year. Over half the students made references to cheating which suggested it was somewhat unimportant and trivial. Students feel using sources such as the Internet feel the material is given. McCabe said, “There are lots of students who are growing up with the Internet who are convinced that anything you find on the Internet is public knowledge and doesn’t need to be cited.” The students cheat by copy and pasting off the internet, and downloading illegal software. Larger issues of cheating consist of students perpetrating acts of plagiarism on tests. Students everywhere claim it [cheating] necessary in order to get into higher education or to obtain a desired profession. Faculties everywhere are trying to implicate rules in attempts to expose plagiarism and minimize all forms of cheating.

-250 words

Articles quoted: “A Campus Fad That's Being Copied: Internet Plagiarism” by Sara Rimer from the New York Times and “Harvard Law Professor Caught Plagiarizing from Fellow Professor” from

Spencer said...

Esther, your introduction was excellent. You really make the reader want to continue reading!

Ayako, I really like that you make the reader think. Nobody would be able to read your writing without asking themselfs a question!

goodjob both of you!

Brad said...

Hey Spencer, I'm not quite sure of your opinion based on what you have written. Be sure, everyone, to make clear what your own thoughts are and to use the articles you quote to either corroborate your feelings or to serve as something you disagree with. Good luck

hyunni's place said...

hey, spencer... thank u for ur comment, ur second paragraph really captures the readers to read more, good job~~^^*

ANDREA said...

During the last years the Internet has become as popular as many people have the connexion at home. One the Internet’s facilities is the easy accessibility to a diverse kind of information. Of course, is easier searching through the network than going to the library. However, this successful invention has brought an ethic problem too: “Internet plagiarism is rising among students” (Donald L. McCabe). The most important causes that have been discussed in different studies are: the belief that the information found in the Internet is public knowledge, the competition at school and the misunderstanding about how to cite sources.
Believing that any online information is s public knowledge just because it’s accessible to everyone is an enormous misunderstanding. The professor Donald L. McCabe has found that many students don’t cite what they take from the Internet because they consider online information as public knowledge. Therefore, “Students need to know that information found online is the intellectual property of its creator and it requires proper attribution”(
On the other hand, our current agitated modern lives are involved in the concept that being competent is the clue of success and that’s related to culminate a profession with good marks in order to get a good job. As a result, a lot of students are assisting to a college just because of their professional aspirations relegating the learning process as is explained in the web site: “Even students who are concerned about the learning part of their education may justify plagiarism based on the fear that others are already cheating, causing ‘unfair competition'"(Fain and Bates qtd. in Auer and Krupar).
To finalize, there is not unanimity about how to cite properly; up to four style guides may be available for the students per year. Besides, URL may vary easily and there is not consensus about how to cite them neither (

ANDREA said...

Sources: University of Alberta Libraries Web Site: why students plagiarize; Auer, Nicole J., and Ellen M. Krupar. "Mouse Click Plagiarism: The Role of Technology in Plagiarism and the Librarian's Role in Combating It." Library Trends 49.3 (2001): 415-33. Academic Search Premier. 14 July 2001; “A Campus Fad That's Being Copied: Internet Plagiarism” by Sara Rimer from the New York Times.

Brad said...

Andrea: You've raised some interesting points here. Thanks for taking care to identify your sources by URL. However, if you give the title and author, it is pretty easy to get to the article using Google (as I have done to see other students' sources). It's good to see you all are finding lots of different articles to quote in your work!

Shadow Shu--Beatirce said...

We, Chinese have an idiom -- having a piece of bread that someone already chewed is tasteless, which is a metaphor of teasing the behavior of plagiarism. With the development of internet, plagiarism topped its popularity than ever. It not only exists among the students, but also in literature, music, film, journalism even authorities.

Most students would have experienced how frustrated it is to manage a dreadful course as a mandatory. “I hated the class and it was mandatory so I didn’t care about learning it, just passing it.” When the school or the teacher cannot look after the students’ interests properly, students would also choose to cope with their work. It’s still a long procedure for the human society to establish a consummate educational system which can put students’ interests on the top place.

“The undergraduates say they need to cheat because of the intense competition to get into graduate school, and land the top jobs.” When the whole society tends to become more realistic and aggressive, could our students still be reserved in their ivory towers? If education can be commercial, students would automatically become “practical”. They also need to survive. Nobody wants to undertake a big amount of debt and spend years in school and find they are bankrupted once graduated.

