Thursday, February 5, 2009

Homework: List Poem

Submit your list poem as a comment to this post before coming to class next Wednesday.

Remember to prepare yourself to read the poem to the class. Practice your pacing and pronounciation!


eric_is_here said...


I prefer eating.
I prefer man's best friend.
I prefer snow laced hemlocks in Whistler.
I prefer Rowling to Meyer.
I prefer myself enjoying simplicity
to myself bearing complexity.
I prefer keeping a razor sharp wit, just in case.
I prefer the color black.
I prefer not letting inhibitions hold me captive.
I prefer distractions.
I prefer to be there now.
I prefer talking to close friends about the time when.
I prefer sneakers that you pump.
I prefer the absurdity of making a fool of yourself
to the absurdity of trying to fool yourself.
I prefer, where pain's concerned, picking myself up
after screaming in agony.
I prefer intellectuals
who practice humility.
I prefer pruning in the summer
to withering in the winter.
I prefer Earth from space.
I prefer the expanse to the expensive.
I prefer to have a purpose.
I prefer the hell of rejection to the hell of isolation.
I prefer Dr. Suess to Dr. Phil.
I prefer a chicken with no head to a head with no chicken.
I prefer walls without advertisements.
I prefer strength since I am weak.
I prefer a firm mattress.
I prefer enough money to not have to work
to not having to work for enough money.
I prefer the expression of anger
to the misery of resentment.
I prefer just before morning to just before night.
I prefer the glass half full.
I prefer not to ramble.
I prefer keeping in mind the destination is plain
if not decorated by the robes of the journey.

hyunni's place said...

this is my attempt of list poem, i hope u like it.
I prefer

I prefer dramas.
I prefer adorable puppy.
I prefer the houses along the sidewalks.
I prefer Golden to Ziegesar.
I prefer myself write something
to myself not write nothing.
I prefer keeping my pants on always, just in case.
I prefer the color pastel.
I prefer scenery pictures.
I prefer to arrive before time.
I prefer talking to my doctor about my life.
I prefer the absurdity of having anything to the absurdity of having nothing.
I prefer to know something to know nothing.
I prefer, where love’s concern, to love someone without knowing why.
I prefer the teachers
who have open minded about anything.
I prefer blooming in the springtime
to withering in the wintertime.
I prefer the space, sometimes.
I prefer the highway to road.
I prefer the public acceptance to public rejection.
I prefer Oprah to Letterman.
I prefer roses without thorns
to thorns without roses.
I prefer walls with flowers.
I prefer a soft pillow.
I prefer faith in God since I am a Christian.
I prefer to believe in something
to believe in nothing.
I prefer the quietness
to the expression of anger.
I prefer just after lunch
to just after dinner.
I prefer the glass full.
I prefer not to fight.
I prefer not to ask of me to write another verse since I don’t have one.

ally said...

I prefer

I prefer nature.
I prefer cats.
I prefer old trees around a modern house.
I prefer Mark Twin to Edgar Allen Poe.
I prefer myself waking up from a nightmare
to myself dreaming nothing.
I prefer keeping a free heart, just in case.
I prefer the colour blue.
I prefer not to judge between right and wrong from appearances only.
I prefer simplicity.
I prefer to maintain my ability to image.
I prefer talking to my mother about last night’s dreams.
I prefer the portrait my daughter drew for me.
I prefer the absurdity of childish conversations to the absurdity of well-chosen phrases.
I prefer losers who have grace to winners who show pride.
I prefer blue sky.
I prefer listening to the lighthearted laughter of children under the blue sky.
I prefer my family saying “I love you” by sign language in some situations.
I prefer the world at peace.
I prefer walking to driving.
I prefer to stay within myself for hours.
I prefer a neat living-room full of afternoon sunlight.
I prefer not to wake up people who are sleeping soundly.
I prefer my daughter’s dolls.
I prefer not being shy easily, since I am.
I prefer to notice the beauty in everything to everything of beauty.
I prefer keeping in mind to seek and experience the truth of life.

a crazy couple said...


