Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Favourite Title, Couplet, Image, Actions

As described on your worksheet. Please comment before Friday.

HINT: Use two tabs to make it easier to copy and paste your favourites.


Michael said...

Favorite title:
"Note To The Living Dead"

Favourite couplet:
to cherish memory
from every moment we had;

Favourite image:
An unexpected incident
to meet a person
for a short time
involved for the whole life;

Favourite action:
remember your days with me, honey,
and to follow a whisper in the bottom of your heart
and to believe in mom’s love
something everlasting.

Qin said...

Favorite title:

"Note to Wedlock"

Favorite couplet:

to be a mother,
or treasure you in heart;

Favorite image (sound):

An august win
to remember for a moment
a victory sound
with the hands clapping loud;

Favorite actions:

mislay your glasses in the pool;
and to wobble in search of your way;
and to keep on not seeing
something important.

Brad said...

Note that an "image" must allow us to see something in our minds (using any of our senses) and that a "couplet" is a two-line stanza.

Nancy Luo said...

Favourite title:"Note to Wedlock"

Favourite couplet:

to be a lovebird,
or enjoy its lovely song;

Favourite image:

An exotic place
to remember for a excitement
a good-bye hug
with your tears rolled down;

Favourite action:

Life is the only way
to stroll wearily on beaches,
catch your dream in the tide,
rise on waves;

--Nancy Luo

Mengistu said...

Favourite title:

"Desolate Spirit"

Favourite couplet:

To tell the truth
From everyone who deserve it;

Favourite image(sound):

to discover life is all around,
admiring nature,
to live in a perfect rapture.

Favourite actions:

Life is the only way
to be embellished with dandelions,
fly a kite on the grass,
giggle in happiness.

Anonymous said...

Favourite title:

"Note to Wedlock”

Favourite couplet:

to be an angel,
or be thrown in hell;

Favourite image:

Death is the only way
to be covered with mud,
dressed in fine clothing,
eaten by worms;

Favourite action:

to look into my lover’s eyes,
long time and deeply,
to seek happiness or sadness we could share;

Maryann said...

Favourite title:
“A Recent Note”

Fovourite couplet:
to tell heaven
from sea of fire;

Favourite image (sound):
to wander from home,
feed in barren,
to accept the highest awfulness of same race.

Favourite actions:
spend whole day on the swing;
and to let the world shake you dizzy, feet up in the air;
and to keep on not feeling
Somehow tired.

kenny said...

Favourite title: “Note to Myself”

Favourite couplet:

to be a seagull,
or fly with loud cries;

Favourite image:

An extraordinary opportunity
to remember for a moment
a dance under the sky overcast of stars;

Favourite actions:

mislay your shoes at the seashore;
and to pat the tidewater on the spray with your eyes;
and keep on not thinking
something important.

Jatinder said...

Favourite title:

"A Note to the Serious Minded"

Favourite couplet:

"to be a boss,
or give her latest report;"

Favourite image:

"An exotic place
to remember for a excitement
a good-bye hug
with your tears rolled down;"

Favourite action:

"to look into my lover’s eyes,
long time and deeply,
to seek happiness or sadness we could share;"

Putik said...

Favorite title:

Note to Wedlock

Favourite couplet:

to be a child
delight on simple object;

Favourite image:

Life is the only way
to hear whispers in trees,
hold your silence in a forest,
rise on winds;

Favourite action:

mislay your shoes at the seashore;
and to pat the tidewater on the spray with your eyes;
and keep on not thinking
something important.

Jamileh said...

Favourite title
Note to Us

Favourite couplet,
To tell the truth
from everyone who deserve it,

Favourite image,
An exotic place
to remember for a excitement
a good-bye hug
with your tears rolled down;

Favourite action,
misplace your dream in the fog;
and to follow the path that shine brightly through your goal;
and to keep hold on tight
something important.

Rita said...

Favorite title:

Note to Wedlock

Favourite couplet:

to cherish memory
from every moment we had;

Favourite image:

to be a child
delight on simple object;

Favourite action:

to try new things everyday
dawdle between times
to seek the most of possible fun time;

maria said...

Favourite title:
“Note To The Living Dead”

Favourite couplet:
to tell success
to everyone whose not;

Favourite image:
Life is the only way
to feel the warm sand under your bare feet,
hold the sound of the mighty ocean,
rise in spirit;

Favourite action:
o look into my lover’s eyes,
long time and deeply,
to seek happiness or sadness we could share;

Louie said...

Favorite title:
“Note to all”

Favorite couplet:
to be an angel,
or be thrown in hell;

Favorite image:
Life is the only way
to stroll wearily on beaches,
catch your dream in the tide,
rise on waves;

Favorite action:
spend whole day on the swing;
and to let the world shake you dizzy, feet up in the air;
and to keep on not feeling
Somehow tired.

Zarmina said...

Favorite title:
“A Note”

Favorite couplet:

to seek hope
remember future not past;

Favorite image (sound):

An extraordinary occasion
to remember for a time
a story told
with the moon bright on;

Favorite actions:

misplace your dream in the fog;
and to follow the path that shine brightly through your goal;
and to keep hold on tight
something important.

Anonymous said...

Favorite title:

Note to Wedlock

Favourite couplet:

to wander from home,feed in barren,
to accept the highest awfulness of same race.

Favourite image:

a cozy atmosphere held
with the wine glass exchanged by;

Favourite action:

mislay your wedding ring on the beach;
and to look for a shining on the water with all your heart;

Kulvinder said...

Favourite Title:

Note To The Living Dead

Favourite Couplet:

to be a bird,
or fly to dreamlands;

Favourite Image:

to fly over mountains,
wander in deserts,
to seek the treasures hidden under the sun

Favourite Actions:

Life is the only way
to watch a bone crushing hit,
cheer for the other persons pain,
hockey is great

Eve Yan said...

Favorite title:
Note to Wedlock

Favourite couplet:
to tell friends
from everyone who’s not;

Favourite image:
Life is the only way
to get fascinated in fall,
open your heart under trees,
rise on colors;

Favourite action:
mislay your wedding ring on the beach;
and to look for a shining on the water with all your heart;

Ali said...

"A Note"

"to cherish memory
from every moment we had;"

"An exotic place
to remember for a excitement
a good-bye hug
with your tears rolled down"

"to hold a lover,
cuddle under sheets,
to seek the least of all our misunderstandings."

Anonymous said...

Favorite Title:

My father

Favorite couplet:

To survive on little
or be humble before plenty

Favorite image:

To create a new world,
dream the impossible,
to wander without borders,

Favorite action:

To sneak into feasts,
saunter in views,
to catch the most of all possible chances.

molly said...

Favorite title:
"Note to Employees"

Favorite Couplet:
to see a camel
or ride on its hunch;

Favorite Image:
to be a bird,
or seing its soft wings;

Favorite Action:
to chat among crowd,
count the stars,
to ignore the best of all possible regrets