Like Professor McCabe said, “it never stops”. As long as there a carrot in front, the mule would never stop its steps.

Articles quoted: “A Campus Fad That's Being Copied: Internet Plagiarism” by Sara Rimer

khalil said...

Internet plagiarism
By khalil

For knowing plagiarism is right or no from internet, we should have a
definition for common knowledge. “ Common knowledge is what “ everybody knows”, usually with reference to the community in which the term is used.” – Wikipedia. According Wikipedia this is a main question,“ Is the internet a part of our source common knowledge or no? “ I think it is Yes and No!

Yes, because it is a source like our parents, teachers, friends, libraries, and people. We don’t address anthing that have got from these sources because we can’t cite any word, or sentence, can you? Today, the most of people under 40 years age, use internet as a source for news, talking with people who don’t know each other, sending and receiving uncountable emails, for entertainment, economic, fun, and other matters. Today, young people pay attention to something in internet more than their parents, teachers, and libraries. Actually, I can say the internet is an important source to make a worldly culture, and by internet all locally traditional cultures are changing. Therefore, it is a common source for anyone, and we can’t address all our ideas and information that are gathered in our mind, Even we don’t know where they have come from.

No, when we use it for searching a special idea, matter, and information.
This is different from common knowledge. We look for a special idea, so it is a special knowledge. In this part even our friends, parents, teachers, and everyone who we ask them about, are not a part of our source common knowledge, so we should point to all our sources include internet, movies, books, and people exactly. If we don’t, we are a plagiarist. Today, business against internet plagiarism is rising, and hundreds software are made for recognition“ intellectual theft- class “, but they are not useful in all because the internet is the easiest and cheapest source for any research. I think avoid of plagiarism is morally, and intelligent researchers know to address their sources is a way to get credit.

teresa said...

Forming a behavior

Why do we all know stealing is against the law? I think it is because we have been taught that all the time by our parents, teachers, friends, the mass media, books, etc. In other words, we form this value by our environments we are in and this value is also enhanced by rewards or punishments. So, it can root in our mind, become a kind of conscious, and we don’t steal in our behavior.

How about the Internet plagiarism?

When my 10-year-old son was searching some information on the internet to finish his homework, I am afraid if he has any ideas about internet plagiarism. Searching information on the internet for now generation is like turning on the TV to watch show. It is too normal to be treated seriously. Furthermore, this generation’s parents who were not growing up with the computers may not have the idea about how to instruct their children to refrain from the Internet plagiarism which is 10 times complicated than no stealing.

We can see the survey from Professor Donald L. McCabe (Rutgers University) showing ” There are a lot of students who are growing up with the internet who are convinced that anything you find on the internet is public knowledge and doesn’t need to be cited.” In my opinion, this problem may be solved through educating firstly. The instructors should play the strong role to educate the right things, to form this value.

Secondly, it is necessary to have clear rules to punish those people who plagiarize. The government, the institute, and the school should treat plagiarism as a big issue to protect the authors’ rights to support a fair environment for those people who contribute their efforts on the internet. Otherwise, if the intellectual world is full of “copy and paste”, where the new ideas come from.

Phoebe said...

Of course we should punish students who purloin intelligent outcome from others as their own work. There must be a clear rule about to-do and not-to-do behavior, so people can fallow and make a society stable. The question is do we have a definite rule to punish plagiarists. If schools say one thing but our society says another, I would accept students’ excuse: “they’re just mimicking what goes on in society with business leaders, politicians.” Students do have a good reason to say so. See how we treat those distinguished professional writers. Doris Kearns Goodwin and Stephen Ambrose, whose books were involved in plagiarism, and according to Robert Fulford’s report, “The New York Times…has employed a wonderfully Clintonian euphemism for literary stealing: ‘inappropriately copying.’” If that is the real react of our society to plagiarists, there is no wonder Professor McCabe would hear: “Everyone cheats, it’s not all that important”.

For academic plagiarism, it seems to have a clearer standard. For instance, the typical punishment in UBC includes “a one year suspension, a zero in the course in which the alleged cheating/plagiarism occurred, and a record of disciplinary action on the students transcript for two years after graduation when the student may apply to the President to remove the notation.” What a strict statement! An academic fraud deserves a “scarlet letter” on the transcript, but literary pilferers only need to confess his/her moral flaws. We should have an equal standard -- both inside and outside of campuses -- to deliver an integrated message. I’d like to repeat Aristotle’s philosophy as Fulford writes: “We learn virtue through practice.” We value honesty and integrity, and let us do what we say. (279 words)

Articles quoted:“A Campus Fad That's Being Copied: Internet Plagiarism” by Sara Rimer from The New York Times, “Plagiarism: do students learn it from their teachers?” by Robert Fulford from The National Post, “Student Discipline” from

Unknown said...