I prefer theatre.
I prefer lions.
I prefer palms along the Karoon River.
I prefer Khayyam to Roomi.
I prefer myself speaking to people
to myself hiding from people.
I prefer keeping a pen and paper on hand, just in case.
I prefer the orange sunset.
I prefer not to be a pessimist person.
I prefer to die early.
I prefer listening to those who have no listeners.
I prefer everything antique.
I prefer the absurdity of thinking blank
to the absurdity of philosophy.
I prefer, a new observation for every day
that gives me a fresh love of being alive.
I prefer astrologists
who promise me new worlds.
I prefer true enmity to the hypocrite love.
I prefer the earth in spring.
I prefer grateful to extorter people.
I prefer understanding than knowing.
I prefer the children smiling to the scholars smiling.
I prefer Shahrazad’s stories to the philosophers’ discussions.
I prefer standing green palms to palms without head.
I prefer Persian cats with curly hairs.
I prefer cooking on firewood oven, since mine is electric.
I prefer small villages.
I prefer many things that I forget now
to many things I remember always.
I prefer heavens untouched
to those have been always preached simultaneously.
I prefer the time of planting to the time of plucking up the plant.
I prefer to knock on the ancient narrow door.
I prefer not to think about the daily life seriously.
I prefer keeping hope for,
maybe, better days coming for humankind.

Eman said...


I prefer music.
I prefer small cats.
I prefer the sunset on the sea shore.
I prefer Shakespeare to Marllow.
I prefer the color red.
I prefer myself doing anything to myself doing nothing.
I prefer keeping some money in my purse,just in case.
I prefer doing exercises twice a week.
I prefer not to think that I can’t do anything difficult.
I prefer talking to myself about my weakness.
I prefer MacBook.
I prefer challenges.
I prefer the absurdity of learning English
to the absurdity of not learning English.
I prefer to share other’s happiness.
I prefer the law that respect everybody.
I prefer helping people to being helped by them.
I prefer to appreciate earth.
I prefer health without wealth to the wealth without health.
I prefer short stories to novel.
I prefer Vancouver since its a big- beautiful city.
I prefer dogs who keep away from me.
I prefer eyes that look special.
I prefer perfumes to make up.
I prefer many books I haven’t read
to many books I have also left unopened.
I prefer fashion since I have an experience about it.
I prefer not to interfere to others’ secrets.
I prefer the time of being awake to the time of sleeping.
I prefer to touch the silk.
I prefer not to complain a lot.
I prefer keeping in mind that
education is essential for everyone in the world.

mia said...

I prefer movies.
I prefer horses.
I prefer the willows along the riverbank.
I prefer D.H Lawrence to Lu Xun.
I prefer myself strolling in the park to myself doing chores at home.
I prefer keeping mouse in hand, just in case.
I prefer the color blue.
I prefer being a passenger to being a driver.
I prefer details.
I prefer to sleep late.
I prefer talking to my best friends about everything.
I prefer black and white photography.
I prefer the absurdity of doing something to absurdity of doing nothing.
I prefer, where love’s concerned, sharing with others unconditionally.
I prefer archeologists who discover ancient secrets.
I prefer beautiful mind to beautiful face.
I prefer the earth in green.
I prefer keeping in order.
I prefer trails to highways.
I prefer tears of gladness to tears of sadness.
I prefer bungalow to high rise.
I prefer plants outdoors to plants indoors.
I prefer flowers with morning dew.
I prefer real books to E-books.
I prefer fireplaces.
I prefer many unmentioned things to be done to many told things to be done.
I prefer birds in the sky to those stand on the branches.
I prefer the time of arrival to the time of departure.
I prefer to look out the window.
I prefer not to ask how far and how long.
I prefer keeping in mind the bright side of each person in the world.

yuwin said...

