Monday, March 29, 2010

Something "Socially Unacceptable": Your Wishes

Write about something that you wish would become “socially unacceptable” for people in society in a short paragraph of about 125 to 150 words. Describe the behaviour you dislike and explain why you would like it to stop.

Here are some sample topics:

cosmetic surgery; overusing limited resources; shopping for "recreation"; use of cell phones in public; paying too much attention to celebrities; loud Ipods on SkyTrain etc.


Brad said...

From Linda:

Animal testing started long before ancient Greece. Year after year, people took it for granted that using animal for testing was fine. Even now, some people still think that animals are beneath human beings so they can use animals to benefit mankind. However, scientific evidence proves that their thinking is wrong: genetically, Chimpanzees are 96% to 98% similar to humans, Cats 90%, Dogs 80%, Cows 82%, Rats 69% and Mice 67%. Animals have feelings; they can feel what we feel. Just because they cannot speak human language, should we take advantage of them for medical purpose? The answer is “No.”Imagine you are in the lab, watching animals that are burnt, crushed, sliced, electrocuted, tortured with drugs, poisoned with toxic chemicals, and tormented in psychological testing. All of these are for making money or finding if a drug is safe for human beings. Are you really “OK” with that? Actually, there are some alternatives which can replace animal testing. Then why are animals still tested in the lab? It is not acceptable. Animals should not suffer unnecessarily. I strongly appeal that we should stop doing scientific experiment on animals and should respect animal rights.


Brad said...

It happens on the sidewalks every day: people approach each other from opposite directions and, for reasons that escape me, do not move to allow safe passage for both parties. Once, while walking along Cambie Street during the construction of the Canada Line and when the sidewalks were barely wide enough for one person to walk, I was very nearly forced into busy traffic by two young people approaching. I did what I often do now—I stopped and let them decide whether to physically push me off. It is like others have decided that a game of “chicken” is appropriate on sidewalks sometimes. Whoever flinches first gets to move out of the way. What has happened to common courtesy I wonder? Being aware of others is a cornerstone of living in a busy city and, in my opinion, how we have begun treat each other on the sidewalks demonstrates a slide in courtesy that makes me upset on a daily basis.

Sophie said...

It’s not unusual for me to meet a bunch of kids huddled outside New Westminster Secondary School, smoking at lunch time or after school. They waved cigarettes over their heads, laughing loudly, and talking in dirty language. I always wonder whether their parents or teachers know about them. I also wonder with pain whether these kids know the harm of cigarettes. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that cigarettes had caused 5.4 million deaths in 2004 and 100 million deaths over the course of 20th century. It’s emergency for the government departments to enforce the propaganda of the pernicious effects of cigarettes. Additionally, cigarettes are as harmful as, or even more harmful than alcohol, so the government can issue a prohibition ban on cigarettes for minors just as they did on alcohol.
-132 words

Raiya said...

Cigarettes can be helpful to reduce grieves or even anger to the smokers as most smoking believe, but the cigarette’s smokes can be dangerous to the people who don’t smoke. Without a doubt, a reason that caused me to stop going to clubs, is because of how people smoke inside the clubs without a limit and they don’t realize that the effects of smokes are serious; in fact, “The smokes affect the people who don’t smoke very quickly than the people who do,” according to one of the doctors. The clubs’ owner should provide a private room for the smokers to prevent the effects to others who don’t smoke. So, for not taking a risk in my life, I decided to quit going to club because of protecting my health in one way or another.

--135 words.

WENDY CHEN said...

I wish that someone keeps on talking on the public transportation would become “socially unacceptable”. Today when I was on my way to Douglas College New Westminster campus, I took Bus 169 from Coquitlam Station to Braid Sky Train Station. There was a Philippines woman sat right after my back. Since she got on the bus, she took two seats and started to make phones calls to her friend. The trip usually took us 20 minutes. She just kept on talking on the phone all the way on the bus. Not only her cell phone call but also her voice is so loud that really disturbed everyone on the bus. As for me, I felt extremely headache. Even though I stared at her for a couple of times, she doesn’t care a bit. Finally, I gave up and changed my seat to the front, but her voice was still bothering me. When the bus arriving at the terminal station, my neighbor seat girl and I escaping from the bus and felt a relief. I believe we should ban this kind of non-moral behavior which don’t show any respect to others.

Douaa said...

