Friday, May 3, 2013

My Experience with Poetry; Choosing a Poem to Share

Write a 50-word paragraph that refers to your personal experiences with poetry. The experiences do not have to be at school, although they may be if you wish. Be specific please. Bring your printed work to class along with a printed copy of your chosen poem.

You must choose your poem from one of these three online sources of quality poetry. Remember that you will need to defend the poem's quality in group work that day, so be sure to choose well.

Poems at (each poem is read by the poet; a good way to decide if you like the way it sounds)

Canadian Poetry Online (from the University of Toronto library; a list of poets that links to poems from each one)

Poetry Daily Archive (alphabetical archive of poems by title; here you can look for an interesting title and see if you can find a poem you like)


Brad said...

Poetry, with a laser-like efficiency, penetrates more deeply into my heart than any other form of literature. I love its unique ability to make me realize that, yes, I also feel that way. Reading two or three poems a week is a balm for my soul. Without poetry, life would be barren.

—52 words

Unknown said...

When I read poetry the words become alive, and jump out of the page, invigorating my body with the emotions of the poet. I love poems that place myself in the shoes of the poet, allowing me to share their feelings, and strong points of views. The use of metaphors in poetry I especially enjoy also, allowing my imagination to become one with the writing.

-65 words

Kelly said...

Unlike other types of literature, poets use very limited words to describe scenery, the writers’ mood, or even a story. When reading a poem, my feeling is quite similar to admiring a piece of art work. I think a good poem gives us a real insight into the poet’s heart. ---50 words

injapark said...

Poetry, with a rhythm like a song, drives me to indulge in thoughts and calms me down like a stabilizer. I like reading my favorite poems at the leisure time. I loved listening to a soft poetry recital flowing out from a radio in the quiet nights of my youth. Poetry is a friend in my life.
57 words

Unknown said...

Poetry is the most graceful form of literature. Following the rhythm through each stanza, it is like rain drops dancing with the beats. Some poems are difficult to realize the hidden meaning after reading a few times, but the thoughtful implication always lingers in my mind for a while. ~49 words

zahra said...

Since I can remember, poetry has been my comrade in the solitude, sorrow, and happiness moments. I admire the influential language of poem, when the other languages are unable, poem inspires and instructs me. Poetry makes the complex world more sensible, as a calm beach for the storm of my thoughts and emotions.
53 words

Unknown said...

I have recited numerous Chinese ancient poems in my early schooling, and some of them have still remained in my mind. The English poetry is as another window for me to know the world, and I found some similar compositional skills in narration, lyric, or rhetoric with my language, so I believe poetry is national and also international.

--58 words

Evelyn said...

May 8, 2013

Poetry does not come easy to me. This intricate and mysterious literature requires deep understanding. It is expressive and beautiful; I know. However, I am too quick to judge, something I do not fully understand. Poetry tell me what do . For I am yearning to know the real you.
50 words.

Hongxin Guo said...

I like poem. When I read it, I see the pictures that the poet painted for us. When I recite it, the sounds like the music flow in the air with rhythm. While I think about it, I feel the echo in my heart. Reading poem is like to drink cool clear spring.

Unknown said...

Poetry is like a magician. Its rhythm sometimes sticks into your brain and makes you never forget. The experience with poetry in English; I only have few. But, with those experiences, I fall in love with poems. They are very powerful that affect my feelings straightly.

46 words

Nadezhda said...

I don't have a rich experience with poetry. In a teenager's age I wrote a few confidential poems (of course, those were in Russian). In English I don't like reading poems with free verse because creating a rhymed poem is more challenging for a poet and more beautiful for a reader, personally for me.

-53 words

Unknown said...

Poetry is short - not understand enough when I read once.
Poetry is lively -I’m able to see and feel when I recite more.
Poetry is thoughtful - still touch my heart when I get older.
Poetry is unforgettable – Guide the lives of old generation, my generation and next generation.
---50 Words

Unknown said...

A poem is literature full of mystical elements. It is written in a few words, but expresses bunch of emotions. Reading poetry can be challenging sometimes. It is like a bride wearing a wedding veil--faintly discernible. I have to read it numerous times to be able to see the whole picture. 52words

Unknown said...

I think poetry is like a cool breeze in summer.Poets weave the magic through their words. Good poetry has ability to show us the different world through the imagination of the poet and enables us to feel the emotions and expressions in limited words.I feel relaxed and stress free reading a good poem.

54 words

Unknown said...

Poem is beautiful but abstract. Poem is literally alive but it could be a log- people who understand well feel it is alive. Mastering every single word is the key element to understand. Always, it contains a meaningful message. I love it because of its abstract and its life.

49 words

Unknown said...

Poetry is like a melody of lyrics. As you reciting along it, the thousand pounds of words and emotions are falling on your head.
Following the rhythm through those alphabets in each stanza, you can hear what he or she is singing to you. The feeling you get will light you up to be stronger.

-55 words

prudent said...

I love poetry more than any other literature. A poem, like Afterlife by Daniel Hoffman is a poem I like most because it penetrates into my soul. A poem is like psalm to me. I read one poem a day for myself. I like the way Hoffman helps me understand myself through this poem. His metaphors gives me hope of life after death. 63 words

Unknown said...

Poetry in my favorite form of literature, because there are so many different types you could write. I love reading the creativity and passion that people put into their words. Listening to a person read their poems are the best because the words become alive and you can feel how they felt when writing it. Poetry comes from the heart and that’s what brings out true emotion.
67 words

Unknown said...

Poetry in my favorite form of literature, because there are so many different types you could write. I love reading the creativity and passion that people put into their words. Listening to a person read their poems are the best because the words become alive and you can feel how they felt when writing it. Poetry comes from the heart and that’s what brings out true emotion.
67 words

Unknown said...

Poetry and I don’t go; it’s like oil and water mixing together causing a flow. Unlike others when I read poetry it bores my mind. I step out of the readers shoes and step in my world of blankness, so I say I and poetry don’t go like oil and water causing a flow.

--54 words