I Prefer

I prefer dances.
I prefer dogs.
I prefer cherry blossoms along the streets.
I prefer Shakespeare to Hemingway.
I prefer myself giving something.
to myself taking something.
I prefer keeping a candle and match on hand, just in case.
I prefer any color.
I prefer not to care
that time will prove the right thing.
I prefer manners.
I prefer to arrive early.
I prefer talking to my students’ parents about their children.
I prefer ancient monuments.
I prefer the absurdity of the suggestion at a meeting
to the absurdity of suggesting nothing.
I prefer no any excuse.
I prefer shoes to dresses
I prefer magicians
who show me nothing.
I prefer having hearing to never hearing.
I prefer the earth in alive.
I prefer peaceful to aggressive countries.
I prefer having humor.
I prefer social dance in a party to street dance in the street.
I prefer World Journal to Sing Tao Daily.
I prefer flowers from my garden to flowers in the vase.
I prefer sharp eyes, since mine are dull.
I prefer having nothing to bad.
I prefer to smell the lavenders.
I prefer not to care how much weight I will be.
I prefer keeping in mind to say the appreciation that anyone has ever helped.

Words : 212

Makassia said...


I prefer Disney Channel
I prefer no pets
I prefer mango trees in the backyard
I prefer Akon to 50 cent
I prefer considering others first to myself considering myself first
I prefer taking cash with me, just in case
I prefer the color pink and black
I prefer not to promise I will do something forever
I prefer sleeping and waking late
I prefer arriving at the last minute
I prefer talking to my niece about books
I prefer Canada to U.S.A
I prefer my old room
I prefer the absurdity of reading tragedy to the absurdity of reading science fiction
I prefer, where love’s concerned, my family and friends who I can celebrate everyday with
I prefer reading at midnight
I prefer fortune teller who explain to me nothing
I prefer scanning notes before test to scheming how to peek at others’ papers
I prefer the earth quiet
I prefer borrowing from the library to buying books
I prefer not to treat people the way I wouldn’t love being treated
I prefer being the audience to being the entertainer
I prefer shining vampires to burning vampires
I prefer blue eyes, since mine are brown
I prefer trying again next time to quitting next time
I prefer teasing to being teased
I prefer looking presentable to looking fashionable
I prefer sleeping on rainy days
I prefer not considering age when it comes to learning
I prefer to believe that everything will happen at the right time, in the right place

Lauren said...

Single Out

I prefer dancing.
I prefer ferrets.
I prefer cat tails along the river.
I prefer Allen to Bukowski.
I prefer to hold the spine of a human
to holding the spine of a book.
I prefer to keep a mirror in my purse, just incase.
I prefer the color green.
I prefer not to say
that everything will be alright.
I prefer persistence.
I prefer to wake up late.
I prefer talking to somebody to talking to just anybody.
I prefer my grandmothers table lamp.
I prefer the absurdity of people being silent
to the absurdity of people talking and saying nothing.
I prefer, when money is concerned, to spend it as quick as I make it.
I prefer realists
who can float on the clouds.
I prefer the burn on my hand to never feeling.
I prefer the earth without crisis.
I prefer countries in need to those that are needed.
I prefer not having any boundaries.
I prefer myself to be unbalanced to myself balancing the rules.
I prefer Pierre Trudeau to Karl Marx.
I prefer life coming out of the earth to spirit going in.
I prefer the east with the northern lights.
I prefer a dark complexion because mine is light.
I prefer a warm bath on a cold night.
I prefer winter solstice to summer.
I prefer to keep in mind we are all here for the same thing
to love and be loved.

Ashley said...

