Wednesday, May 28, 2008

List Poems

Put your list poems here before class meets on Friday. Write a minimum of 30 lines (two fewer than the teacher and student samples)


Brad said...


I prefer The Wire.
I prefer eccentric dogs.
I prefer the firs on Graham Lake.
I prefer Kerouac to Kesey.
I prefer myself working in a garden
to myself idling by the curb.
I prefer keeping my sanity, just in case.
I prefer the colour green.
I prefer not to argue
that I have any answers at all.
I prefer teachers.
I prefer to arrive on time.
I prefer talking to my doctor about our children.
I prefer high speed internet.
I prefer the absurdity of everything
to the absurdity of nothing.
I prefer to bring flowers for no reason.
I prefer students
who arrive with an open mind.
I prefer the earth, always.
I prefer Canada.
I prefer not knowing
what will happen and why.
I prefer The Globe and Mail to The Vancouver Sun.
I prefer tomatoes from my garden
to tomatoes in plastic boxes.
I prefer dogs with mischievous ways.
I prefer to see with both eyes.
I prefer the time of tree frogs
to the time of mosquitoes.
I prefer not to knock.
I prefer keeping in mind the
potential of each person in the world.

—Brad Hyde; first draft on Wednesday, May 28, 2008.

andrew said...

I Prefer

I prefer Sudoku.
I prefer racoon.
I prefer the Buddha in Richmond’s temple.
I prefer Mark Twain to Hemingway.
I prefer myself standing on solid ground than myself indulging in fantasy.
I prefer keeping my dignity and personal hygiene, by all means.
I prefer the color of silver.
I prefer not to admit that a gap will appear between my kids and me.
I prefer holding hands with my lover.
I prefer to be punctual.
I prefer my 5.0 mega pixels camera cell phone.
I prefer the absurdity of perceiving to the absurdity of perceiving nothing.
I prefer, where love’s concerned, each couple could be getting old together.
I prefer YaoMing, who can touch the sky without jumping.
I prefer making mistakes to never trying.
I prefer the earth covered by green grass.
I prefer smile to hostility.
I prefer having principles.
I prefer the society of order to the society of disorder.
I prefer news1130 radio station to the CNN.
I prefer I understand people to people understand me.
I prefer panda with kung-fu style.
I prefer shining eyes, since mine are prosaic.
I prefer ash tray in the car.
I prefer many opportunities that I haven’t perfectly seized to many opportunities I’ve left behind.
I prefer the time of saving to the time of wasting.
I prefer not to be asked “which China” I come from.
I prefer keeping in mind even the possibility that life has its final destination.

Gwyneth said...

I prefer theatre
I prefer cuttlefish
I prefer the willows along the graveyard
I prefer Lewis to Tolkien
I prefer myself enjoying peace
To myself destroying silence
I prefer keeping beeswax on me just in case
I prefer the colour gray
I prefer not to advise
That counsel leads to trouble
I prefer mercy
I prefer to have mobility
I prefer talking to my lawyer over breakfast
I prefer the stories of tradition
I prefer the shock of writing preference
To the shock of not writing preference
I prefer, where joy’s concerned, the memories
Of past times at the end of the day
I prefer the religious
Who promise me nothing
I prefer the wisdom of a serpent to the gentleness of a dove
I prefer the world as Terra Incognita
I prefer defining to defying civilizations
I prefer not telling
I prefer one path of mine to the many paths of others
I prefer the Rad Villain to the 6 o’clock news
I prefer snails in shells to shells without snails
I prefer poodles with their natural hair colour
I prefer eyes that resemble land since mine resemble the ocean
I prefer trunks
I prefer much more, much more goes without say
I prefer rhythmic patterns to rhythmic plans
I prefer absence of time to lacking time
I prefer to slap my knee
I prefer not to time and guess
I prefer to keep in mind that silence can become very silently

The line of path of mine to paths of others, when I wrote this I was ied with anther line:
"I prefer invisible love to love blinded"

The other line about the snails was also going to be:
"I prefer seamonsters in an ocean to seamonsters without an ocean"

Shawn said...