Chemical and coloring food additives are a terrible problem nowadays.We all know our food ingredients are riddled with words that require an advanced degree to understand.Most of people buy products from the supermaket without reading the ingredients tha can damage our system digestive.The harmful fact wich is part of our daily life is to follow our desires about colors and flavor.I really upset when I hear from media that cheese for example on pizza and some bread it's not a real cheese,It's in fact mix of water and fat.I'ts really something dangerous that threaten our lives,and the most dangerous is that fact on our children behaviours.The british researches admitted in september 2009 that coloring and artificial food cause attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD).From here it's important to avoid commercial food such as the fried one,microwave popcorn,margarine as a trans fat that cause heart attacks year after year.I would like to begin from myself and from today to eat healthy things rich in fresh produce,whole grains,lean proteins and fish and low-fat dairy and sure my body will thank me .

Qi-Ling said...

There is no doubt that we are living in a more fast-paced, crowded world than ever before. Every day, I ride the elevator up and down with people rushing with their busy schedules. Sometimes, I can hardly resist my impulse to glare or say something rude back to those, who close the elevator door while one of my legs is still inside. I feel offended because their actions speak loud enough to tell me that I was in their way, so they’re ready to push me aside. Now, I’m self-conscious enough to always let my daughter step outside first, and let myself endure the possible rudeness. Remembering the golden rule: “Treat people the way you like to be treated,” I am wondering how they would feel if I closed the door instantly after they take off? They probably won’t like it. So please, let the elevator close the door by itself and give other people ten seconds of courtesy.
---159 words

Abbie257 said...

Whenever I see people spitting on the ground publicly, I constantly think of an "airborne disease". To me, it is a socially unacceptable deed. I am having the urge to ask and remind them; "What if the tiny bits of your spit scattered and mixed in the air and stuck in the skin of the other people, or worse, inhaled by the innocent people just walking or standing beside you?"! Human saliva contains bacteria and if a person has a disease or an illness such as coughs and colds, tuberculosis, diphtheria or pneumonia, they might spread it to others by just spitting. As a concerned individual, I want them to have the awareness of ejecting their "bodily fluids" on a tissue or a plastic rather than on the ground, passed by the people, glued on their shoes, or melted away under the heat of the Sun. Eew.

Wazhma said...

Mainly it is rainy in Vancouver, but unfortunately most of the drivers do not follow good driving manners. By driving fast, they splash water at people on the sidewalks. It ones happened to my friend when she was waiting for a bus to go for a job interview. Dirty water was splashed all over her clothes, so she had to go back home to change. As you know, you try your best to prepare yourself to look properly for an important interview; she spent some time on choosing her clothes as well just to be splashed with dirty water. To be on time for that interview, she had to take a taxi then. It is a terrible feeling the majority of those who do not drive experience in rainy weather. I wish drivers to be more respectful, and drive carefully.

140 words

Ivana said...

Before I got my license, I use to take the public transportation to work and school every day. Some of the things I have seen really caught my attention. It really bugs me seeing people do all sorts of unusual things on the SkyTrain. One morning on my way to work, I saw this older guy clipping his finger nails. I was very disturbed. He literally had a nail clipper and was clipping his nails. To make the situation even worst the nails were flaying in all directions, and no he didn’t bother cleaning up after himself. I felt bad for the lady who was sitting next to him, I felt like the nail was going to end up in her coffee. She was shocked and shortly after she got up and moved to another seat, I believe she was also very disturbed. This is very unsanitary; I believe the SkyTrain is mostly for getting you from one place to another, and doing hygienic things should be done at home and not on the public transportation.

Rachael said...

The thought is unfortunate that appearance is the first impression used to set an opinion. There is so much negativity presented in some minds before “nice to meet you” is even vocalized. There is no way to know someone’s behavior on a first impression; this is why I believe it is completely unacceptable to make derogatory comments on a person’s choice to be pierced or tattooed. Piercings and tattoos have become a popular life choice among many. There are laws to prevent ostracizing people based on age, sex, race, sexual orientation but nothing close to protect negative actions or comments about someone’s piercings or tattoos. It is difficult to go through life with a strong work ethic only to be constantly judged and turned down without a second thought because you’re inked. Little do most people know the struggle of being judged everyday makes us hard working, strong, honest people.

Anonymous said...