I prefer

I prefer music.
I prefer orange cats.
I prefer the cedar in my backyard, because it‘s fun to climb.
I prefer Anne Frank to Shakespeare.
I prefer myself aiming high,
to myself achieving all my goals.
I prefer keeping a band-aid in my backpack, just in case.
I prefer the colour green.
I prefer not to say ‘never’ because you never know.
I prefer to be spontaneous, rather than having everything planned out.
I prefer to stay up late, and wake up at the crack of noon.
I prefer talking to mom for advice.
I prefer old architecture, where every building had
had so much character.
I prefer text messaging to calling.
I prefer the absurdity of writing music to
the absurdity of not knowing how to write music.
I prefer giving gifts rather than receiving them.
I prefer people who are humble.
I prefer traveling to new places than staying at home.
I prefer Denmark.
I prefer peace to war.
I prefer books and magazines to papers.
I prefer my garden to store bought produce.
I prefer animals just the way they are, without clothes and accessories.
I prefer my eyes, since they are green.
I prefer saving money to shopping.
I prefer too many things, to list them all in this poem.
I prefer the time of the present to the time of the future.
I prefer to knock on doors before I enter them,
but I usually forget.
I prefer to think before I speak, but I usually forget that too.
I prefer to think that the possibilities in life are endless.

Faye said...

I prefer classical music.
I prefer elegant swan.
I prefer little daisies winking in the garden.
I prefer Sienfield to Mr. Bean.
I prefer myself helping people
to myself being helped by others.
I prefer keeping a dream catcher at the window, to help me sleep soundly.
I prefer the color of rainbow.
I prefer not to complain
about life or the people in it.
I prefer harmony.
I prefer to drive slowly.
I prefer listening to the sound of the water droplets
as they fall from goose feet, taking flight from a lake.
I prefer old European fashion.
I prefer the absurdity of doing something wrong
to the absurdity of not taking action at all.
I prefer, where love’s concerned, each warm memory
that can be sealed within my heart.
I prefer young children
who always speak the truth.
I prefer forgiveness to vengeance.
I prefer a soft cat’s purr to a strident dog’s bark.
I prefer Atheism to a war in God’s name.
I prefer the sound of silence to the noise they call music.
I prefer to be conquered by love than to be conquered by another power.
I prefer poor people rich with wisdom to rich people poor from vacuous thought.
I prefer a low profile.
I prefer no boundaries on maps.
I prefer grass with dew to roses with thorns.
I prefer to keep in mind all the rules
that maintain a peaceful world.

Unknown said...

I Prefer

I prefer talk shows.
I prefer horses.
I prefer walking along the beach.
I prefer Noah to Peter.
I prefer myself thinking the fairytale stories of mankind.
I prefer keeping re-usable bottled water, just in case.
I prefer the color white and green.
I prefer not to believe that life is unfair.
I prefer criticism.
I prefer to be up early.
I prefer talking to the priest about my sins.
I prefer modern women.
I prefer the absurdity of loving to the absurdity of not loving.
I prefer, where faith is concerned, believing God stood by me everyday.
I prefer educator
who promise me nothing.
I prefer the sunrise, always.
I prefer Canada.
I prefer not thinking what will happen tomorrow and why.
I prefer not having reservation.
I prefer the hardship of learning to the hardship of not being learned.
I prefer straight face to “poker” face.
I prefer newly born babies to dying aged person.
I prefer dogs with mixed breeding.
I prefer light skin, since mine are brown.
I prefer walk in closets
I prefer the time of civilization to the time of colonization.
I prefer to knock.
I prefer not to ask how much longer and when.
I prefer keeping in mind the possibility of every individual to make a better world.

Johnny said...

I prefer Bear Grylls.

I prefer bulldogs.

I prefer hollow trees large enough to walk in.

I prefer Eric S. Margolis to Dr. Suess.

I prefer myself helping mankind to standing isle in the midst of adversity.

I prefer keeping a back-up plan on the side, just in case.

I prefer the colors Yellow and Black.

I prefer not to let my mentality remain static.

I prefer vibrant excuses.

I prefer to leave on time.

I prefer talking to people who have their job as a seperate portion of their life.