I prefer Books over T.V.
I prefer Dogs over cats
I prefer the city at night from the mountain
I prefer Competition to complacency
I prefer helping people to ignoring the situation
I prefer keeping a good book on hand, just in case
I prefer the vast array of colors in the spring
I prefer not to think that everyone still believes the government will take care of them in the future
I prefer accepting differences
I prefer to finish early
I prefer to ask doctors how much the pharmaceutical companies
pay them for prescribing me this medication
I prefer the ease of technology
I prefer the absurdity of reading books
to the absurdity of not reading books
I prefer to be different and stay with my wife for the rest of my life
I prefer governments promise us less and take less tax
I prefer real relationships over internet relationships
I prefer that earth be treated properly
I prefer a united country to a disconnected one
I prefer being transparent
I prefer working hard now to working hard later
I prefer cognac in a snifter to beer in a bottle
I prefer people be honest than people that appear honest
I prefer owners that don’t dress their dog up, they don’t like it anyways
I prefer what I was given because I am happy with myself
I prefer Houses
I prefer this to be simple so everyone understands
I prefer to dream big than not dream at all
I prefer to refuse to do nothing
I prefer not to play the lottery
I prefer not to waste all my time doing this
I prefer a good grade rather than a bad one
I prefer to know why Polish and polish are spelled the same but sound different
I prefer to know if penguins have knees
I prefer to know when a good time to stop is

Victoria said...

I prefer picnics.
I prefer horses.
I prefer narrow streets of Saint-Petersburg.
I prefer history over fiction.
I prefer myself having one good friend to endless number of acquaintances.
I prefer keeping tide-to-go on hand, just in case.
I prefer bright colours.
I prefer not to know the future.
I prefer spontaneity.
I prefer being on time.
I prefer to keep silence and hold hands.
I prefer bicycles.
I prefer bitter truth to sweet lie.
I prefer to love non-perfect man
with a perfect love.
I prefer humans who promise me nothing.
I prefer warm sweater and old shoes.
I prefer good deeds to good words.
I prefer have kids.
I prefer struggle of being in relationship to being alone.
I prefer cartoons to action movies.
I prefer animals without cages.
I prefer houses without fences.
I prefer curly hair, since mine is straight.
I prefer dawn to dusk.
I prefer literature to science.
I prefer many things I don’t know about and many things I forgot.
I prefer not to ask “Do you love me?” and “Why?”
I prefer believing that everything happens for a reason even when the reason doesn’t seem to exist.

CATALINA19 said...

I prefer books.
I prefer dogs.
I prefer flowers in the garden.
I prefer Erich Fromm to Sigmund Freud.
Iprefer myself liking real people
To myself loving fake society.
I prefer keeping a handkerchief, just in case.
I prefer the color white.
I prefer not to advise
that patience solves everything.
I prefer nights.
I prefer to look at the sunrise.
I prefer talking to my family about future.
I prefer love.
I prefer the absurdity of going against patterns
To the absurdity of following streams.
I prefer, where personal happiness’ concerned, real dreams
Which can be shaped everyday.
I prefer teachers
Who pretend to know nothing.
I prefer having a place to never belong.
I prefer to fall and stand up again.
I prefer poor countries to unhappy countries.
I prefer having God.
I prefer having a home to having a mansion.
I prefer desperate poems to love poems
I prefer one friend to worthless people around.
I prefer my real life, since it had hope.
I prefer my place.
I prefer keeping in mind even the possibility
That life can be changed by all of us.

Lola said...