Plagiarism is quite common in school, according to Professor Donald L. McCabe. That he has surveyed more than 21,000 people, including students, teaching assistants and faculties. This surprises me. Not only the percentage is high and rising, but also, some people don’t think to plagiarize is a kind of cheating. To some of them, plagiarizing is only one of the methods to get good marks. And they say to themselves:” When I get into college, I won’t do it again.” But the truth is-“It never stops.” Professor McCabe said. He heard the same lines from the college students, too. Only the college changed to graduate schools or top jobs. Old habits died hard; is so true here. Once people are used to the short-cuts, it is much more difficult to quit it. Think, before cut-and-paste, or re-edit some thing that wasn’t yours. Plagiarism saved some time, but not enough to cover what you will lose in searching up the right stuff to copy or what you will have to keep telling yourself that this is the last time. And nowadays, it is more efficient than before to find out the plagiarisms. There are tools like TurnItIn to detect and deter the plagiarisms. And universities are already aware of plagiarisms, cheatings, and other forms of academic misconducts. It will lead to a zero credit, a failing grade or suspension from the school as I found out in some schools’ website publications. So it costs, though, chances aren’t. But why risk it to do so. Why not transfer the energy to create our own work honestly and to assure a peaceful mind.

271 words

FranciS said...

Do you opt to use internet to assist you in every term paper? If you find a topic that is apt to your needs, do you make a carbon copy out of it and present it as your own? Do you give credit to the owner? Do you steal? Do you cheat? In short, do you plagiarize?

Using or copying someone’s own scheme without giving an acknowledgment to the sources is called plagiarism. You take someone’s work by copying the original idea; change [word per word] to a new one [idea] then present as your own. To be brief, you are stealing; you are cheating. It is an academic fraudulence, a crime and the offender is grounded for suspension or termination if you are in school.

According to the article of Don McCabe, the Center for Academic Integrity (CAI)’s Professor, "On most campuses, 70% of students admit to some cheating" while "Internet plagiarism is a growing concern". Most universities and colleges are dealing with this problem every now and then. For some students, plagiarism is arguable. Sometimes, it is a misconception between the faculty and students. There are facts in the internet that are defined as “common knowledge”, which is also known by the society, and [facts] does not have to be cited. Plagiarizing can also be done unintentionally or could be innocently executed by paraphrasing incorrectly or giving references incompletely.

Many students plagiarized because they do not know how to differentiate plagiarism and paraphrasing. Usually, students are lack of time management where they are always procrastinate and do not have enough time providing more information, explaining and analyzing. Moreover, students are pressured from school or job competitions where they must have high grades to graduate or to get a pleasant job.

The way I see it, we reuse ideas all the time, sometimes we enhance other people's ideas, right? However, be sure to give credit or make a reference to someone's idea to avoid stealing, cheating, or plagiarizing.


Lien said...

According to two articles “Sara Rimer’s A Campus Fad That’s Being Copied: Internet plagiarism by and Nate Anderson’s Inter net Plagiarism-everybody’s doing it on March 24th, 06”, said “everybody’s doing it, and everyone cheats” make me think that plagiarism is unavoidable sometimes. I do not only see average students involve in plagiarism, but also see in writing jobs people still plagiarize. Nate Anderson’s says “an Australian judge who plagiarized her legal rulings’ sections, national scandal of Chinese professors rips off the other colleagues’ work.” It shows people learn or take from other people’s ideas or experiences. Nobody knows everything except learning or getting from somewhere. If we write about an unfamiliar topic or a project, how we can response accurately without knowing nothing.

Even though they know it is wrong to do, it is just because of life’s high requirement and jobs’ statuses. A 16 year old student said, “I need it for my paper, and I didn’t feel like writing down where it was from.”

In my opinion, I didn’t mean that Internet Plagiarism should be legal or not serious. My meaning is “Internet Plagiarism is rising” is not just “among students” but among famous and professional jobs. I see it is a dilemma to judge someone should be punished or aware of what their behaviors when there are reasons to do. They just go with float to what life needs. However, I think plagiarists should know there is a small limit.