I prefer Jim Lee.

I prefer the absurdity that can be solved to the absurdity that can't.

I prefer to plan surprise day trips since flowers wilt faster than memories.

I prefer a beginning that ends.

I prefer innocent minds to black and twisted thoughts.

I prefer nations absolved.

I prefer having a card up the sleeve rather than the pocket.

I prefer optimism to pessimism.

I prefer news of the world to news of a community.

I prefer abilities to be earned.

I prefer endless ambition to endless power.

I prefer a place where freedom and equality do not hinder one another.

I prefer eyes with a little light in them since most are bleak.

I prefer t-shirts to drinking money.

I prefer stomping a new path in the tall grass than walking the beatdown trails already carved.

I prefer friends that have a different way of thinking from my own.

I prefer the taste of my own contraption cooking to others'.

I prefer not to have the mysteries of the world solved so easily.

I prefer forsaking everything others have learned so I can learn it myself.

kenny said...

39820 Kenny Lee
I prefer radios.
I prefer dogs.
I prefer heather along the hill.
I prefer Julius Caesar to Alexander.
I prefer myself liking relatives
to myself loving neighbor.
I prefer keeping a pencil and sketchbook.
I prefer the color blue.
I prefer not to fighting
that reason is mildness will be much more strong.
I prefer engineer.
I prefer to reach first.
I prefer talking to my doctor about my wife.
I prefer my old canon.
I prefer the absurdity of getting marriage
to the absurdity of not getting marriage.
I prefer, where love’s concern, my first son
that can be celebrated every day.
I prefer any son
who come with charming bride.
I prefer humble bravery to the confident brave.
I prefer the soil in my garden.
I prefer obtained to obtaining territory.
I prefer having some booking.
I prefer cherry in my garden
to the cherry in farm market.
I prefer short story to the big size novel.
I prefer galaxy without moon to moon without galaxy.
I prefer horses without saddle.
I prefer dark skin, since mine are white.
I prefer kitchen cabinets.
I prefer a squirrel running trees.
I prefer keeping in mind even the possibility
that life has fade away without reason.

Grace said...


I prefer the Discovery.

I prefer cats.

I prefer the wiggly willows in my home town.

I prefer pop to classical.

I prefer sitting beside the fireplace while it is snowing outside.

I prefer myself meditating quietly to myself wandering aimlessly.

I prefer keeping a cup of coffee on hand, just in case.

I prefer the color red.

I prefer forgetting anything that reminds me of sad.

I prefer tranquility.

I prefer staying up untill mid-night.

I prefer sleeping without any dream.

I prefer surfing on the internet.

I prefer the absurdity of enjoying the agony from hard work to the absurdity of doing nothing.

I prefer romantic stories.

I prefer pure love.

I prefer a man who promises me nothing but cares for me only.

I prefer the world of diversity.

I prefer moderate to aggressive countries.

I prefer intact chaos to over-embellished culture.

I prefer booming flowers.

I prefer falling leaves.

I prefer keeping curious.

I prefer unknown challenges to foreseen difficulties.

I prefer dogs walking proudly ahead of their owners.

I prefer curling hair, since mine is straight.

I prefer making up my daughter like a princess.

I prefer doodles to orderly handwritings on the paper.

I prefer to write a poem when I have so much to say.

selena wang said...

I prefer tulips
I prefer mountains
I prefer pine trees among the snow
I prefer Jane Austin to Colleen Mccullough
I prefer myself enjoying life to myself complaining life
I prefer keeping a note and pen in hand, just in case
I prefer the color blue
I prefer not to cover that truth is to be true forever
I prefer surprise
I prefer Top Design and smooth designers
I prefer the absurdity of forgiving some mistakes to the absurdity of forgiving all the mistakes
I prefer, If the setting sun is sublime, why care about its dying time?
I prefer abstract artists who show me nothing
I prefer modern style
I prefer strong contrast
I prefer golden fish since I fed them when I was a child
I prefer to discover everything beautiful in original face because nature is the real beautiful
I prefer to enjoy coffee and sunshine on my deck
I prefer to communicate with free thinkers since I have no religion
I prefer green tea because for me, life is another tea
I prefer the friends who enjoy simple living to those who chasing rich living
I prefer cactus so I don’t’ need to water everyday
I prefer not to argue with people with dementia especially those look normal
I prefer the best is only bought at the cost of great pain

sam said...