I prefer comedy.
I prefer birds.
I prefer bamboo shadow on my window.
I prefer Austen to Shakespeare.
I prefer myself living present
to myself dreaming future.
I prefer keeping a pocket-book on hand, just in case.
I prefer the color blue.
I prefer not to see
that any disaster attacks anywhere in the world.
I prefer meditation.
I prefer to wake up naturally.
I prefer talking to doctors about optimistic messages.
I prefer Chinese-ink-paintings.
I prefer the absurdity of reading poems
to the absurdity of writing poems.
I prefer, where peace’s concerned, every country
that can be enjoy harmony every day.
I prefer medicos
who promise me nothing.
I prefer impulsive critics to sham gentlemen.
I prefer the soil in the forest.
I prefer cared to control.
I prefer having some defects.
I prefer the logical argument to the irrational conduct.
I prefer fiction to nonfiction.
I prefer yellow flowers with green leaves to green seeds with yellow leaves.
I prefer cat taking a nap on the couch.
I prefer blue eyes, since ocean has same color.
I prefer hot tea.
I prefer not to consider how older and how many.
I prefer keeping in mind
that be respected comes from respecting.

Sunny said...

I prefer oceans.
I prefer pandas.
I prefer the willows along the bank.
I prefer myself caring others
to myself neglecting others.
I prefer keeping a comic book, just in case.
I prefer the color blue.
I prefer not to say
that silence can solve the problem.
I prefer patience.
I prefer talking to my husband about anything.
I prefer to watch movies late at night.
I prefer democratic country.
I prefer, where love’s concerned, my closest friends who can celebrated every day.
I prefer ideologues
who promise me nothing.
I prefer the fact I see to that which I hear.
I prefer dream along my way.
I prefer yoga.
I prefer to travel around the world.
I prefer human beings are treated equally.
I prefer humorous to serious persons.
I prefer magazines to novels.
I prefer to play computer games with my son.
I prefer cats lying on the windowsill at noon.
I prefer blue eyes, since mine are brown.
I prefer a big house.
I prefer flower tea.
I prefer no smoking near me.
I prefer short poems than long poems.
I prefer my family living with the pleasure forever.
I prefer the calamities now in China finish as soon as possible.
I prefer keeping in mind
that paying more and getting more also.

Claudia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Claudia said...


I prefer Sex In The City.
I prefer monkeys.
I prefer the breeze on The Caribbean Ocean.
I prefer Gabriel Garcia Marquez to Jose Marti.
I prefer myself being authentic
to myself being egotistic.
I prefer keeping my flash drive to protect my data, just in case.
I prefer the colour lemon green.
I prefer not to demonstrate
I have been hurting by others.
I prefer modesty.
I prefer to take my time.
I prefer talking to my doctor about technology.
I prefer to play Rock Band, Xbox.
I prefer the absurdity to strive
to the absurdity of not to attempt.
I prefer, where impartiality’s concerned, nonspecific
race can be discriminated.
I prefer Geeks
who promise me to hack Vista.
I prefer to learn how to say no.
I prefer reading than writing
I prefer to be outside of Mexico
to see how can I help.
I prefer olive eyes since mine are black.
I prefer cold days to hot days.
I prefer to be adventurist.
I prefer to be active and be productive.
I prefer keeping an open mind and recognized
life being a game, so let’s go and try to play.

zara said...

I prefer ocean
I prefer birds
I prefer greens with flowers than flowers without green
I prefer to believe on God
I prefer to preserve momentous things
I prefer not telling anything Instead of telling lie
I prefer the color blue
I prefer not to argue
I prefer sitting alone than to listen nonsense
I prefer educated people
I prefer the absurdity of knowledge to the absurdity of ignorance
I prefer to be on time
I prefer the Province to the Globe and Mail
I prefer talk to my doctor about the reason of my problem
I prefer washing dishes than using dishwasher
I prefer to make others happy to make them sad
I prefer not to trust politician promises
I prefer people who accept others
Based on who they are not their looks
I prefer to keep people satisfied
I prefer to have all the facts before I decide
I prefer to knock
I prefer to help others instead of getting help
I prefer to listen
I prefer watching old movies to new ones
I prefer laughter
I prefer to accept the diversity and ups and downs of life
I prefer to accept the reality of life
Because it is here which exists the things I prefer.