Saturday, February 14, 2015

Welcome Everyone! A Word About Names

Nice to see many of you have joined the blog successfully! Would you please go in to your blogger home page (the one you see when you log in) and add your real name (if your name in class is different) and/or add a name for those who appear as "unknown" at the moment. Ask Renuka in class this week if you aren't sure how to proceed.

Thanks and see you on the 25th of February. I will put up a "Here I Am" post here on Friday evening next week.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here I Am

Love sitting by the busy streets of Tokyo, my laptop on my lap and sipping on my vending machine tea,
looking at all the stimulation around me, watching thousands walk past me, the feeling that is nostalgic
to my hometown.

Loved having my family around, but I am thousands of miles away. Loved having my friend's to fool around
with, but now I have to go on Skype.

Look at life as a foreign city; with new simulations and more to accomplish

(87 words) Jack Chi