I prefer lakes.
I prefer dogs.
I prefer pines along the mountain road.
I prefer Hemingway to Jin Yong.
I prefer myself chatting with humorous people
to myself listening to informative people.
I prefer keeping a GPS on hand, just in case.
I prefer the color blue.
I prefer not to pretend that I like something.
I prefer perfect.
I prefer to get up late.
I prefer talking to my former classmates about our school life.
I prefer the model cars.
I prefer the absurdity of believing in UFO to the absurdity of not believing in UFO.
I prefer, where love’s concerned, people can do anything for each other.
I prefer scientists who make some cool inventions.
I prefer playing soccer to getting a goal.
I prefer the earth full of green.
I prefer the peaceful and quiet country.
I prefer having self-confidence.
I prefer the hell of debugging.
I prefer reading news online.
I prefer the little yellow flowers on the lawn.
I prefer dogs with long hair.
I prefer bright eyes, since they look happy and health.
I prefer comfortable sofa.
I prefer many things that I haven’t seen to many things I’ve been familiar with.
I prefer to swim in the sea.
I prefer not to go shopping.
I prefer keep in mind that anything can happen in this world.

Jinmin said...

I prefer traveling.
I prefer dogs.
I prefer pine trees along the highways.
I prefer John Grogan to J.K.Rowling.
I prefer walking the dog to myself doing nothing.
I prefer keeping a warm mug in my hand just in case.
I prefer the colour green.
I prefer not to say anything bad about others.
I prefer sunbathing.
I prefer to wake up late.
I prefer talking to friends about anything.
I prefer streaming video.
I prefer the absurdity reading of poems to absurdity of not reading poems.
I prefer etiquette.
I prefer no shouting so there is no shouting.
I prefer the uneducated but wise.
I prefer smile without reason.
I prefer sea.
I prefer earth green.
I prefer finding hidden jems.
I prefer greens from my own garden.
I prefer Canadian Living Magazine to Bakers' Apprentice.
I prefer dogs wrestling.
I prefer seenig kind eyes as mine are cold.
I prefer the shadow under a tree.
I prefer not to get cold.
I prefer keeping a simple & happy mind.

Kaycee said...

I Prefer

I prefer sports.
I prefer Chihuahua.
I prefer flowers in front the house.
I prefer Obama to Bush.
I prefer myself helping others to myself doing nothing.
I prefer keeping foods on hand, just in case.
I prefer the colour green.
I prefer not to say that money is everything.
I prefer independence.
I prefer to finish early.
I prefer talking to my bestfriend about anything.
I prefer my old room.
I prefer the absurdity of learning things to the absurdity of not learning anything.
I prefer to love unconditionally.
I prefer teachers who explain everything.
I prefer self-consciousness to over-confident.
I prefer the earth free from chaos.
I prefer civilized country to uncivilized.
I prefer planning before doing things.
I prefer the crowds’ noise to the crowds’ silence.
I prefer newspapers to magazines.
I prefer small animals with furs.
I prefer brain without beauty to beauty without brain.
I prefer green eyes since mine are brown.
I prefer reclining chair. I prefer going to school to going to work.
I prefer friends who dream to those who don’t.
I prefer the morning time to the evening time.
I prefer to feel the pain.
I prefer keeping in mind that everything happens for a reason.

Eve Yan said...