From today’s generation it has completely evolved from the 1960’s. As to the people who were born during that time, try to accept every aspect on how century, after century the world has changed. Speaking to others use to be projected in a polite manner, unfortunately now there isn’t much room anymore for people to be polite. Seems like some individuals these days have no respect, not unless to their own eyes you meet their standards. I hear so many of them swearing at the top of their lungs, in front of their own friends only to be yelling about a simple mistake they made. Why is it when people talk there always has to be a swear word? For me it’s acceptable if they were brought up that way from their parents or it became a habit from the type of people they surround themselves with.

--147 words

tasia said...

How young is to young?

Plasic surgery has been growing recently in Hollywood. To me, it is wrong that young, vunerable girls look up to and mentor these people. They see this behaviour as being" socialably acceptable". Heidi Montag, at the age of 23 has already had about 20 procedures. 10 of them happened in only a couple of days. And all for what? To ulter her natural apperance. It's showing girls that it is ok to go under the knife to make themselves more beautiful. There should be a public outrage over the harm it is doing to their self-esteem and self-worth. We should be teaching them to let their inner beauty shine through, instead of hiding behind a mask. In my opinion, being happy, confident, and natural is ten times better then looking and feeling "playboy" fake.


George said...

Yesterday, CTV showed news that made me upset and shock. The former hockey coach, Graham James, was granted a pardon after convicted of abusing junior hockey players. Although Bible asks me to forgive other’s mistakes, I can’t stand someone who probably hurts someone else again to have an opportunity to commit a crime. My sons are young and like to exercise. In the past, I was never suspicious of coaches’ intentions, and trusted the rules of government --- someone who probably hurt children or youth should be prohibited from being a coach of sports. In my family, my sons were always encouraged to learn some sports and accept trainings from coaches, and picked up after the training classes closed. In my opinions, it was safe and comfortable that my sons accepted a coach training. Currently, I worry my thoughts are wrong although I know most coaches are innocent and clean.

Kevin said...

"Local Experience" has troubled many new comers, even some native people back home from some other place. I have read an article about a nurse who was born and grew in Vancouver and had worked at a famous hospital in USA for a long time. But she was refused when she came back and looked for a job, because she didn't have "local experience." A lot of my friends have been refused for a job since they have never had a job in Vancouver. All along I don't understand the real meaning of the "local experience." Why it is needed at almost all kind of jobs? Experience and knowledge are important to a job, but is the experience must "local"? Or is the "local experience" better than others? I simply wish protectionism vanish and everybody can get a professional job that he has experience in.

-- 145 words

Fatima said...

It happens everywhere in this world, not just here in Canada, “Mess judgments”. It differs between what, whom, or where. The most recently one that bothered me the most when I came to Canada, was to meet people who judges me for my religion, which I am proud. Two weeks ago, I was in Royal city mall buying some groceries, and I meet an old man .He looked to me in a very strange way that I felt like I killed one of his family members. For a while, it bothered me how people can think about a whole part of Muslims people because of a part of them that Muslim people do not believe they related to us. I do not really blame this old man. I blame the society that we live. We all have to judge each other for how we behave, not for something else. I wish we all can become alert for this problem and stop judge others for their status.

Words: 163

Rod said...

These days, countries around the globe are experiencing drastic climatic changes. Natural disasters are occuring frequently. Global warming is worsening. Drought and shortage of drinking water is a problem in some countries. Hunger, famine, social conflicts are present day realities. The unabated abuse of the society to Mother Nature has borne these crucial social issues. Big corporation's greediness for profit endlessly exploit earth's non renewable resouces. Aggressive technological advancement, consumerism and throw away mentality produces wastes beyond control and the Earth's capacity to digest. Is society naive to these realities or are we treking the road to doomsday? People are stewards of Mother Nature. It is our responsibility to protect and preserve it to ensure the dignity and preservation of humanity. It is high time to reverse the trend in order for the next generation and the generations to come can enjoy the bounty and beauty of nature. After all, there is no such thing as "free lunch."

Kamaljeet said...

Something I don’t like but I cannot say anything about. Whenever I go shopping, I always try to check for garbage cans. Are they located in a visible place? Most of the time when I do my job as a cashier, I am getting at least one customer who wants to leave garbage with me. Sometimes a cup of coffee, a flyer, food bag etc. Some customers ask very nicely “Do you have a garbage can here? Can I leave this with you?” (Handing an empty cup of coffee to me).Other customers ask “Hi you can throw away this garbage for me.” Sometimes I want to switch my place with those customers who want to give their junk to me. They should stand as a cashier or me as a customer with a garbage bag. I wish they could understand my feelings.