Articles quoted: Internet plagiarism-everyone’s doing it by Nate Anderson from hrrp://, and A Campus Fad That’s Being Copied: Internet Plagiarism by Sara Rimer from New York Time.

Grace said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Grace said...

“This Is Not Negotiable”

Is Internet knowledge public knowledge and can it be used at discretion without providing attribution? Unfortunately, it seems many people think the answer to this question is YES.

“Internet plagiarism is rising among students,” such conclusion was reached during a survey on 23 college campus conducted by Donald L. McCabe, a management professor at Ruters University and was reported on the New York Times. In detail, according to the study, thirty-eight percent of the undergraduate students admitted they engaged in one or more instances of simple “cut and paste” plagiarism involving the internet, paraphrasing or copying anywhere from a few sentences to a full paragraph from the Web without citing the source.

Respect to the creation and invention is the base of the development of the human society. Any kind of plagiarism is a trample to the human culture and deserves condemnation. But the interesting thing is almost half the students received the survey consider this sort of plagiarism trivial or not cheating at all because the Internet knowledge is public knowledge. Furthermore, many excuses, such as plagiarism will help me pass the dislikeful class, the intense competition make me to cheat, and “Everyone cheats”, I am “just mimicking what goes on in society”, make the plagiarism seem reasonable and worth sympathy.

Therefore, it’s time to rouse people to acknowledge plagiarism from Internet a serious cheating behavior, and academic integrity should be more educated and emphasized. Any sort of plagiarism will not be allowed in academic area, and “this is not negotiable.”

-252 words

Articles quoted: “A Campus Fad That's Being Copied: Internet Plagiarism” by Sara Rimer from the New York Times.

Genel said...
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Genel said...

Many questions have arisen on why plagiarism became much more common. The competitiveness on today’s market has greatly affected the behaviour of many students in school. According to Davil Calahan, author of the “The Cheating Culture”, “students [have been] under a lot of pressure” in meeting the requirements rendered by every universities and colleges. The pressure to compete is always on and the struggle of many students continues to intensify. As a result, many have resorted in using the internet to solve their problem.

Internet per se is good and beneficial to every one. However, it can also be the source of cheating and plagiarism. According to the survey conducted on 23 college schools, thirty eight percent of the students have been found practicing “cut-and-paste” plagiarism—a direct insult to the writer I must say. Probably, the main reason for committing such action is to finish a last-minute assignment. Whatever reason may it be, plagiarizing someone’s work intentionally must face a corresponding punishment. Just like what Ryan Van Dusen said, assistant director of the Texas Tech Student Judicial Programs, “disciplinary actions [must be] determined through case-by-case basis”.

Disciplinary action is imperative in order to diminish the percentage of students relying on someone’s work and encourage them to be more creative in showing ideas throughout their writing. By doing so, we hope to preserve the core foundation of what education is all about.

(232 words)

sources: "Unintentional plaigiarism leads to disciplinary action" by Tina Arons

"A Campus Fad That's Being Copied:Internet Plagiarism" by Sara Rimer

Ken J said...

Plagiary in your writing is not a big crime but it stops you from thinking. The main reason for students who plagiarize their writing is lazy. It is too easy to go on internet using cut-copy-paste to write any articles that teacher required. Comparing the time for copy and paste with DIY (do it by yourself), plagiary saves student precious time for daily busy schedule of life.

There is another interesting thing to discuss. If everyone do it, why can’t I. I did not think I am the unlucky one who caught by the teacher. Maybe the teacher doesn’t care about it too. If the teacher did not put a serious attitude towards plagiarism, the student will do it. “What I hear is, everyone cheats” Professor McCabe said.

It’s good to write something new or topics that can not be plagiarized such as biography. The teacher is too smart to prevent student from doing it. The interactive method really give us a push to finish my biography with extra work and check the reality of each student’s work and seen by other students in the Blog. Everyone’s biographies are unique.

“Pursuant to these two agreements, Transmeta expects to receive cash payments from Intel totaling $91.5 million before the end of Transmeta’s current fiscal quarter ending September 30, 2008” from Yahoo’s finance. It shows creative and innovative is the only way to success. A small company with ideas can beat the giant Intel on microchips design. The money will pay until 2013. Do not plagiary or cheating, it’s killing your ideas.

Word count: 261

Spencer said...

Beatrice, I really feel you built off of what we did in class! I had a good read!