I prefer river.
I prefer horses.
I prefer the moon light above the river.
I prefer William Shakespeare to Pilkington Cambridge.
I prefer myself looking forward
to myself looking past.
I prefer keeping my old dairy, just in case.
I prefer the color of green.
I prefer not to argue
that some hurt caused to others can’t be undone.
I prefer lover.
I prefer to arrive late.
I prefer watching umbrellas flowing in the small street in a rainy day from my cozy bedroom window.
I prefer lap top computer.
I prefer the confession of human cruelty to the praise of human kindness.
I prefer, where love’s concerned, a cup of wine that should be drank slowly until the last drop.
I prefer friends who confront my weakness.
I prefer being appreciated than taking granted.
I prefer the rain tapping my windows.
I prefer country of freedom and opportunities.
I prefer having hope.
I prefer the hell of busyness to hell of boringness.
I prefer dream to reality.
I prefer eat to live than live to eat.
I prefer cat with willful freedom.
I prefer my nose, since it is shining like a pearl.
I prefer a room with view.
I prefer to heal the wounds to deny its existence.
I prefer spring than fall.
I prefer to love with regret than not loving at all.
I prefer not to say forever.
I prefer not to treat others the way I don’t want to be treated.

Ryan said...

I prefer water.
I prefer eagles.
I prefer zelkova trees along the silent lake.
I prefer KimJungIll to barack obama.
I prefer thinking of beautiful memories to listening to comfortable music.
I prefer keeping justice, just in case.
I prefer the colors black and white.
I prefer not to stop doing something when I’ve already started it.
I prefer unexpected twists.
I prefer to sleep with sweet dreams.
I prefer talking to my friends about our future.
I prefer my old memorable pictures.
I prefer the absurdity of the avarice to the absurdity of not to desire anything.
I prefer my best friend who makes a real smile on my face by reminiscing long ago memories and places.
I prefer parents who love their children more than themselves.
I prefer the ocean’s clean bottom floor.
I prefer the earth reflected by my eyes.
I prefer to say that sky is the limit.
I prefer having a strong mind.
I prefer a candle in the darkness.
I prefer the cultural differences between a country and another country.
I prefer retrospection without actuality than actuality without retrospection.
I prefer the daybreak sky with blue and purple colors.
I prefer soft skin since mine is rough.
I prefer standing in front of the mirror more than once a day.
I prefer the time going in the opposite direction.
I prefer to get as much experience as possible.
I prefer my old school uniform.
I prefer everyone's smile.
I prefer to keep going my way, despite the many obstacles.

Juliette said...

I prefer

I prefer movies.
I prefer birds.
I prefer the willows along the West Lake.
I prefer Jane Austen to Joanne Kathleen Rowling.
I prefer myself forgiving others
to myself hating others.
I prefer keeping my patience, just in case.
I prefer the color pale green.
I prefer not to insist on anything
that doesn’t matter.
I prefer surprises.
I prefer to ask for leave from work occasionally.
I prefer talking to my friends about our children.
I prefer the antique-like tea-house.
I prefer the absurdity of liking too many things
to the absurdity of liking nothing.
I prefer, where love’s concerned, insignificant memories
that can be recalled every day.
I prefer a new challenging life
that promises me nothing.
I prefer appropriate mercy to uncritical goodness.
I prefer the earth not being over exploited.
I prefer moderate to arrogant countries.
I prefer having some music CDs in my car.
I prefer the noise of stirring tempo to the noise of inanimate melody.
I prefer my son’s immature drawings to those artificial cartoon pictures.
I prefer flowers in a garden to flowers in a wrapping paper.
I prefer kids playing energetically.
I prefer healthy skin, since mine is irritable.
I prefer laptops.
I prefer the books on the loose beside my pillow
to those neatly piled up in stores.
I prefer the time of sunshine to the time of snow.
I prefer to walk on the beach.
I prefer not to remember anything unpleasant.
I prefer keeping in mind the karma existing everywhere.

-Juliette Piao (#49148)